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11837362 No.11837362 [Reply] [Original]

Alright, since we've all lost everything and are on the verge of suicide, let's seriously discuss some ways to make life enjoyable that don't require hundreds of thousands of dollars. I'll start with some suggestions:

>working out
>eating healthy
>learning to cook
>not being fat
>wearing clean clothes
>trying to get along with people at work
>mindfulness meditation
>drinking coffee in small amounts
>sleeping regularly
>quitting smoking/alcohol
>making friends (hard mode)
>finding a supportive girlfriend (impossible)
>getting a dog/cat

Any other suggestions? Anything that worked for you?

>> No.11837380

getting off /biz/

>> No.11837399

Stop watching porn.

>> No.11837400


>working out
True, personal experience.
>eating healthy
True, personal experience + you save a lot of money.
>learning to cook
Same as above.
>not being fat
True, personal experience. Lost about 20kg of weight and fat. Chicks now dig me again.
>wearing clean clothes
True, same as above.
>trying to get along with people at work
No it doesnt matter. Getting along should = manipulation to get more respect and a better position. Nobody cares about you if you leave the job or you die or whadeva. You are just a drone like your other drone "Friends".
>mindfulness meditation
Meh, meditation is a meme. Sure i sometimes think hours in bed about problems and how to solve them. Call it meditation then and then its true.
>drinking coffee in small amounts
Coffee is good if y want to lose fat. Loses the appetite for food and also speeds up metabolism. I also use caffeine pills from time to time post-workout.
>sleeping regularly
Depends. Im a low sleep person type. I dont feel exhausted or having weight problems. I usually sleep only 5h per day. Always have been such. Cant be arsed to stay in bed for hours while "Trying" to sleep.
>quitting smoking/alcohol
Yes YES YES YES. Used to be a smoker and vodka drinker. Now i drink wine and dont smoke. Best decision in my FUCKING LIFE.
>making friends (hard mode)
You only have 3 friends. If you have more you are spending too much time on this and not making it in life.
>finding a supportive girlfriend (impossible)
No, there is no such thing. Girlfriends want a daddy type boyfriend who takes care of them. This requires a lot of time, mental strength and money. Personal experience (and still going).
>getting a dog/cat
No. Too much time spent on an animal that doesnt produce anything of value.

Good points 8/10.

>> No.11837432

Biz has helped me become a better man and 3x improve my potential to be more successful. False. The truth is to filter out garbage posts and find anons who are sage.

True. If you have urges, go out and meet women. Trade that "Porn" for hooking up with girls. If you get urges why dont the females get? By the way it develops your social skills and how to approach women better. Used to fap 1-2 per day. Now i dont fap, i just use this mentality.

>> No.11837581

Honestly, getting up early, and I'm talking 5:30 early and doing a workout first thing in the morning is doing wonders to me. I don't feel like a piece of shit for the rest of the day.

>> No.11837832

read the classics and watch slice of life anime

>> No.11838051

>Alright, since we've all lost everything and are on the verge of suicide
Speak for yourself

>> No.11838065


>> No.11838084

Benis in bagina :DDDD

>> No.11838117

Schlerp schlerp schlerp kit kit kit kit clack clack clack clack whish whish

>> No.11838152

>getting a dog/cat
only if you keep them outside (eating mice, guarding house)
cat litter and food is expensive and indoor pets are a waste of time and money. Unless you need some child replacement.

>> No.11838173


I have a friend of a friend (female) who went all-in on this dog shit. She hasnt had a boyfriend for like 5 years now, went overweight and the only happiness she gets is from here dog (the dog is also now fat unironically). We have a saying where im from that if a female gets a dog then she will be an old woman in the end (loner) because she swaps relationships to a dog relationship.

The irony starts when the animal dies, life expectancy 10-12 years. She will put all of her assets to keep the animal alive bcs of muh relationship. She continues funneling assets into keeping alive an organism that is doomed to perish and when it ends eventually then she is left broke, lonely and aimless. Usually they end up being loners and continue the cycle of getting another replacement in their relationship because they give up a real relationship bcs of ease of use. Replace the dog and repeat the cycle.

