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11830902 No.11830902 [Reply] [Original]

Who is the most JUSTed person on this board right now?

>> No.11830912


>> No.11830942
File: 112 KB, 1280x720, 1513391730281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DeepBrainAnon if he is still around.

If he held, I'm assuming he is 97% down from his MM ATH.

>> No.11830947
File: 9 KB, 225x224, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My co-workers gave me a total of $100,000 dollars to invest

I have literally done everything you shouldn't when it comes to day trading.

>mfw im planning to quit because i have only a quarter of what they gave me

>> No.11830959

Kek, sounds like you ran accidentally ran a ponzi on your coworkers.

Enjoy jail.

>> No.11830962
File: 14 KB, 262x263, 1538032803847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

low liq so he cant even sell

>> No.11830970

Holy shit I hope this is a larp

>> No.11830975

It is highly illegal to run a hedge fund without the proper regulations. Careful anon, this is bad.

>> No.11831021

Have fun in jail scumbag

Or just wait it out to the total collapse and get away with it

>> No.11831036

That would be me. I had 195k links last december. Bought the absolute bottom after sibos (?).
>Exchange links for eth,
>starts to gamble (like actual gambling, not daytrading).
>I get siphoned into a black hole of gambling and drinking degeneracy for 2 months.
> I stop myself before I lose it all
>75k links
>try day trading
>30k links in june 2018
>lose my job in july 2018
>have to sold half my links to move back to my grandmom's house
>12.5 links right now

>> No.11831071

If you promised guaranteed returns they can sue you.

>> No.11831099
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>> No.11831115

We need to hear more backstory. This deserves a screencap for eternal preservation in the Hall of JUST.

>> No.11831124

whoever decided to buy Stratis

>> No.11831138

I didn't want to, but they pushed me becuase i was the only one that knew how to buy crypto. Most of these people are boomers with little to no computer skills.

>> No.11831147
File: 170 KB, 555x737, cascascsacsa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every three years this seems to happen

>> No.11831183

I didn't, but i did introduce them to Crypto. I just wanted to make small talk, then they got hyped and drunk with greed.

>> No.11831195


Holy shit.

>> No.11831196
File: 52 KB, 657x527, 1526370177731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$5.7 million market cap
>Still on Huobi and Kucoin
I'm actually really tempted to buy some of this right now. If crypto comes back, this shit will pump HARD.

>> No.11831235
File: 211 KB, 1920x1080, 1526700636171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got in at the top and kept buying and holding all the way down
i buy coins that were going to get listed on big exchanges but still hold onto them after they listed and the price dumped
im currently mining shitcoins at a loss hoping itll be worth something

>> No.11831237
File: 6 KB, 169x250, 1537962515678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're fucked.

You could have just sent them referral links to Coinbase and Binance, but instead you went full retard and ran an accidental ponzi and unregistered fund. The gov doesn't care whether you lost the funds with bad trades or stole it, you're fucked either way. Also, if there's one thing boomers know more about than computers it's how to sue people.

I'd try to CYA immediately if this is true. Get them on tape retroactively confirming your 'help' if you live in a one-party state.

>> No.11831254

this looks familiar, isn't this that guy who tried to short a pharma that shrekreli was involved with.

>> No.11831272

that's the one

>> No.11831273

sounds like a weak LARP. i would believe friends & family but not coworkers pooling $100K into one autist's shitcoin trading.

>> No.11831277

>up 20k in 24 hours

Sorry OP

>> No.11831299

Im already feeling disgusting with myself and know y'all telling me i can go to prison.

God i feel like vomiting right now

>> No.11831372

This is why I fear shorting.
Theoretically, if you long you can earn infinite money, but only risk losing what you put in. With shorting it's the opposite, the most you can gain is double your money and the worst is you're in incredible debt.

>> No.11831394
File: 243 KB, 852x667, 1530969908282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't feel bad for you now.

>> No.11831396

Small-scale mining in 2018, you can't make this shit up.

>> No.11831426

naw you're probably good, I'm pretty sure what you did falls under the realm of an investment club, not a hedge fund or illegally giving investment advice.


If you advised any of them to sell any holdings or assets to get capital to invest in bitcoin, that is investment advice and is illegal if you aren't a registered investment advisor.

>> No.11831469
File: 833 KB, 980x732, 1542331922273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How could any of you be JUSTED right now?

You did have solid trading plan with an appropriate risk reward ratio and a method of getting out right?

You didn't throw your money at some shitcoin hoping to profit on hopes and dreams, right?

>> No.11831484

In naked short selling yes there is an unlimited risk of loss, but you can short shares in less risky ways (ex. if you already own the shares or buy long call options)
The guy deserved what happened, he shorted 8,000 shares of a $2 micro cap biotech stock with no protection if it went up significantly

>> No.11831491

This reply hit me too genuinely in the feels to think it's a LARP.

Godspeed, I hope this turns out alright for you. If they don't get too upset I think you can make it out intact. Just pray for the next pump and GTFO immediately when you have enough to repay them. Also I hope this is the case >>11831426

>> No.11831495

wtf is wrong with "y'all" and "folks"? You wanna say "hey guys" like every single mouth breathing zoomer on youtube?
>inb4 say "hey faggots"

>> No.11831527

>sup mah dudes

>> No.11831554

wish you the best anon

>> No.11831758

>sounds like a weak LARP. i would believe friends & family but not coworkers pooling $100K into one autist's shitcoin trading.
I don't think it's a larp, I had a rich acquaintance offer to give me $1M to invest in crypto in December.
I'm not a brainlet though so I refused

>> No.11831828

I took a 10k loan and bought between 9 and 7k. Lost some money on BCH recently too. Currently have about 0.7btc worth approx 3k. Feels pretty bad desu. Thankfully I make 100k/year so I should be alright even if it goes to 0.

>> No.11831861

35 years old single father, make $45k a year. No college. Just started frequenting /biz/ this month. Trying to absorb all the info I can so I don't rush into a scam. I want to give my son a good Christmas next year.

>> No.11831880


>> No.11831885
File: 394 KB, 750x1334, Req.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>losing money on fake coins


>> No.11831902

>posting brag screenshot that owns fucking REQ

>> No.11831905

>Thankfully I make 100k/year
>took a 10k loan

Get your LARP together bro

>> No.11831909

>owned* req

anyone still in crypto is a fucking retard fomo faggot

>> No.11831916

based and redpilled

>> No.11831921

Invested $10,000 at $3k/btc. When it breached $10k/btc I decided moon ($100k+) was imminent. Didn't have any money so I emptied my entire 401k of over $200,000 and went all in between $10k/btc and $20k/btc.

RIP retirement if bitcoin dies but i'm not selling shit.

>> No.11831923

Definitely not one of the worst but I'm still pretty fucking JUSTd.

300k ath
27k now

Haven't cashed out a single cent due to greed and I'm almost 25k in debt because I started taking loans and maxing out credit cards instead of cashing out any of my crypto.

Looking back at it I'm pretty fucking stupid. The most amount of money I've made in a year has been like $13K and $300k would have been life changing.

I'm still holding like a retard and have lost an additional $10K in the last week.

>> No.11832153
