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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 176 KB, 639x371, just.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11826086 No.11826086 [Reply] [Original]

...over the course of a couple weeks (hundreds of millions of dollars), made this apology video, then shut his site down and went dark.


>> No.11826355

The face of a JUSTED man.

>> No.11826533




>> No.11826980

Aaaaaand... it's gone.

>> No.11827037

Enjoyed it.

>> No.11827060

holy fuck, imagine trading worse than biz neets.

>> No.11827086


>> No.11827131

this is why Buffet-sama is the Best-sama

>> No.11827133

So is he still alive or did he JUST himself? Is he ruined or did he "go bankrupt" except for the multimillion dollar bonus he paid out to himself right before liquidation?

Sure there may be guilt, but I'd strongly consider losing hundreds of millions of clients money if it meant I could live a cozy life on an island somewhere

>> No.11827219

he's still alive, or if he isn't no report has been made on that.

>> No.11827252

What are the chances he took this volatility opportunity to exit scam with the client's funds.

>> No.11827296
File: 34 KB, 776x635, IMG6089396682570382759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The biz mascot

>> No.11827299

Why wouldn't he at least take off the rolex.


>> No.11827307

Read the fucking article, there was a 20% swing. He was probably overleveraged and blew up.This market has been overleveraged for a long time now and this likely to happen again.

>> No.11827361

Wow this bear market is really flipping over the tables, good shit, goes to show the level of IQ in the crypto bubble.

>> No.11827378


>> No.11827393

Wait so people trust their money with paid groups? I guess it's more legit because he's "licensed"

>> No.11827397

Boomers are stupid

>> No.11827450

Seems like its all an act

>> No.11827470
File: 20 KB, 267x241, 1325175818623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't tell if this is real or not

>> No.11827478

> Valerian rex I think I owe you a cuban sandwich
my sides

>> No.11827492

But I want some actual growth.

>> No.11827499

When you are a billionaire rolex is not a thing

>> No.11827514
File: 5 KB, 205x246, Yolo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11827538


>> No.11827542

holy JUST

>> No.11827549

>thank you for the barbecue sauce

Jesus Christ. Wake up to the situation, you fucking retard.

I hate how leaders or powerful people fuck everything up, then just have that dumb sheepish "whoops" look on their face. FIX THE PROBLEM YOU GODDAMN NIGGER.

>> No.11827563

money's gone there's nothing to fix

>> No.11827570

he's liquidated. he can't fix the problem

>> No.11827572

This is a microcosm of the world markets and economy
Watch'The Big Short' to see for yourself




>> No.11827575

I think its real

>> No.11827607
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>> No.11827630


>> No.11827639

yeah it's on Bloomberg it's real

it's fucking scary seeing such clueless peoples in charge of so much money, he's no different from yolo 100x trader on bitmex

>> No.11827650

Some people like to cope with lighthearted jokes after something bad happens

>> No.11827699

YA thanks for the bbq sauce ... its all ill be eating. next time im at the stadium, ill be working there -basedgf

>> No.11827710

There's no fixing the problem when you're selling calls on a stock and it goes up. You're basically 100% fucked if you aren't diversified. Which speaking of, why the fuck would he have all of his clients' money in one industry like that? He literally wrote a book called "the complete guide to options trading", shouldn't he know thats completely buttfuck retarded?

Also, any anons who live near his office able to go knock on their door and ask him to sign his book? If they get a picture with it signed to /biz/, I'll unironically reimburse you the cost of the book (you can still keep it).

>> No.11827729

this is the real redpill. also if you look at companies on otcbb the majority of them are even more blatant scams than most ICOs including insane dilution scams but they all get off scott free because of lawyers and it is all just allowed to happen

>> No.11827751

>Also, any anons who live near his office able to go knock on their door and ask him to sign his book? If they get a picture with it signed to /biz/, I'll unironically reimburse you the cost of the book (you can still keep it).

>> No.11827766

We just went through one of the largest bull markets in the history of ever with tons of easy money going around.
It was always going to end this way.