>> No.11838229

i want to pucnh you so hard right now for saying word ''loner'', do you know some people have social anxiety and all kinds of shit thats keeping them away from forming relationships? you dumb dumb faggot

>> No.11838245

Smoking really heavy sativas and dancing to anime opening themes

>> No.11838278

>getting a dog/cat
Get a labrador, super chill, friendly and loyal dogs. There's a solid reason that labs are the most common dog they train as a therapy dog (as well as for disabled, autistic and bling people), they're ridiculously good companions.

>> No.11838298

Why go on the level of emotions (assaulting me) when we could have an intelligent discussion.

You think an animal at home is good. - Im happy for you!

I think an animal at home is a waste of time and money.

We can agree to disagree but no reason to get hostile jesus. Thats what im talking about. No social skills on an intelligent level. IF YOU DONT AGREE WITH ME THEN I ATTACK YOU. Fucking primitive ape. Go fuck your dog will y?

>> No.11838304

Creating something. It can be music or art or a book or screenplay or video or program or anything. In the end you enjoy what you have made and feel proud of yourself.

>> No.11838364

Torrent software and learn a skill
GO hiking!

>> No.11838385

Hahah... benis X---DDDDDDDDD

>> No.11838390

pets are financially bad for you and i dont support this idea. but cmon, some poeple just want to cope somehow because they have mental problems...not because theyre ''loners''

>> No.11838413

I agree with the coping. I just dont find that coping to be fulfilling for me. Im just not that type of a person. I feel for you anon if you have mental problems and i wish you best of luck. The only advice i can give (my 2 cents) and dont take this the wrong way is just change your mental thinking. Im going to assume something and dont rage on me again with the attack skills.

>I have social anxiety.
>I take pills.
>I see a therapist.

Now swap this to:

>Im well, i have no mental problems.
>Fuck anxiety. I am based. I can be whatever i want.
>I can fucking do what ever i want.
>Fuck the pills they are just keeping me restrained.
>Fuck the pills because im more than this shit.
>Pills are just a way to ease the path to death (unironically Dr.Freud).
>The therapist is living off of you. Think how wasteful it is.
>Talk to your family. Ask them for help. Help them keep you off the pills.
>Spend time with people who you have fun with.

I used to have a friend with depression and social anxiety. I totally talked him out of the whole idea and he is now a better person 2x times. He got a new job, 2x his salary, fixed his weight problems, got his relationship back on track and always thanks me whenever i see him. He is grateful i was the person who helped him out of this situation. You know you really dont need anything else just to change your fucking mindset. YOU ARE WELL and thats how you should think. If you think you have a mental problem then chances are its going to get worse and worse and the pills just aggrevate it.

>> No.11838418

Dogs are great, women are proven to be more attracted to guys who own a dog and people in general perceive dog owners as more responsible, more desirable to have as a friend and more approachable.

Cats on the other hand are shit and useless and are only for loners who just need companionship because they have no friends.

>> No.11838439

This is where i totally disagree with the argument.

Dogs are good but cats are bad. They are both home animals. Why do people think that cat owners are bad but dog owners are good? They are the same type of animal just other species. Also i dont date women who fucking choose me because i have an animal at home. You date someone because you like them, not because they are an animal owner. Also what the fuck "People in general perceive dog owners as more responsible". MEGAKEK the person i was describing above is broke as fuck, lives off debts, is fat, passive aggressive towards others other than the dog. This is complete coping and fallacy. Its a dream world you are living in. I can say the same thing:

1) I think that fit people are more responsible than fat people because fit people strive to be fit thus showing they have integrity and a sense of being fit all the time which shows they can achieve what ever they want. Fat people just sloth and dont care for themselves, then who says they care about anything else?

See how stupid that is right?

>> No.11838454

Stats from actual research data say that people in general perceive dog owners as more responsible than non-dog owners.
That wasn't my personal idea, it is statistical fact. That doesn't mean that every person will feel this way but the majority of people will.

