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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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11826742 No.11826742 [Reply] [Original]

Anon, listen to me before you actually lose everything. The crypto first wave is over. It has been for almost a year. We learned a few things in this first wave: big cryptocurrencies are not scalable enough with regards to transations per second (fees exploding and several hours delays in BTC and ETH chains during the golden bull run of December 2016), cryptocurrency space is too hard to understand for normies and it is better to hide the interaction with the blockchain under the hood (e.g Kik).

The first wave is dying under our eyes because most of it is absolutely useless. The only cryptos that have an actual usage are the privacy coins to transfer dirty money (which does not apply to most of us), and the very fast and very scalable cryptos that could be used as an online currency. I am talking about Nano and the likes, nothing about BTC, BCH, LTC, or ETH is fast, and nothing about them is scalable, they simply break under stress with multi-hour delays and fees in the dollars for a simple transfer of coins or tokens.

This also spells the doom of ETH. Remember the Cryptokitties time, where a single Dapp was clogging the entire ETH blockchain for days because of token transfers? Having decentralized applications is a good idea, but compley Dapps simply cannot run on the Ethereum chain because of the delays and clogging that happens. Look into prunable blockchains with child chains (e.g Ardor), as those can actually run complex dapps.

The second wave will come soon enough, with cryptos that are built because of a need in an actual real world use, and not the other way around. You'll know it has come when you see headlines like "We created crypto XXX to fit the need for decentralization in our app/research/protocol", until then I have only one advice for you: Take your crypto to kraken/bitmex/gdax or anywhere that allows you to short, sell, and short with as much leverage as you can because we're not heading back up for a long time.

>> No.11826762

If you think dagshits will live and btc will die then you have learned nothing in all the time you wasted in this space

>> No.11826796

whaddya talkin about? why WOULDNT bitcoin die?

>> No.11826813

BAT is currently valued at $30 per Brave user, and userbase growing steadily, and it's main feature is launching before end of year alongside a mass marketing campaign to get normies using it. The inbrowser ETH wallet with metamask is what will bring the 2nd wave you speak of, as it will increase the accesibility of dapps. There is no way Im selling now.

>> No.11826842

SV is scaleable

>> No.11826857

I don't think dags and other cryptos that could act as "online money" actually have a future because I don't think there actually is a need for such a thing, we can just use our credit cards / paypal directly instead of having to set up a wallet, buy some crypto then send the crypto. This process is just not normie-friendly (or anyone-friendly actually) enough.

>> No.11826864
File: 28 KB, 229x221, 42A4BC86-EA8F-4281-A05C-14EC428BF87C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh browser plugin token

>> No.11827643

>first wave
Opinion immediately disregarded. Kys newfag.

>> No.11827663

Why would I use brave when internet explorer has worked for me for decades?