>> No.11827790

>I'm so fucking miserable I won't be on my yachts or drinking fancy wine or living my ritzy lifestyle because I'll never have a job again probably, fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck, fuck you guys. FUCK YOU GUYS!

>> No.11827827

Why the fuck are you guys saying that as though it's even remotely acceptable? Completely destroying someone else's life through your incompetence and failure to take basic safety precautions?

I would genuinely, for real, not kidding, MURDER you if you did that to me. If my life was destroyed, I would literally find you and torture and kill you. And make sure you knew exactly who I was and why I was doing it. Then I'd kill your closest family members just to let everyone around you understand.

>> No.11827850

someone please photoshop him with the JUSTING haircut and eyes

>> No.11827852
File: 156 KB, 494x402, biz calls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone please call or visit the office. Tell them they've been bogged.

>> No.11827860

it kinda makes me feel better i lost everything i gained on 3 bad trades today... back to square one.

>> No.11827870

The investors actually owe money now.

>> No.11827871

yeah that's why I'd never be a hedge fund manager and think that the vast majority of them are retarded con artist scumbags because they're taking that chance.

>> No.11827893


>> No.11827895

he is almost crying or breaking down on every second word KEK

>> No.11827897


>> No.11827933
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murdering the guy isn't going to bring the money back, hopefully his clients only invested what they could afford to lose
so yeah this guy is a idiot, but investing is taking risk

the real retard here is the guy who give someone else control over his money

>> No.11827957

JUST lol

>> No.11827965

>Which speaking of, why the fuck would he have all of his clients' money in one industry like that? He literally wrote a book called "the complete guide to options trading", shouldn't he know thats completely buttfuck retarded?
you know how to read, son? I do not think its acceptable. But those are unfortunately the risks you take when giving your money to someone else to manage.

I also highly doubt any of his clients were ruined by this beyond repair. Hurt, yes. Ruined, no. People don't put 6 or 7 figures into a hedge fund if that's all they have, unless they're also idiots. If they did, well, that's the risk they took. His website is literally "optionsellers.com", his clients knew exactly what they were getting into, that shit is incredibly risky.

Its not ok, but you'll never make any money if you get emotional over it like that, no one is perfect and hedge funds go belly up all the time


>> No.11827968

i hope he kills himself, commodity trading should be illegal, only producer and consumers shold be allowed.

>> No.11827992


Michael Burry quit his hedgefund because of all the lawsuit threats and hate mail he got from his clients for betting on the housing market crash. I'd imagine it's like being in debt and getting calls from collectors constantly but 100x worse.

>> No.11828010
File: 1.55 MB, 480x360, putin manlet.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently he was writing far out of the money options and did no delta hedging of any kind. What a pro. Put on a suit, get the right license, and a fancy office and people will throw money at you whether you know what you're doing or not. This world runs on perceptions and not merit.

>> No.11828083

That's fucked. You should be required by law to commit sudoku if you fuck up this bad.

>> No.11828086

You’re not supposed to put money in a hedge fund unless you’re experienced and well off investor. Most wont let you put in money unless you have millions even if you qualify as a wealthy investors. If you’re rich and putting all your money in a single hedge fund thats being greedy and stupid.

>> No.11828104

> This world runs on perceptions and not merit.
Let's get philosophical here anon.
How do we fix it?
You're dead right.
It's also both extremely dangerous and really unacceptable.

>> No.11828120

I just looked into these guys and I can't tell if they're real or not.
Their office space is just rent a room type bullshit, their google reviews are all from a few days ago, and their website is just a single static page.

I wonder what this is all about then.
Maybe it's a warning.

>> No.11828147

Our world runs on illusions because our money is an illusion.
As it is not backed by anything solid, neither is our reality.

We can fix all of this by using good money again.
Cleaning up the world from negative influencers.
Re-education of the future generations.

It'll take time.