>> No.11838469

Well then i wish good luck to people owning a dog and mating. Im not going to mate with said person who chooses her mate over an idea of "He is a dog owner, i like him" rather "He is the man of my dreams, i like him". But i dont disagree with you on the stats, they might be right afterall. Its just that i dont care about the stats.

>> No.11838676

>dynavap M vaporiser $50
>grass for your M $50
>dynavaps can make $50 worth of 420 last for 2-3 months
>420 can give you a new lease in life, fights depression and can give you new insights on old problems
>thank me later

>> No.11838784

nothing more sad to see a guy who basically just own some shit factory (pugs are prolly most used) and walk around in hope to get some fuck dates. I know it will work, but still...

Overall >>11838439 I aggree with anon
my point is: dogs/cat aren't a cheap thing to just enjoy. You can't just buy a pretrained dog at walmart. Maybe get a giant cockroach or some chicken. Or a outdoor cat, at least the can shit and eat by themselves.

>> No.11838788

>not seeing the inherent value in unconditional animal companionship
>not wanting to simply make another creature's limited time in this world as good as possible

Some people should not have pets and you sir faggot are one of those people, kys thanks!

>> No.11838797

just read his response

>> No.11839135

What are the advantages of a dynavap over other portable vaporizers? How does it compare to electronic cannabis vapes?

>> No.11839164
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I like your image anon, all very accurate

>> No.11839186

You’re a fucking retard. An extremely unintelligent retard.

>> No.11839246
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hookers, hiking, poetry, chess, redwine (1 glass), coffee bars, cardio, boardgames, less procrastinate, fruits/fish/vegi, above-avg-IQ debates, love yourself, love others despite disagreements (everyone has their own story) but most importantly; nurish and develop friendships and family.
And smoke weed with a friend occasionally.

Find the odd one out

>> No.11839293

Mommy depression is killing me. I am so lonely and have social anxiety which i made it up myself because its easier to cope my shitty life with blaming my brain for the cause. Mommy i need pills because Mr.Doctor invented them and said its good for my broken brain. Mommy i need money to buy food because i cant work because of my broken brain. Mommy i cant get a partner because my broken brain does not let me. I am miserable. Society please help me my broken brain is not working. Pay for my bills so i can fuck my dog and play anime games on my computer all day. What is the point of living? Mommy? Mommy? My broken brain aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

This is literally (You). This mental fucking bullshit delusion is made up by people who are lazy AF just to cope with society. Hehe even a relative of mine who is a psychiatrist (The one who treats your broken brain FYI) said that its so funny to see that Depression will soon be the most contagious sickness in the world. Literally you can blame everything for depression. I cant work - depression, i cant find love - depression, i cant feel happiness - depression, i drink alcohol - depression. Its just a fucking excuse because its impossible to identify this. Just drink shitloads of alcohol and make puppeyes and start whining like a little bitch you are.

Unironically it seems that women are usually those who advocate this bullshit. Hinthint when the feminazi movement started then these "Depression" things started as well. To this day im thinking maybe its just a woman made-up sickness to excuse themselves out of every problem in life.

"Insert Problem" - Depression.

This is your fucking problem you sloth.

>> No.11839829

>>finding a supportive girlfriend (impossible)
>No, there is no such thing. Girlfriends want a daddy type boyfriend who takes care of them. This requires a lot of time, mental strength and money. Personal experience (and still going).

Absolutely true. My gf/fiancee bailed this year after seeing me suffer under the bear market and break down pretty badly. Before that she was utterly obsessed with me, I was quite "abusive" and always cheating on her, big and loud chad (I am literally a chad irl), v good looking and confident, really kept her in her place strong as fuck. I knew that me losing my mind would be the end of that, and it was - within weeks.

Poor bitch, can't blame her at all. The notion of a gf to support YOU is total rubbish. Women can't support jack shit, they're weaker than we are on our very weakest days.

