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11831493 No.11831493 [Reply] [Original]

>Invested 1500€ since February into crypto
>Now have a total of 600$ in some microcap shitcoins
>Wagecucked during this time and now have 5000€ to invest

Wat would you do? Help me develop a plan and stick to it. I still believe in new ath for btc and understand that it might take years

>> No.11831503

Put it all in Tether. The safest place known to man.

>> No.11831509

You want to /make it/?
Put it all into Effect.ai

>> No.11831517

3500 into Bitbean and 1500 into chainlink. Thank me later.

>> No.11831523

will do, safer than my bank account owned by kikes

>> No.11831530


wojak is aging like milk

>> No.11831584
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thanks for the shill, I look into all shitcoins.

But what if btc goes to 1000, they can still go down 90%. that's why we need a strategy on when or how much to invest

And of course link, I want to be in the good side of the singularity

>> No.11832165

I put 900$ into crypto in summer of last year . ETH was 120$, BTC was also quite cheap. Then I spent every single hour doing research into this fucking shit.

I was unmployed, my life was just trading, ICO, shitty mongolian exchanges etc.
I was literally a shitcoin warlord at that point.

I catched a couple of 10x and 20x, and by January my holdings were worth 400k.

I never cashed out, except one time when I tried cashing out 1k just to make sure the withdraws worked. I was greedy as fuck, was already browsing yatchs and shit.

I never cashed out. I repeat. I never cashed out.

I'm not a pussy to off myself but at this point you can imagine how I feel.

>> No.11832223

How much do you have now ?

>> No.11832313

Buy some US Cannabis companies when the stock market starts to recover next week.

>> No.11832315

I stopped looking at the numbers some time ago. I would say around 15k. Still more than I started, sure, but not a life changing amount compared to what could been

I made several mistakes in the last month, I was desesperate, and went from expert into buy high sell low pajeet tier. Anyway most ICOs from this year ended in shit and the sadness from all teh crashes made me spent more time wailing in my bed than trading or doing anything else

Crypto was all but a big lesson in greediness my /biz/ brothers. Many of us had the chance to live the dream, the few that resisted temptation were the winners

This was even probably just a simulation made by the elder gods to choose who can leave the matrix, godspeed anons

>> No.11832361

Do you have telegram or discord fagget? seem the kind of guy i'd love to hear some advises from

>> No.11832453

buy up BTC at 4.3k
go to karatbit.com
flip it for 6.9k
easy profit.

>> No.11832494

I have both, along with Wechat. Tango, Line, Slack and pratically every other messaging system used by ICO and tradcers.

I also had accounts in 37 different exchanges, and had a dealer that sold me documents scans + selfies of kazakistani farmers for me to use as KYC for ICOs

I no longer do that shit though, nor I want to speak about this anymore, this is my last day on /biz/ and crypto in general, I am cashing out as I'm typing this

The only advice I could tell you was buy high sell low. Anyway good luck my friend, I hope you have more sucess than me

>> No.11832522

Buy IPSX. Ultra low market cap token with big potential. Not going to explain why it's a good buy, DYOR.

>> No.11832532

Stay strong bro, crypto isn't going anywhere. But that's something to consider, if we go to 12k/btc there will be people like you cashing out from past experience.

>> No.11832680

you lost that chance, but at least you won the experience. Do you really think there won't be a second time?

The actual system is gonna collapse eventually, and it's in the plans of them probably. What's a better way to ''pull it'' and detonate the chaos than a bunch of millions of retards becoming rich with magic internet money.
It's time to hodl if not buying more

>> No.11832694
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>> No.11832698

day isn't over yet
No i'm kind of a joke, maybe the average /biz/tard even. I made 700 bucks out of small, 10$ (70 total) investments through 2017 and never cashed out until mid 2018 when I took back 220$. Facing this small success, I thought I could do better and maybe even make thousands into tens or hundreds of thousands.
So I worked my ass off this summer and managed to earn $3000 to invest. I couldn't wait to become a millionaire so I put a large portion ($2300) on various cryptos during early september. Then you know what happened this week. I lost 1100$ and cashed out the rest. Left with 1200$ I invested. Fucking disgusted of myself for being such a tard. Ironically, I spent the whole year lurking on biz and witnessing opportunities.

>> No.11832719

Set a dollar number and make weekly investments ($50-$75). Put the 5k in an ally SA so it builds more $$$.