>> No.11828174

This, what's taking so long

>> No.11828184

Not like any of them are billionaires anymore

>> No.11828200

In the days where all money was gold backed, this kind of style over substance was not as common? I've heard of Rockefeller and similar making what seemed like idiotic yolo plays to me as well.. Like his effort to get a strangehold on oil refining monopolies meaning he would buy anything at all etc
It seems maybe even deeper than just unsound money. Like humans as a species have this implacable urge to look for an authority figure and do what they're told or something. I'm not sure, that kind of thing has always struck me as abhorrent, so I can't wrap my head around why other people seem to actively eager to do it.

>> No.11828208
File: 56 KB, 1200x675, swan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

+1 for Taleb
Fragilista rekted by Swan

>> No.11828238

Im pretty sure the scrubbed their entire online image clean, but Im also pretty sure they've been in business for almost 20 years.
Apparently had a 28% return in 2015

>> No.11828241


Options are a tough business. It's way too easy to lose focus and money.

>> No.11828242

nice wicks

>> No.11828250

>Like humans as a species have this implacable urge to look for an authority figure and do what they're told or something
30% do and they demand everyone else does too. Congrats bro we just summarized the Cold War and the modern socialist antifa movements.

>> No.11828251

blame the fucking Jews for forcing people in situations like this where they have to risk their life savings to beat inflation because the kikes print money out of thin air like absolute degenerates to afford more wars, more gibs and more wageslavery fot the average citizen

>> No.11828269

>give someone your money to invest
>they lose it all

>> No.11828321
File: 207 KB, 895x978, 1542497142096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Bitcoin Standard
>The Sovereign Individual

The true redpills... now I look around and finally understand why everything is utter shit.

>tfw too late to be born into age of gold standard fiscally conservative classical liberal paradise of ubermensch and innovation
>tfw too early to be born into age of bitcoin standard age of crypto anarchy, moral resurgence, and return of wisdom and enlightenment

>> No.11828368

It's true, but when money is cheap it allows people to do way more than they normally would.. amplifying stupidity.

He was right a bunch, then wrong once.
Such is the nature of his gambling

>> No.11828453

>return of wisdom and enlightenment
Sounds comfy.
I think we can move in that direction slowly... but if so then a period of destruction must occur first.

We might be in that period of destruction now.
And I am not just talking about crypto markets.. but everything has to die and be reborn.
The trick is to do it in such a way that people dont lose their minds.

>> No.11828493
File: 70 KB, 1200x675, 1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Video saved to make me feel better when feeling like a loser

>> No.11828495

True.. I guess, in a society where almost everyone was self sufficient, they could all tell everyone else to go and get fucked and they'd be fine on their own, the cost of money would be as high as possible and sound money in that situation would mean that joint ventures requiring cooperation between people in said position of fuck you would only be made if the prospects for returns vs risk where as high as possible, right?
Maybe that's the solution, sound money and promoting independence and individualism together, even robber barons aren't a problem if everyone can take care of their own business, all they can do is offer to improve the situation of other people who aren't themselves desperate.
I suppose it's an open question as to what percentage of living humans can actually attain a position of such independence though. Given my experience with humans, I'm hard pressed to say anything approaching the majority of them.

>> No.11828599

Right on the money.
Valuable money and independence would mean that people would be less risky with the money they do have (and that they wouldnt need to be in order to live well either).

As for your thoughts on humans that are capable of living this way, it is a balance.
Right now the entire world DEPENDS on the markets to go up just to keep things running.
We are all slaves to these digital casinos.

The more we can push things the other way, the better.
And this culture of dependence gives rise to humans that learn how to be dependent. There is no natural selection.

We fix the culture, we fix the humans too.
Humans are adaptable
And if not they fail and are weeded out.

We build the correct world and force others to live in it.

>> No.11828647

In an interview he stated that he made 28% per annum by selling far out of the money options with 90 days to go. He also defined the following as a usual trade.

Underlying value: 100K USD
Potential Profit (premium): 700 USD (or 0.7%)
Margin requirement: 10K USD

This means you earn 0.7% in 90 days. So he probably leveraged his position x10 (as he had 100K USD as underlying). This would have made him 7% every 3 months. Do this every 3 months for a year and you end up with 28% per annum.

