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11826544 No.11826544 [Reply] [Original]

Drunk anon here, my life sucks and I have 0.5 BTC. Ask me anything.

>> No.11826633
File: 214 KB, 345x336, 1521878580177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are you drinking?

>> No.11826646

Are you part of the uncircumcised master race?

>> No.11826649

i'm an alcoholic with .1 btc. and zero qualifications. plus i'm 40.

>> No.11826656


Why haven't you thrown it all into XRP?

>> No.11826657

>do nothing but chug beer and smoke weed for years waiting for his magic meme coins to "make him rich"

I wonder why your life sucks kek

>> No.11826735
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Image related.

In 26, hang in there anon.

>> No.11826794

Liquor tastes so much better when your life sucks

>> No.11826809

I agree.

>> No.11826815

that stuff will fuck you deep and hard if you overdo it. i haven't been drunk for 9 months 20 days. i've spent like 10 grand on weed, but nevermind, 100% worth it to get off the bottled hobo.

>> No.11826825

how long until you drink up the last of your crypto? for me i have about a month before i have to sell.

>> No.11826884

I know, that's why I don't drink this stuff too often. Weed is nice, but more expensive and I can't afford it and I don't have a dealer.

I'm still ok, didn't touch my crypto. I want to get to 1 Bitcoin no matter what.

>> No.11826931
File: 82 KB, 1040x780, WhatsApp Image 2018-10-19 at 23.32.44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was alcoholic, I'm doing treatment and taking medication.

Please, listen to me anons: stop with that, search for help, you are brilliant guys that can do great things in life.

From a 3 world guy who had his account frozen when he tried to cashout.

>> No.11826955

What's wrong with being an alcoholic tho?
It helps you leave this shitfest planet quicker and makes the waiting time more endurable.

>> No.11826966

not the quest way but probably one of the more painful ones. pretty dumb

>> No.11826976

destroyed family, destroyed career, long gone friends, anxiety, pain, psychosis, hospitals, jail cells, endless embarrassment, suicide attempts, neurological kindling, delirium tremens and one of the most torturous deaths imaginable.

>> No.11826985

If you leave this planet fast the heavy bags you could had hold will be on the back of the next ones, that means you just helped to degenerate more and more this cursed world.
God loves you, God didnt created money, this system is designed by Satan aka Demiurge that induce people to soul slavery pretending he doesnt exist.
Jesus died for your salvation, anon, believe on that. You can make that world a better place if you take care of your temple (your body), unless you wanna side with Satan and fuck things more.

>> No.11826987

>that stuff will fuck you deep and hard if you overdo it.
Hi I’m a functional alcoholic that struggles to go 3 days without getting hammered. Can you elaborate on the deep and hard fucking to motivate me please

>> No.11826988

dont worry anon, i lost my last 100 today shorting / longing

>> No.11827000

yeah i was drunk for 24 years, and i've never been sober. since smoking weed instead of drinking that filth though, literally every single god damn thing in my life has improved immeasurably. if i can manage sobriety it'll probably improve further, but holy shit what a difference. alcohol is absolute poison.
see: >>11826976

>> No.11827008

you need to google that. that way you will see some really disturbing, demotivating images, not jsut text

>> No.11827010

Alcohol reduces your testosterone on the long run, not just that but it will damage your whole body in a way its more probable you have some fucking disease by 50 then if you didnt, the alcohol producers make the process fasters to maximize profit and that results in a alcoholic substance that will give you some problems soon or later.

There is no motivation unless you consider make the ones that love you to suffer as something good.

>> No.11827020

nothing will motivate you unless you start listening to that inner voice that you hear every morning, but start to distract from. i know you feel it, you know you feel it. be patient with your self and start getting into a dialogue with that voice / feeling.

all the best!

>> No.11827041

This. The amount of cringe I have from years of being a degenerate drunk fuck will never leave my mind, but is a good reminder that I never wanna go back there. Plus, alcohol gets really expensive.

>> No.11827061

>you are brilliant guys that can do great things in life.
Anon, I know about Bitcoin since /b/ was shilling it, i regret that. All I wanted was to have enough money so I can travel. I don't want kids or a family becouse I come from a low IQ family and I want to put an end to this family name.

>> No.11827071

>destroyed family
>destroyed career
already present without alcohol
alcohol solves it
who cares
who can afford it anyway
>jail cells
free accomodation, nice
impossible when you dont give a shit about what others think
>suicide attempts
so, same as before alcohol
>one of the most torturous deaths imaginable
how do you know? have you tried dying this way?

>> No.11827107
File: 74 KB, 585x1040, WhatsApp Image 2018-10-20 at 00.36.52(5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look, I have get drunk in a way that I had alcoholic coma more than 3 times, I didnt had comedown so I used to drink until in the next day my memory didnt existed. I had several bone and organs trauma because I used to fight and people saw me drunk and tried to rob me out, I already did a lot of crazy things and I'm lucky to not be dead. I already jumped of a car because I thought if I jumped the speed wont affect me, even nowadays I doesnt know how I didnt died that time.

