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1182811 No.1182811 [Reply] [Original]

Am I wrong or is almost every single white collar job, from investment banker, to civil servant, to management consultant, to HR, to accountant, capable of being done by any medium IQ or above person? And anyone could learn on the job easily?

>> No.1182826

Yes, I think you're wrong

>> No.1182829

Welcome to the debt trap anon

99% of non tech/medical jobs could be done with less than a year of on the job training.

But you still need to go to university and spend an average of $34k and then work for basically free at an internship for 5 years to get that same job.

Now you need a degree just to prove that you are a good goy to these businesses.

>> No.1182855

Depends what you consider a medium IQ. There are a lot of really stupid people out there. I figure an average IQ ought to be about 115 but in practice it's probably closer to 75. Somebody that dumb can hardly be expected to bag groceries correctly, let alone handle money or forms.

>> No.1182864

>average IQ
It's literally 100. That's the whole fucking deal about IQ.

>> No.1182878

I don't know. Medium IQ implies the average person, and the average person is retarded as fuck and not dependable enough to show up sober every weekday of the year at 8:00 A.M. I'd say slightly above medium, not much, maybe top 35%. But yes you're on the right track.

If this is supposed to be a college is worthless thread, you're going about it wrong because college pretty much just exists to prove the above statement, that you are a slightly above average person that can be depended on to show up to work every day and do their job. Not to actually train you for a job outside of a few very specific fields like nursing and maybe engineering I don't know enough about it.

>> No.1182897

This isn't a college is worthless thread, it's just to see if others also think the same as I do.

As an engineering graduate, it is plain to me as well that many engineering graduate only jobs could be done by physics, maths, and chemistry graduates as well

>> No.1183049

So it's a moving goalpost. The dumber the average person gets, the less 100 IQ actually means. That's why I say it depends on what you consider medium.

>> No.1183054
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>> No.1183350

It sounded to me like OP was comparing it to the general population, where 100 IQ should always be taken as average. Although now that you mention it, I don't really understand how the IQ test is calculated. Is it just compared to everyone else's results? Meaning if everyone except for you became a little bit dumber and then retook the test, your IQ would increase despite the fact you aren't actually any smarter?

>> No.1183643

Oh noes, a tranny that can't pass is insulting me, what ever shall I do.

>> No.1184396
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You're one of the dumb ones

>> No.1184580

IQ scores are entirely based on how you compare to everyone else. 100 is the tippy top of the bell curve and everything to the right of that is above average while everything to the left of 100 is below average.

>> No.1184582

Dude what are you even saying