This is all very nice however it is impossible to hedge your position if the trade moves against you, also it is impossible to unwind your position when prices approach the strike price as the option will have appreciated due to changes in the intrinsic value, for which time decay cannot make up taking into account the size of the (over-leveraged) position.

Leverage is a double edged sword. However if you are selling options, the side of the blade that (potentially) cuts into you is way sharper than the side of the blade which cuts into the market. It's nice to collect premiums, however if you can't get out of the position you've put yourself in (due to over-leveraging), it's a potential death warrant.

from youtube

>> No.11828742
File: 104 KB, 1267x649, Boom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is an example of why trading on margin, or selling naked options is such a risk.

The guy sold calls on natural gas, which would have made money if the price went down.

But instead of hedging his bet, he went naked, which opened him up for unlimited risk. The only way things could collapse is if the price suddenly shot up, which is exactly what it did.

Now, he's stuck having to sell at an ever-growing loss, and he's wiped out.

The same shit can happen if you do a short, especially if you short using margin. The risk of unlimited loss is never a good thing.

If you think a stock is going to go down, buy a fucking put. The worst thing that can happen is that you lose everything. Selling naked calls can create a situation where you not only lose everything, but still owe more.

>> No.11828747

People who don't know jack shit about trading putting money into the hands of these "professionals" only have themselves to blame.

Basically a gambler who was riding on the climbing market, thinking it wasn't going to bite him in the ass.
These guys wouldn't be so bad if they knew to quit when things are still good, but they never do and most of them lose.
Just like when /biz/ never sells their coins, even if they go from 2k to 100k and then eventually crash.

>> No.11828774

9:22 he says he woke up in the morning, put his laptop next to him while drinking a glass of wine
KEK no wonder he lost it all, he was fucking drunk as fuck.

>> No.11828782

This is why you find options that have ridiculous IVs and sell naked extended straddles that have to have a 90% price movement to fuck you.

>> No.11828852

Fug, look at that chart and his strategy.
Losing everything on one bad trade.
That is vegas-tier bullshit.

Natty gas looking stronk tho.
He should have bet against crude.

>> No.11828964


Ya, I saw that. Wine in the morning, cruising the Riviera in the afternoon, arrested by the feds in the evening, wearing an orange jump suit and drinking a juice box the next morning.

Again, a lesson for the average investor out there. The "big shots" who brag about their gains and their wealth are often just guessing and betting on luck.

>> No.11828970

I thought the same thing. He should have appeared more casual

>> No.11829030

These desk jockey motherfuckers play with numbers all day. Gambling dumb people's hard earned money away. They don't produce anything of value or meaning. Glad he got JUSTed

>> No.11829071

>The worst thing that can happen is that you lose everything. Selling naked calls can create a situation where you not only lose everything, but still owe more.
fucking lol apparently that's exactly what happened

>Can confirm. I'm one of them.
Started with >$400K this week in IntlFCStone. Ended on Wednesday evening with >$100K debt and margin calls from Chicago the next morning.
screenshot of optionstrading.com's message to clients:
>Your account now likely not only has a zero balance - the b alnce is likey slightly debit
>What is a debit balance?

Imagine putting, say $500k into a hedgefund (I think optionselling.com's was a $1mil minimum), and waking up owing another $100k. Could be larp, but still

>> No.11829096


OptionSellers (dot com) have made most of their videos private, but here's a dumb ass trying to explain why you NEED to trade naked options.


>> No.11829127

How long into the video before he stops talking about bbq sauce and pretending to give a shit about his clients lives?

>> No.11829191


Probably not a larp. He probably had it set up where the client was considered the "real" trader, and he was just consulting.

It's the margin trap that many investors have learned the hard way. You borrow money to trade because all of the "smart people" say that's the way to make big gains, and when it goes south not only do you lose all but the people you borrowed from still want their money back.

For example, this dude, who went to bed with $37k in his account, and woke up owning $106k


>> No.11829192

Every man I meet that works in the finance industry has this weird fakeness to them. Does the industry exclusively employ sociopaths?