I used to make everyone suffer without realize it, thought nobody seen I was drunk and I was outsmarting everyone, the people that drinked with me are dead or with several problems.

I even did some real shit because I was so drunk I forgot reality.

This isn't cool.
Why you wanna end it?
Look, I had to fucking kill a lion everyday, nobody give me things for free. I lost my online job, frozen account, I'm with problems to learn somethings of the graduations and I want to proceed.
You can make it, anon.

Look this dogo, I saved her life, it was a change that I choose to do.

This is not a competition of the most fucked anon, if it was I would win so I can assure you there is a possibility of change and you can choose that.

>> No.11827179
File: 510 KB, 650x4228, alck withdrawal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're surely well aware that this trivialisation of a well known horror, and the implication that you're above it all and can shrug it off - even when say, winston churchill, cleopatra and alexander the great couldn't, makes you look painfully naive and at best, a little bit drunk, yes?
this is a bit more raw than your average documentary on alcoholism, but not much more.
this hits closer to the mark.
but in truth neither will give you the faintest inclination as to what it's like to be in a hospital bed, delirious and hallucinating, screaming uncontrollably at the top of your lungs - to then be so afraid that you run, leaving your wallet, shoes, keys and clothes, and to steal alcohol just to get to a place in which you're not convinced your death is literally imminent. nor will you then walk 14 miles home to a rotting home filled with broken bottles, vomit, blood and urine, and live in that state for a further 2 years, before waking in hospital after a suicide attempt.
but you'll get there. over ninety percent of alcoholics die in drunken agony, all of whom will have attempted to escape this utter torture. the only reason i won't is that i spend every penny on weed.

>> No.11827248
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Anon, I'm from image related, I can't get weed becouse I don't have any friends. The only "consolation" I'm getting are from Tinder girls I date every few months. I'm an "idea guy", I made a lot of people a lot of money, I'm really good at "brainstorming" when I'm given some variables (test me, you'll be amazed). I've experienced life with 10k$ / mo and with 500$ / mo. I wish I could have a long term girlfriend, but, being burned with a hot knife by your father because you used a 10$ bill you found under a pillow really fucked me up. I don't know if you understand any of this gibberish, but, I'm smart, I got 153 on a mensa IQ test, grades most people dream on achieving so they can join Mensa. I did joined them, and they don't think long term. I graduate only high school becouse what they teached me in "programming" was Excel and I was making a fool of every teacher I had at that time. So, I dropped out or school. Girls are not attracted becouse when I'm starting to talk It gets over their IQ to even comprehend what I'm saying. So, here I am, some dude with BPD and MPD, adjusting my personality so I can be "likable" to the new gen.

I hope you can see through the lines and get me.

>> No.11827264
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here's is the "image related"...

>> No.11827316

Thanks fellers. I’m to the point where I feel really awkward when I try to socialize unless I’ve got a decent buzz going so I seem like an autistic neet unless I’m drinking.
Fuckin sucks.

>> No.11827380
File: 62 KB, 584x1040, WhatsApp Image 2018-10-20 at 00.36.52(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro, I was already diagnosed as genius tier,I'm obcessive compulsive, we aint competing for looking for the most fucked anon, but let me try pointing you out some things I had learned.
I can help you to get weed, I dont care about it, weed will harm you less than alcohol at the end. You need to clean yourself, I know its hard because the knife went hard on us and the scar is fucking big, but we can manage to change it.
I learned english by myself, I'm probably the only favela guy you will ever get in touch that is able to understand you, my childhood are all dead, my best friend were killed on my front because of R$20 reais, I carry his dreams with me and that is the reason I dont went to the criminal and usual life for any favela guy born like me.
You need to clean yourself, its sad your father was toxic and harmed you, nobody should go through that. That is the reason I CHOOSE to stand up for my little brother, we dont have father, our mother is now old and cant get anything besides a cleaner job. There was a drug dealer on the side of my old home, I used to sell crackheads and some of them were already giving nasty looks to my young brother to use him as a drug deliver.

I am offering you help, I can guide you out, give you material, chat with you over telegram and I wont go back on my word.

You can change, you are listening that from a guy that learned english through old books, that was humiliated and need to run to the bathroom on lunch time because he doesnt have food to eat on the graduation, I just have one fucking shoes that I'm using for more than 5 months, my nickname is Adidas because its my brand shoes name. Even so I have a rich girlfriend that I took her virginity.
You are a human, you can do everything you choose to, we created money, planes, lambos, not the other way.

I believe you can change and I'm offering you help.

>> No.11827451

I quit drinking 6 months ago and my life is now better in every way imaginable. I used to have crippling anxiety and panic attacks, especially in cramped spaces like subways and planes. I had been drinking for so long that I didn't realize how much it had fucked me up.

Now that I'm 6 months sober, my anxiety is basically non-existent. It took a while to get here, though. The first 3 months of sobriety were absolutely brutal. I was straight up miserable all the time and constantly questioned why I was bothering to be sober if it made me so unhappy. Then at some point around the 4 month mark, everything changed, and I've been really happy ever since.

