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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11832504 No.11832504 [Reply] [Original]

Who here shorting the market with no survivors? Feels comfy desu

>> No.11832517

Enjoy living with your blood money pig

>> No.11832583
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Found the december buyer. Top kek

>> No.11832584

I'm holding IPSX, ultra comfy right now.

>+11% in eth

>> No.11832610
File: 41 KB, 398x431, 1521370820817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice gains OP. Just don't get too greedy.

>> No.11832664

0.13 xbt? Wow it's a whole 500 dollars profit. I wipe my ass with more money than that

>> No.11832688

You're so cool man.

>> No.11832752

I'm sure you're rich anon. Tell me more about your Lambos and moon missions.

>> No.11832777

which platorm anon

>> No.11832817

What trading website is this?

>> No.11832825

you don't have the balls to short anything, you larping fag.
you'd shit your pants. post confirms or stfu

>> No.11832860

I know

Richer than you

>> No.11832880

answer anon, which is it

>> No.11832881


>> No.11832897


So how long did it take to earn that 0.13 xbt?

>> No.11832902

Sure anon. You're so rich you frequent a mongolian shrimp farming forum.

>> No.11832915

4-5 days.

>> No.11832970


nice. How much do you play with?

>> No.11832998

I put in .03xbt. Said "fuck it" and just 25x shorted after seeing the candle break through the support.

>> No.11834030

how the fuck is shorting even a thing with bitcoin? is it really that advanced? back in my day everything was a scam.. bitcoin doubling, hashing etc. i don't trust some rando to actually pay out on a short.. hell i don't even trust a rando to hold the currency for me. none of this shit is fdic insured or even enforced by the sec .. it's all fucking fugazi but not even fugazi because at least stock fugazi empowers you with an actual portion of a company. this is all just funny money with funny people