>> No.11829230
File: 38 KB, 565x600, 1234425975396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Best response on 4chan - perhaps ever.

>> No.11829308

>Our world runs on illusions because our money is an illusion.
>As it is not backed by anything solid, neither is our reality.
>We can fix all of this by using good money again.
>Cleaning up the world from negative influencers.
>Re-education of the future generations.
>It'll take time.

tfw an ancient boomer predicted this in a cruel joke on his nobel prize speech

>> No.11829310

They can be easy business if people used them appropriately. But everyone either wants to pick up pennies in front of a stream roller (what this guy did) or wants to gamble near expiration, OTM options hoping to be the guy that makes 10,000% overnight (robinhood users). No one likes steady, simple gains.

>> No.11829447


True that.

It's the same story, repeated over and over again. It was true with real estate, with beanie babies, with stocks, probably with tulips, and certainly with crypto.

People see others bragging about making "easy money", and the feel like they are missing out on their own gains. So they take the riskier bets, and are wiped out before they figure out that the people bragging are just as full of shit as they are.

Meanwhile, the people who look for steady consistent growth are just moving forward.

I remember around 2006, when you couldn't flip the TV channels without seeing a dozen "home flipping" shows. Buy a turd, throw in some granite counter-tops, sell for a fortune, repeat.

People never learn that quick money is lost just as quick.

>> No.11829464

The video is over 10 minutes long to get more ad money. kek.

>> No.11829498

I died at this
What an unremorseful idiot

>> No.11829535


Hey, I'm sure the cuban sandwich will be worth the $500k the dude lost

>> No.11829537

I saw this the other day. Fucking brutal man.

>> No.11829613

That's just an overgrown ogre in webm related

>> No.11829656

still wearing a watch that costs a bunch of money BWAHAHHAHA hilarious

>> No.11829759

I mean really, at that point how is the watch going to help get the $150mil back, its not like when you "lose everything" some dude from the NASDAQ comes by and starts taking the clothes off your back and ripping copper pipes out of the walls. Those guys look at a rolex the same way we look at a pair of nikes, it doesn't really mean that much. He would just look more disingenuous if he made the video wearing dirty old clothes on a street corner

>> No.11829770
File: 345 KB, 498x375, 19D6C758-E6C6-440F-A6E7-45614B42E897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thank you for the bbq sauce

>> No.11829792
File: 29 KB, 556x264, biz002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels like the bear market is coming. Can't fool me Powell

Thinking of putting 10% into GDX or GDXJ. Anyone else bullish on gold?

>> No.11829797

yeah he really shows no remorse in the video

bet he didn't lose a single penny of his personal wealth, just his clients'.

>> No.11829803

People with a conscious don't last very long when your career is made by stealing money from other people who don't understand what is happening

>> No.11829812

Shut up, Hitler Youth. The people you're claiming got hurt on this CAN'T buy into hedge funds. No 401ks have hedge funds in them. People who DO invest in hedge funds know they're risky as fuck, and don't put their life savings into them.

I fucking love when you larping "investors" start running your mouth about the real markets, because you bought $50 worth of a fake coin.

The only people that got hurt here are the 1%. They're the ones who are allowed to buy in, and they will tax a tax write off on the loss, and move on. Some will sue, because *anger*, but this isn't anyone being "forced" to do anything.

You probably don't even know what a hedge fund is.

>> No.11829819
File: 388 KB, 938x899, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did James Cordier of OptionSellers.com mean by this?

>> No.11829820

its about empathy you utter retard, you don't wear expensive shit when you lost all your client's money
gg this is why you should never handle money for others

>> No.11829831

he was literally almost crying at points. If he had no remorse he wouldn't have made the video

>> No.11829853

Lol selling naked calls is the DEFINITION of picking up pennies in front of a steam roller. He's been picking up those pennies for years, but there's no such thing as a free lunch and eventually with enough years, the steam roller ALWAYS wins.

It's like driving 10mph over the limit every day on your commute to work. You get to work a little quicker than everyone else everyday for however many years, but eventually you're gonna get pulled over. Except in this analogy you don't get a ticket, you get executed on the spot.