>> No.11827476
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Another day spent sad as fuck and blackpilled because I'm too ugly to have friends, a social life, any attention from women. I walked around London but felt sad about life.

All the normies are at the club right now or having sex. All the "qts" are dressed like porn stars and looking for Chad dick. All the Staceys are with millionaires.

Tomorrow I'll wake up, read a boring old book I don't really like, go to the gym, go to the museum, see Staceys who see me as disgusting, drink coffee, then probably binge and waste a lot of time on the internet.

I barely have a career because I can't pass job interviews. In the UK it's near impossible to pass job interviews unless you have a posh accent or are one of da ladz.

I keep trying to give up junk food and coffee but they're the only things that keep me going. I can't bear staying in my flat and doing productive stuff or learning because I feel like a loser wasting my 20s. My main hobby for the past three years has been walking around outside, drinking coffee, browsing the internet, and hoping my youth spontaneously stops feeling wasted. "Jus going outside bro!!!" has not worked yet. Everything feels like work.

What hope is there for someone who is unable to plug in to the normie hivemind? I am a fucking pariah in the UK because of this. I wish I was an American in a society that only cared about money. Or French where everything is just one giant meritocratic bureaucracy. Not this worst of all worlds country.

If you don't go straight from a top 5 uni to law / banking / management consulting, you have failed at life. Working 9 to 5 gives you no life and is ten times worse than working 9-8 because 9-8 implies you have a high paying or prestigious job.

>> No.11827489

lol you guys are brainless
how the fuck do you get hooked on alcohol? i cant get over the hangovers for 2 days

anyway, im unironically suggesting shrooms to cure your addiction, look it up

>> No.11827519

yeah it's an incredible thing. this is the longest i've gone without a drink for a quarter of a century. my whole adult life. first 2 weeks were in hospital, which isn't that unusual for me - thing is that normally the moment i feel better, or the moment tragedy hits, i relapse. this time i smoked weed instead, and everything from my family's physical health, to the cleanliness of my home, has absolutely skyrocketed. ironic that i face 5 years in prison for making all of these improvements. even more ironic that weed is only illegal because that way the fucking drug minister gets to grow and sell it all herself, while any competition goes to prison.
plus the uk would save "tens of millions" on treating alcoholics if weed was allowed as an alternative.
i hope i never drink again. next step is sobriety, but i haven't been sober more than maybe a couple of days since i was literally a child, so i've no idea what the world will look like. i know for sure what it'll look like if i ever go back to the bottle. horrific.

>> No.11827524

Some guys like me doesnt have comedown/hangover.

The hope is the hand I'm offering you that can give you trully peace and wisdom.

Not a distorted reality view, but pure truth.

>> No.11827541

>walking around outside
>drinking coffee

normie here. that's one of my favorite things to do.

>> No.11827554

>you guys are brainless
>can't drink without a fucking hangover

It's called water chasers and watching your ethanol dose, Grog.

>> No.11827580

just do some mdma and go to raves or do shrooms in nature, it will flip your mentality upside down and let you look at your life from a different perspective

but yeah it's your life, if you're unhappy then change it

>> No.11827591

Dont recommend shrooms or mdma, if the person have schizophrenia tendencies it will be released, regular weed will release it too (not buds, the regular they sell on streets).

>> No.11827654

>In the UK it's near impossible to pass job interviews unless you have a posh accent or are one of da ladz.
Are you a scouse or something?

>> No.11827672

if they actually have dormant schizophrenia it's possible

if youre just an autist or a special snowflake thats a different story

>> No.11827686

I don't wanna be that tuff tryhard sounding nibba, but how does one get violently addicted to alcohol? I'm assuming those of you who are genuine alcoholics got that way from binging night after night after night. I have been drinking 1-6 shots daily with breaks in between for like 2 years now, and I can quit whenever I please. Sometimes I go without, sometimes I have a shot in the morning, it's all over the place but it's genuinely done because I fucking like it. I never drink to drown sorrow, or escape, I drink the same fucking reason I smoke weed and that's to amplify life. It boosts EVERYTHING. Negatives and positive. I love it. I may be bipolar tho, if that's actually a real thing.

>> No.11827702

help me get weed anon, weanon12234@protonmail.com

>> No.11827767

Any moderately psychoactive drug can cause mental illnesses provided there is a history of the illness in the family. Even then, the exact correlation is not solid enough to determine if it does cause it. Mushrooms could give this anon a sense of being and help him be happier. Now fuck off Goldbloom.
The camenbert aren't nice to you if you dont have their accent either. In the US it isnt as bad.

>> No.11827975


Give me some minutes, delet your comment

>> No.11828008

You're like me anon, how do I get in touch with you?

>> No.11828019

Sent you a email.
If you are the anon with the same ID its fine,I already saved your email and sent you a email.

Delete your comment email post

>> No.11828047

sell now, buy back later, and you will make it.

>> No.11828080


Got a college degree?