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11834944 No.11834944 [Reply] [Original]

what if satoshi lost his pass and recovery key

>> No.11834963
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Satoshi was a couple people who wanted to remain anonymous, Bitcoins release was on the heels of e-gold being shut down by the feds so they knew whatever came next would be shut down too if it wasnt ran anonymously and p2p. Most likely one or more are dead.

>> No.11834970

and this is why crypto will never take off

>> No.11834983
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what if he didn't

>> No.11834987
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kek classic newfag mistake

>> No.11834995

Satoshi is dead

>> No.11835002
File: 11 KB, 217x225, BAEC09A6-0C97-48B9-883B-D902FF558673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is why in BSV he can claim “lost” coins

>> No.11835007

Satoshi was murdered by the CIA

>> No.11835015

Explain how

>> No.11835027

im buying bitcoin rn

>> No.11835037


>> No.11835066

If this is true, why did they hold onto so many coins to begin with?

>> No.11835071
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Wouldn't doubt it.

>> No.11835133



The real Satoshi

>> No.11835368
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thats not even the most insane thing hes done to get coin. have you read the lawsuit against him? link available on wikipedia. he faked contracts to swipe a dead mans wallet, and more or less offered hush money to someone who picked up on his act. i only read up on this guy recently, the level of fuckery he has perpetrated is astounding

>> No.11835402

Satoshi mined most of his coins to p2pk addresses instead of p2pkh, so they'll be cracked eventually. Probably 20-30 years.

>> No.11835444

>what is monero?

>> No.11835447

holy shit clever kek. the layers.

>> No.11835463
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It's all on a corrupted old hard drive. Some1 plz post the tweet thank you sirs

>> No.11835464

He was very close to Kleiman, this is confirmed by his brother and numero us other source. Faking signature with mere font is too amateur for CSW. He is playing 4d chess here. Benefit of the doubt.

>> No.11835531

i was halfway through a serious reply when i realized you were memeing. well done

>> No.11835633

Dead serious about our future.
They were good friends till the end.

>> No.11835672

He's got to be dead. There's no fucking way Satoshi would allow CSW to fuck everything up so much. CSW would have to know he's dead as well because he'd be way too chicken shit to claim to be Satoshi if he knew Satoshi would easily prove he's full of shit... One could only wish this would happen for endless amounts of lulz though.

>> No.11836510
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>> No.11836570

How can it be good for the bitcoin economy to have so many coins permanently lost? Imagine if, over 10 years of new gold being mined, 40% of it turned to ash for no reason.

>> No.11836730

read the whole lawsuit. good friends does not a "i bequeath my whole fortune unto you" make. craig has been caught faking documents in the past, he even admitted as much to the australian government. one of the supposed contracts even has a typo where he forgot to change the year back to 2009 and instead put the year he wrote it. another contract claims he performed services for dhs at certain rates, which the dhs denied after a foia

>> No.11836766

what if satoshi is china‘s intelligence agency or Kim Jong-Un?
Imagine people in fear because that one guy could dump all his dollars?
>muh decentralization meme
I hope you retards HODL to the ground.

>> No.11836779

would you rather him start dumping his stack on the market right now?

>> No.11836784

a worthless shitcoin without updates?

>> No.11836848

Quite the contrary actually, It was pretty obvious some shmuck would eventually come along claiming to be Satoshi, and, for their own personal gain, tear apart bitcoin et al. What will happen next as a result of this is also quite obvious, think of it like a serpent shedding its old skin.

>> No.11836869

What do you mean? Only one of his addresses has a public key concealed and that one has like 18 btc

>> No.11836880

>how can it be good for supply to decrease
Are you actually retarded

>> No.11837009

then your bitcoins are more valuable than you think

>> No.11837058
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>> No.11837073

Any citations for that info besides your grimy stinky asshole?

>> No.11837182
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