>> No.11829862

but he didnt lose "all of their money", he lost all of their money in that particular hedge fund. People putting hundreds of thousands in hedge funds aren't going all in on them, or going in debt to do so. The barrier to entry to most hedge funds is so high that basically only the super rich are allowed in.

>> No.11829878


And then you'd get executed. It's not like you're some supervillain from a movie retard. And double so because you were so fucking retarded piece of shit that you trusted all your money on some random guy. Fuck you. you are the only one that would be responsible for the destruction of your life.

>> No.11829886

Thx anon
interestingtly structured speech, ill read it in a bit

>> No.11829944

All their money in the fund plus whatever debt they will incur because the position is still going.

>> No.11829973

It also doesn't help on the robinhood side of things that people are going in with a 4 digit and smaller accounts. The big issue is that steady gains don't feel like usable money. Let's say you have $5,000 and you can make 24% a year on average. Does $100 a month just doesn't seem cool. The idea of making $1,000 a month? Now that's some real money. You can start actually buying stuff and using it in the real world. It's a rough man. It starts becoming clear why older, more experienced option traders recommend a decent account size to start. Otherwise you have to claw/gamble your way to a big account that can supply decent cash. And to go into the world of trading, inexperienced and fighting off emotion, most people just aren't going to make it.

>> No.11830002

doesn't matter, point remains the same, people have to risk their money to beat inflation and since this is a 0 sume game (on a longer time frame) most of them will lose to the rich.

>> No.11830015

Oh god. I-

>> No.11830023

Wow this guy needs to join us for mutual support.

>> No.11830056

800 footer

>> No.11830072

theres no way hundreds of millions just disappeared and he lost them thru trading. when you deal with that kind of volume you have sell triggers to reduce dmg via losses. he exit scammed them, plain and simple and be rest assured the FBI is definitely investigating him now. most likely prison for this goy soon.

>> No.11830141

not when you're handling your trades at home with a glass of wine

>> No.11830142
File: 118 KB, 721x548, biz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

our guy

>> No.11830148

>be required by law to commit sudoku
agreed. if that law were on the books, these hedge funds would be a lot more careful.

too easy to gamble other people's money.

>> No.11830162

it really just goes to show you that even the pros doing hundreds of millions worth of trading can even lose it all. despite how good your TA is, you can always still be wrong. we may see ourselves as market scientists but in reality, we're just clever gamblers.

>> No.11830208

In reality you're all a bunch of retarded sheep drawing lines and collectively deciding that this line means the we should see and that line means we should buy. Brainlet tier shit.

>> No.11830234

i know anon, thats why i said we were all just clever gamblers. also fuck u for being such an asshat.

>> No.11830242
File: 304 KB, 220x324, grinch.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some dude from the NASDAQ comes by and starts taking the clothes off your back and ripping copper pipes out of the walls
This should be a thing

>> No.11830260

>technical analysis
might as well read horoscopes

>> No.11830290

I doubt it, human nature does not work that way.

Once you're in that euphoric state, reason goes out the window. You just add more and more funds to a losing position because you can fix it, until you can't and it all blows up in your face.

>> No.11830318

yeah, but he didn't do it with his own money.

>> No.11830370

>You're basically 100% fucked if you aren't diversified
hah, you're writing that on a board that thinks diversification is buying shitcoins.

>> No.11830420

Even though he was the fund manager, do the clients have to cover the extra capital lost on margin?

>> No.11830431

depending on how the contract was worded, probably

>> No.11830432

The real war is information analysis, first person with news wins

>> No.11830436

beating inflation is fucking easy. trying to beat the index is what's zero sum.

>> No.11830486

fuck that guy.... he gambled his clients money and lost it all............... also fuck the retards who gave him their money to gamble... fucking losers

>> No.11830518

Imagine if Sergay do that
It would reach an new all time high of cope

>> No.11830537

yea i should have said that instead of the TA meme bit

>> No.11830565


>> No.11830611

its fake video. a.i. generated. look at his mouth

>> No.11830626

its not. look at this bitches mouth

>> No.11830674

Some of you are alright.