If you ever get sick and fucked up, mentally or otherwise, she'll be gone in a heartbeat. And it's a good job, too, or else it wouldn't be the strong/victorious men who get to breed, and this species would be in even more of a mess.

>> No.11840550

There's really no point in being civil or social with you unless one is using another for something. Civility is an illusion only times of prosperity create. I'd kill you and your whole family for a laugh if I knew I'd get away with it. But we must keep up appearances mustn't we? :)

>> No.11840643

You are such an insufferable, pedantic cunt. No wonder you're alone, faggot

>> No.11840746
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>No it doesnt matter. Getting along should = manipulation to get more respect and a better position. Nobody cares about you if you leave the job or you die or whadeva. You are just a drone like your other drone "Friends".

>> No.11840781

Journaling. It's not gay if you're a guy. That's bullshit. The wisest men in history kept journals... Emerson, Thoreau, etc. If you realize nobody is judging what you write, you will go much deeper and really get to know yourself

>> No.11840809

I want to git gud at COOKING. How do I do it /biz/? Do I go to /ck/? I have never been there

>> No.11841606
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>> No.11841685


>trying to get along with people at work
>mindfulness meditation
>drinking coffee in small amounts
>sleeping regularly

Holy shit. This is the most NPC post I've seen on 4chan in a long time (and that's saying a lot). This is straight out of plebbit. Absolutely disgusting. I audily said, "Oh wow," I'm shock on a train full of people when reading this post. KYS.

>> No.11841700

get an instant pot, and get a pressure cooker recipe book. done. so easy

>> No.11841832

NO U. This is solid advice. People who use diagnoses as a copt-out are weak. It doesn't matter if ur an autistic, etc. not. What matters is if you use this to cope or not. I know so many people who say, "I'm not this, I have that," then use it to make excuses for why they aren't functional. Same with drugs. I know tons of people who take drugs, pills and weed, to "help themselves," but the amount they take and impulsive extreme fluctuations in dose or very heavy consistent use (weed) really just makes things worse.

Of course, say anything against them and you're shaming their disability or attacking their way to "control it." It's all just an extension of a culture of weak incredibly self centered, self defeating, disempowered young adults, largely sheltered and spoiled ex suburbanites.

You are as strong or as weak as you think you are. The severity and impact of all problems are heavily impacted via mindset. The current culture of "damaged goods fixed by popping pills" is just a meme.

>> No.11841845
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imagine being this delusional

>> No.11841856

get a storz bickel portable unit you pleb

>> No.11841892

bump. great thread anons

>Jiu Jitsu
This has been foundational for me. 70-80 bucks a month. totally worth it to help bring out your inner chad.

>reading classics
Get out of your head and see how previous societies worked and lived.

Initial upfront cost of buying a tent/sleeping bag. But after that holy shit it's freedom. Most camping spots you don't pay- you probably have a lot of camping spots near you. You can go almost anywhere and camp. And take prepackaged food you learned to cook, or take it with you to make at camping. Also you meet other people from all walks of life. Being socially awkward is expected and not a big deal.

>sleeping schedule
helps establish order in chaos

>Reach out to old friends or family.
Shit may be awkward at first. but it can be rewarding.

>go to church
pay attention to the sermon or homily. You can get into interesting debates/conversations with the priest. They seem to welcome it.

>Follow the link crumbs/threads
Even if it never moons, it is comfy as fuck.

>> No.11841944

This pic hits way too close.

>> No.11841976

Lots of good points in here. Being healthy and trying to form healthy relationships is so key. One thing that's helped me is just trying to be a nicer and better person. I can be a bit of a bully I suppose to people at work and I've always gotten away with it because I'm really likeable and funny. So I never thought it was a problem, I thought it was in good fun. But I realized I never really cared about people, and it's true I don't want to hear bullshit and gossip or whatever, but since I've made an effort to be more chill to people and just be a good dude for them I've felt better about things. And you'll notice it's worth it, it comes back around to you in tons of ways. Also trying to think of yourself less and stop being such a selfish fuck is really helpful

>> No.11842067

I stopped doing this recently (2+ weeks ago) and I feel like it's actually benefiting me. Would recommend so far.