If it goes down more you don’t feel bad because you didn’t invest it all. This isn’t going to snap back. This is going to take another year or two. Focus on high quality stuff you believe in and accumulate. Keep working because the real shit in the real world is coming. Get your house in order.

>> No.11832750
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I think its more likely we'll die by a nuke than make it in crypto, not because we can't but just go outside and look at the world, how it was and how it is now. ww3 is bound to happen soon, or a plague or smtn

>> No.11832782

Don't listen to this lying kike. Go all in on LINK and BTC 50:50 once the latter hits 3700.

>> No.11832833

Also it's not about talking crypto but reaching out to a /biz/ brother
it's god's call anon

>> No.11832948

actually periodical small investments is something I look forward to, with some bigger ones at psychological prices.
Wtf is ally SA tho? google provides shit
be prepared for the worst bro, but yeah 'll be buying some
they are in control, no need to nuke shit, npc's are not waking up so everything will be fine, i hope

>> No.11832951





>> No.11833478

>1 year long
do it, livestream your own death faggot

>> No.11833735

>Crypto was all but a big lesson in greediness my /biz/ brothers. Many of us had the chance to live the dream, the few that resisted temptation were the winners

Pretty much my feelings. But on a darker note, I'll add that greed leads to people fucking/destroying a lot of people (e.g. chinks, Roger Ver, etc.) and ultimately will lead to the downfall of humanity. That's what I also learned.

I'm becoming more and more a souless shell of a person.

>> No.11833829

Dont be a retard and either:

- Buy Constellation NOW
- Buy TRX futures in 2 weeks with leverage on Bitmex
- Buy ETH in 2 weeks when it is under 100 usd with leverage or min. 32 ETH for POS

>> No.11833943

Im gonna shill you some ColossusXT.

Its hit its marks, I2P layer soon, and a grid marketplace a bit later than that.

Undoubtedly, its a risk,but as you see all these shitcoins are risk. Only a literal retard who deserved abortion would ignore that for a shitcoin, COLX is pretty solid

>> No.11834031

did slightly better than me atleast, put in £1100 around march and now im at $250

>> No.11834233

Buy some SV

>> No.11835241

nigga bitcoins where a meme. Now even normies dumped, they won't fall twice for the same trick. It's ogre, go find another market, even stocks with some real use.

>> No.11835429

Fuck man. Literally me right now. Same hat, stubble, and cigarette hanging out of my mouth. FFS. I'm so fucking JUSTed in every imaginable way right now. My life is a dumpster fire, yet I keep on going /biz. I keep on going.

>> No.11835430

Why constellation now?

>> No.11835537

Suck 200,000 dicks.

>> No.11835739

wtf are you doing in low caps right now dude you're gonna lose everything

>> No.11835759

>- Buy Constellation NOW


No volume to buy even if you were stupid enough to
Team still hasnt answered FUD about Day Trading and its highly likely it happened after months of dodging those questions from their investors
Every single whale dumped this coin the minute they had a chance. All the smart money is officially out of DAG and nobody left but delusional shills
Token price is almost to zero, investors are down 99%. Its hitting the floor, no way to rebound
The team is going to get blasted by the SEC for doing an additional raise over their hardcap, no way they wont be punished
Financially they are almost flat broke. They never sold their ETH from the initial raise and lost 85% of their funding holding ETH like brainlets.

This is quite possibly the worst buy in crypto at the moment. Wow down 99%, just a good buy LOL. So much going against them, and on top of that not a single person on their core team has any business or crypto experience and they constantly make obvious mistakes in all aspects of their business.

You must be one of the few remaining bag-holders. As everyone has been saying for months, you're investment was lost the minute you bought Constellation

>> No.11835882

is btc gonna make me rich? maybe if I hit the right x100

>> No.11835896


This mindset keeps you poor, the irony is real.

>> No.11835899

best wojack for me too

>> No.11835955

>set a buy order for ETH at $95
>proceed to short

>> No.11835958

so should I go all in on ripple? what do u buy?

>> No.11836029


Slow down and see the bigger picture, keep your circle (portfolio) small, gambling mentality will make you some change if you're lucky, an investing mentality will set you up for life.

Trust me majority get chewed up and spit out because they have the time span of a fish.

>> No.11836122

sorry for brainletry, what's an investing mentality?

>> No.11836215
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