>> No.11830675

Ok big guy

>> No.11830693

muh Gauss

>> No.11830932

Whats wrong with his mouth?

>> No.11830988

Already debunked. It's fake.

>> No.11831168
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dont larp, it is on bloomberg and taleb is roasting him on his twitter

>> No.11831174

sorry. I enjoy a good larp now and then.

>> No.11831262

Economic crash soon, stock trader suicides sooner.

>> No.11831315

Becaue its an insincere apology if he truely felt remorse hed suffer his clients anger, but he hid and ran. Hes got money stashed away fuck his clients he got paid. Hes also waiting for the inevitaboe flood of lawsuits headed his way and hoping his trusts hold up to investigation.

>> No.11831322

you are forgiven, but do not repeat again - you are shitting over my board

>> No.11831534

absolutely schizo

>> No.11831588

If he isnt one of the big market wizard hedge fund managers, I am not really surprised.

>> No.11831630

His clients are in debt too, they lost it all and more.

>> No.11831673

Looks like a deepfake

>> No.11831719


People could literally get away with murder by market manipulation. Force someone to suck up a big enough loss and they're dead.

>> No.11831774

why would you even think that?

>> No.11831813

look at his mouth and tell me thats a natural mouth and lips.

>> No.11831830

you dont lose money until you sell

>> No.11831832

same exact thing happened in 2013-2014 with crypto people have short memories

>> No.11831853

with naked shorts you just lose everything and then go into extreme debt if you dont sell

>> No.11831881

Your initial wealth is more important than anything. A slow and steady 7-10% per year means jack shit when your starting capital is less than 6 figures. That said, there's no excuse for being a fucking moron and catching falling knives just because your poor ass is too lazy to do your own research.

>> No.11831908

eh, at first I thought you could be right but the emotion at the end as well as the hand gestures indicate otherwise

>> No.11831951

Im pretty sure he was just trying to stop his top lip from quivering because he was on the verge of bursting into treats the entire video. Was there even enough time to make a good deepfake since this happened?

>> No.11831993

Don't try to beat SPY. You can't. If you ever do, it's just luck. Just give in.

>> No.11832000

Use the way back machine

>> No.11832049

I mean what do you think that would accomplish?
it's probably just a low quality camera.

>> No.11832081

Somebody's going in a barrel.


>> No.11832204
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>> No.11832207
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For what marginal returns? this guy was interested only in big dick energy and paid the price

>> No.11832261
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Looks like he got BART'ed hard. The BOGs have expanded their playing field.

>> No.11832345
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Thank you for the BBQ sauce.
I owe you a cuban sandwich.

>> No.11832412

And 2.3 million dollars btw

>> No.11832455


How crazy do you have to be to invest 150 Million in nothing but oil options?

>> No.11832544


>> No.11832586

about as crazy as someone who invest their life savings in nothing buy crypto currencies.

>> No.11832599

He didn't just lose his client's money.
He fucking put his clients into debt.

>"Moreover, he said, FCStone borrowed on margin against the accounts to cover money-losing positions. In the end, the clients didn’t just lose all their all their money, they also now owe FCStone for the loans, he said."

>> No.11832620

uh, awkward. i wonder if they are going to sue him. they are obviously not getting their money back but just out of spite.

well it is not just about that. apparently he sold naked options that were far out of money, so they were pretty worthless and were supposed to expire worthless. but if the underlying suddenly moves against you, you are fucked. how the fuck is that a HEDGE fund if he was selling naked options and there was no fucking hedge lol how do you even get approved to sell or buy naked.

>> No.11832633


I never understood why people did that.

>> No.11832639


This x100.

This realization is specially sobering to me considering that I live in a southern yuropean country where this initial accumulation is slow due to the low wages.

>> No.11832646

but think about how rich the people are at the other end of that bet. there's probably some other fund manager out there being celebrated as a genius.

>> No.11832656

but i am assuming the crypto sheep are retarded 4chan neets losing they lunch money. but here we are talking about rich and presumably smart people??