>> No.11842101

thank you for the positive post.

>working out

>making friends (hard mode)
dropped a group, so slowly I will try to replace

>finding a supportive girlfriend (impossible)
Oh Lord

>> No.11842693

imagine being so much of a loner faggot that you get mad at someone who isn't a loner faggot

>> No.11842718

>trying to get along with people at work
kek loser

>making friends (hard mode)
what are you 10?

>finding a supportive girlfriend (impossible)
just go to church and bee yourself

>getting a dog/cat
yeah I've heard it helps autistic kids

>> No.11842831

That image couldn’t be more me

>> No.11842883

except for the yellow fever part I hope

>> No.11843424

Great post. I used to be the kind of person you described, always looking for a magical solution that would solve all my problems. This went on for years. When I finally admitted that I was escaping reality this way and faced my issues had on, my life started to change. And guess what, it turned out that nothing was wrong with me mentally I was just a master procastinator and self manipulator.

>> No.11843751
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>working out
only if you don't pay for gym membership and do exercises that only require your own body
>eating healthy
just eat potatoes, rice, eggs and chicken
>learning to cook
using free resources online
>not being fat
easy to achieve
>wearing clean clothes
just wear clothes at home til they are rags, you only need 2 shirt at most for going outside
>trying to get along with people at work
but keep at distance, people are parasites
>mindfulness meditation
thats good and free
>drinking coffee in small amounts
waste of money, stop buying coffee shit
>sleeping regularly
sleep most of day to not waste resources
>quitting smoking/alcohol
true, these are big financial burdens
>making friends (hard mode)
keep at distance, people are parasites
>finding a supportive girlfriend (impossible)
just watch pirated porn and jerk off, its cheaper in the long run than supporting vagina parasite
>getting a dog/cat
waste of money

>> No.11843789
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I just realized life is literally pic related, it could be called "the hope bubble chart", life is filled with hope glimpses in between depression canyons, all the highs in life is about potential happiness but never actual happiness, and when shit hits the fan you go to your normal depressed self waiting for the next hope rally

>> No.11843820


Look, you do nofap, you do realize the effects of brain chemistry of fapping right?, chronic fapping makes you a depressed anxious bitch imagine feeling all those effects even if you don't fap because your brain is fundamentally broken, that's why some people need pills

>> No.11843825

imagine being jewed this hard

>> No.11843838

>1) I think that fit people are more responsible than fat people because fit people strive to be fit thus showing they have integrity and a sense of being fit all the time which shows they can achieve what ever they want. Fat people just sloth and dont care for themselves, then who says they care about anything else?

lmao neet fatty detected, disregarding anything you said rn

>> No.11843840

All of it requires a lot of time+money, except not being fat. You're being ridiculous.

>> No.11843855

I am an absolute wreck of a human being that is slowly trying to survive on its own, I moved out but lost my job and have enough saved up for about 2 more months.

Nofap is legit and works but another effect it had thats not talked about its dangerous for mental health. When you go into monk mode it disconects you from society completely and you cant identify with anyone anymore, and you start craving human contact but everyone is a pleb in comparison to you. ANd on the other hand, women will ruin your life

shit sucks

>> No.11843903







>> No.11844070
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imagine being poor like (you)

>> No.11844416

Ignore the other Anon, just try ck and lurk untill you are a master.

>> No.11844447

You seem like a really pathetic person

>> No.11844516

>Potatoes, rice, eggs and chicken.
That shit ain't healthy you need va ariety and more fruits.

>> No.11844564

As uncle Adolf said, everything is rooted in one's own will and one's own labor.

>> No.11844660

How'd that work out for him

>> No.11844706


he tried to hold and got liquidated

>> No.11844756

Well, if you ignore getting ZOGGED, he did pretty well. He was superhuman, in the same way the Caesar and Napoleon were.
His defeat means we have to live in this globohomo tyranny, on the brink of state enforced homosexuality.