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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11830704 No.11830704 [Reply] [Original]

20k Stocks
5k crypto after the JUSTening
4k in home equity

20k cc debt
15k personal loans
40k student loans (deferment expired, will have to make payments soon)

Cash flows
$200.00 meager monthly income from shitty drop shipping biz
$1,700 in minimum monthly expenses for food and shelter, cc payments

Bleeding at -$1,500 per month

Live in the middle on nowhere, there are no jobs. Can't afford to move. Plan was to use trading income to pay back debt (was doing very well for 3 months in a row shorting. But went long and got absolutely wrecked by not paying attention)

What would you do in this situation? inb4 suck some cocks. No one even has money to pay for this even if I wanted to.

>> No.11830786

Liquidate everything and put it into Tether. Surely Tether is safe, even tho they havent been audited.

>> No.11830997

How does a man even end up like this?

>> No.11831011

Sell the stocks, buy the crypto dip

>> No.11831038

damn son you got some problems

>> No.11831053

I would start by listening to dave ramsey unironically

>> No.11831074

>sell everything, put it in crypto
>get an english teaching job in another country
>stop paying bills
>return 7 years later

>> No.11831125


I would unironically do this if I had no family or friends.

They will go after my family. I don't wan't them bothered by credit agencies and loan sharks.

>> No.11831135
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Here you go

>> No.11831187
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Not suicidal fren but thanks

But maybe I can get a job on the suicide prevention hotline? Or are they all volunteers?

>> No.11831219

Listen to Dave Ramsey anon, you're on the path to failure.

>> No.11831238

I said it earlier, but I will reiterate it again, watch Daves Ramsey and disregard everyone else in this thread but me and this anon.

>> No.11831429


I'm aware of Dave Ramsey. I'm literally 'that guy' who is in over his head. Thought I was smarter than that, guess not...

Need short term tactics, not goals. Dave is useless to me right now.

>> No.11831639

Buy a decent used car, find a job that takes an hour and a half or less to drive. Or just move, you can't afford to not have a job.

>> No.11831645
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If you gnome you gnome

>> No.11831671


>> No.11831784

Yeah it's looking like that

fuck I'm an idiot

>> No.11831827
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Young man, it's time for you to Be All That You Can Be™

>> No.11831842

This desu.

>> No.11831845

20k cc debt?


>> No.11831855

>They will go after my family.
Thats illegal. They can ask to never be contacted again if they receive a call.

>> No.11831965
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Hey I can easily pay back with 0% interest...

>> No.11831976
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>> No.11831994
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Oh no no no nooooo

>> No.11832006
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Get a job.

>> No.11832024
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>2k in the bank
>$10k in crypto thats now $4k
>$1k 401k
>$1k silver

whats my next move?

>> No.11832067

Yeah they won't go after anyone around you.

>> No.11832085
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I'm doubling down on silver and boomer stocks. But given the rest of this thread, you probably shouldn't take advice from me.

I'm still confident in my positions, long-term, it's just that I don't have the cash flow to sustain them.

>> No.11832113

Why the fuck are you in stocks with credit card debt. Can stock get better than 20%?

>> No.11832160

No those positions I've had for a long time.

Debt is from living expenses and inventory for said resale biz. And also for crypto mining hardware.

>> No.11832190
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1. Dump your shitcoins before you lose the rest you college memer
2. Move to the middle of somewhere so you can get a job, preferably with your degree, but let's not kid ourselves here
3. Reduce your expenses
4. Succ

Of course in reality you aren't going to do any of this, you're just going to sit around and accumulate more debt and look for more easy ways out, because that's all that 90%+ of our generation is capable of

>> No.11832301
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I refuse to sell my shitcoins at this point.

Yup, you're right. I'm a degenerate gambler at heart. Let's see if I can dig myself out of this mess. This time I will not be using a "mental" stop loss. But a real stop loss.

My trade cycle is this:
1. make good, carefully planned, modest trades.
2. get cocky and over-extend
3. learn lesson and become a better trader,
4. slowly make back losses
5. hopefully stop repeating this process

>> No.11832481
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Maybe you just aren't smart enough to trade, and I don't mean that to be insulting at all. I am telling you this because someone with higher intelligence would know better than to try to teach themselves how to trade during what in the best case scenario is a bloodbath bear market and in the worst is a burst bubble and the end of crypto. If you want to teach yourself how to trade, wait for another bull run, if there ever is another in crypto. At least if it's a bull run, you can just wait a few weeks to recoup your losses instead of continuing to catch falling knives and fuck yourself over some more. The fact that you are not only trading in a terrible bear market, but doing so with leverage... suggests to me that you are not intelligent enough for this job. And it's not something you need to be ashamed of either, most people just aren't intelligent enough for it. If they were, everyone would get rich trading options.

Otherwise, purdy up them gums with Kool-Aid and get ready for succ, lmao.

>> No.11832511

>4k in home equity

How is that even possible?

>> No.11832819


I would agree with you but I was literally a few days from closing out all my positions before the big bear.

I expected it, I literally marked on my calendar to exit all crypto positions by the end of the month... I just didn't think it would start mid November.

That paired with no stop loss and being afk for a while. That's why I think it's negligence and not an iq thing.

>> No.11832965

your stack is way too tiny to make it. get a job or get liquidated by living expenses

>> No.11833158
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I think this is the chart you need to study, fren.