>> No.11832666

I had that thought too...that if he pulled it off that they'd all be cheering for him.
It was a ridiculous risk but success wipes away criticism like that

>> No.11832678
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>> No.11832685


>> No.11832687
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>> No.11832743

Remember this:

He lost 2 BILLION. Of course that was not his money so that was all cool and quickly forgotten.

>> No.11832789

So what actually caused this? By a quick google there was a volatile change in oil and gas prices. Apparently he also borrowed loans against the fund to cover the money losses, so now his clients actually owe money

>> No.11832877

holy fucking kek

>> No.11832894

Kind of sad to watch this. You can see how he's trying to give a bland professional speech, but he's actually ready to burst out in tears. I'm going to have to remember this next time I think about making a risky trade.

>> No.11832997

Based Shkreli

>> No.11833037

>I wonder what this is all about then.
psychology aimed at people getting away from hedge funds

>> No.11833040
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>> No.11833059

ultra-chink-tier move.

>> No.11833080
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>> No.11833095

Rogue wave

>> No.11833100

It would have been fitting for him to pull a revolver out of the desk and end it all

>> No.11833169

>be surprised when it happens

>> No.11833244

i wouldn't have thought it possible, but /biz/ has been out JUST'd

>> No.11833264

Thank God I'm white. Otherwise the marvelous world of business would scare me shitless like those subhumans who actually let their funds be managed by someone else. :).

>> No.11833272

look at the grin of these clueless sociopaths. With this story I finally woke up to the reality how sillly it is for me to continue behaving like self concious shy virgin. Confident appearance is just an illusion. I no longer need to expend energy to hide social anxiety and fake my confidence. I just do not need to care about that. It is just smoke in the mirror. How truly a liberating feeling

>> No.11833292

Very empowering anon

>> No.11833297

>This world runs on perceptions and not merit.
I wish I could argue with you on this point but I would lose. Because you're right.

>> No.11833316

Well for reals though the why his mouth shuts when he's done talking after every few words definitely looks sketchy.

>> No.11833331

One wrong doesn't make a right, both the "professionals" and the people trusting them are in the wrong.

>> No.11833348
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>> No.11833353

Trying to be dramatic to seem apologetic.

>> No.11833377

>Moreover, he said, FCStone borrowed on margin against the accounts to cover money-losing positions. In the end, the clients didn’t just lose all their all their money, they also now owe FCStone for the loans, he said.


>> No.11833384
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>> No.11833414
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SHIT missed his watch

>> No.11833597
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Imagine getting that email warning you to pay your debit after they gambled all your money away

>> No.11833673

>putting all your savings/investment money into the hands of one hedge fund
you'd have to be a retard if you went all in on a hedge fund

>> No.11833692
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Apparently natural gas has had multiple similar movements in the past so it wasn't even a "black swan" event or whatever he just MCFUCKED up

>> No.11833717

>If my life was destroyed, I would literally find you and torture and kill you
>my decision to accept the risk is now your fault
kek I didn't even read this before. I'll give you a pro tip faggot, if you have this mentality then you're never going to make it. You need to learn to differentiate between when you create your own problems through accepting risks versus when someone else ACTUALLY screws you over.

>> No.11833756

It's called peripheral processing. I learned about this in university. I suggest you read up on what peripheral processing is versus the central route of processing. Then learn how to take advantage of it.
Most people use peripheral processing when they aren't really invested in a topic or have low ability to understand how it works. It's a short cut in the mind so to speak. Very sad.

>> No.11833771

the level of JUST

>> No.11833881

anyone bullish on black cock?

>> No.11833914
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What a raw deal.

>> No.11833955

The fact they owe more money is the icing on the cake. I didn't know JUSTing could reach this level.

>> No.11833969


Margin trading + leverage + selling options = recipe for serious Justing.

>> No.11834061

he's a neet now.
A helpless fucked up neet.

>> No.11834129

Very much congratulations

>> No.11834340
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>> No.11834459
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>> No.11834619

Jesus Christ