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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11837879 No.11837879 [Reply] [Original]

Not gonna happen this week with Thanksgiving.

I think it's probably not gonna happen the last two weeks of December, those are common vacation months. You don't want to release code to production and immediately have your team go on holiday vacation.

Even the second week might be too close to the holidays for some places to feel comfortable releasing, depending on how paranoid they are. ChainLink team seems like they want to get everything exactly right, so I lean against a release I second week of December.

That leaves what? Next week and the first week of December? If not in that window, that I guess we won't see a 2018 mainnet.

Am I dumb or does this sound reasonable to anyone else?

>> No.11837902

It would be nice if they'd have something to show on their 2h panel at NYC Etherwum Meetup.

>> No.11837906

Or they could just wait until early 2019

>> No.11837912

Just fucking forget about your linkies and come back in after 2020.

Either nobody even talks about Smart Contracts by then or they actually are relevant. Who the fuck cares if link is $1 dollar by then and you have barely made few thousand bucks

>> No.11837927

Lol. Dyor.

1$ = 35,540k for me

>> No.11837983

>Even the second week might be too close to the holidays for some places to feel comfortable releasing, depending
That said, it's still a possibility that they do a second week release. I just think it's unlikely. But possible, so I'm not swinging my stack.

I guess third week is possible too but that's even more unlikely. Still not swinging at any point, though. Already have enough for life-changing money if link does what we think it will. No need to risk that for more.

>> No.11838109
File: 76 KB, 1216x625, young-serg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NYC Ethereum Meetup
I kekked a bit at this upload

>1$ = 35,540k for me
That is so ambiguous that I think you're doing it on purpose

>> No.11839008

this, 2 hours is a long time for sergey to do the same talk he normally gives in an hour or less. something new is coming that day, whether it's the main net or not is another question.

>> No.11839179

>I think it's probably not gonna happen the last two weeks of December, those are common vacation months. You don't want to release code to production and immediately have your team go on holiday vacation.

lmfao you realize people in the real world dont take vacations at the same times at normans, we prefer not to deal with a bunch of inbred retards on our off time

>> No.11839211

Being a shutin neet all year round isnt the same as a vacation.

>> No.11839265

we dont have schedules made for us months in advance and need confirmation from The Man to be able to take a vacation, lad. we're operating on two different frequencies. You lot should all try it out sometimes.

>> No.11839353

I've been saving pics like this along with the good memes and will probably end up like a crazy grandpa, showing my grandchildren these fucking retarded screenshots on my tv and either laughing or crying.

>> No.11839477
File: 93 KB, 1387x702, B0E84401-E642-4099-A948-08AC793B6DA7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will be laughing either way, because it was hell of a ride, fren! No matter the outcome, this journey was awesome!

>> No.11839659

I want to give her my stinky

>> No.11840660
File: 248 KB, 793x892, 1541948478877.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked fren. Checked.