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11822840 No.11822840 [Reply] [Original]

I entered with 100k back in Janurary. I now have less than 5k usd.

I worked for 4 years to save that 100k. I'm ready to blow my brains out with this double barrel shotgun.

Fuck you winkle twins. I hope you're happy knowing you ripped us all off.

Maybe in the next life i'll be able to do better.

And that hedge fund manager Tom Lee calling bitcoin for 25k usd needs to get shot as well.

>> No.11822958 [DELETED] 
File: 69 KB, 750x1053, brie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you got any remaining bitcoin feel free to send it to a poorfag before going out


try to seek some help btw <3

>> No.11822983

bruh imagine buying in january, how fucking DUMB are you

>> No.11822990

$100K will buy you a modest but comfortable NEET life in many countries, anon.
Heck, with some work, you could even get a loyal girlfriend. Too bad that you had to be a stupid greedy cunt, huh?

>> No.11822993

Shouldn't you have like 6-8 bitcones?
That doesn't add up to 5k usd.
You fucked yourself along the way.

>> No.11823000

Better go through with it than suffer for all the pathetic bounces to come only for it to inevitably go to zero

>> No.11823009


>> No.11823042

>killing yourself over 4 years
>putting in money you aren't willing to lose

>> No.11823046

Nocoiner here. If you've lost that much then unironically what's the point of selling instead of hodling for 5 years and hope the shills are right?

>> No.11823065

I refuse to believe anyone went in that deep at the height of the bubble, surely it was just fueled by poorfags buying $100 of BTC at 19k

>> No.11823138

You are already so low, why would you even care at this point? No bully, but you should take it to zero, and or find who is responsible and shoot them instead of yourself.

>> No.11823144

At least send me the money before you off yourself you weak bitch-titted queer

>> No.11823154

>segwit addy

>> No.11823155

why dont you find out where tom lee lives and go tell him how you feel at least, before you kill yourself

>> No.11823168

>100K -> 5K
How do you fuck up this bad? I mean I'm down from 15k to 5k after falling for the buy the dip meme but man..

>> No.11823186

>not selling low and buying high multiple time all the way down

>> No.11823208


>> No.11823247

it’s honestly a tragedy that good people like yourself have had their entire life stolen from them and have to bear all the consequences when people like tom lee walk around in public as free men, without any kind of worry financial or otherwise

>> No.11823265

life is a zero-sum game

>> No.11823281

>loses so much money he thinks he has nothing to lose
>believes he has someone specific to blame for it
>owns a double barreled shotgun
>decides to suicide instead of killing the ones responsible
i will never understand the mind of betas

>> No.11823288

tom lee lives in nyc and regularly makes live television appearances at studios located around the city

>> No.11823330


>> No.11823346
File: 45 KB, 1318x168, Screen Shot 2018-11-19 at 3.34.31 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just larping you dumb fucks lmao.

I'm all in chainlink. WAHOOOOO!!!!!

>> No.11823371

Nice larp, mate!

>> No.11823385

wow good job anon, you really got us by
to be a retard

>> No.11823503

Ur losing money rn as we speak :)

>> No.11823564

op only has himself to blame , no1 forced him to buy meme internet money

>> No.11823587

sure. but he also has the power to do whatever he wants and make his own rules. the natural law is only violence. if you are someone like tom lee who has shilled investments to the public you should not assume that the law protects you in any kind of operational sense.

>> No.11823591

obviously you're a fucking retard who doesnt know how to trade. spend 2 weeks learning how to trade and you can turn that 5k into 100k in 3-4 months max

>> No.11823626

You obviously have a good job.

Write off your crypto money. It's gone. People lose more on just a single year with a girlfriend who feeds her mother with your money behind your back.

Just start saving all over again and stay the fuck away from crypto. Or put $100 per month into it for suicide prevention.

>> No.11823631

he's got $72k in chainlink, he's not pretending

>> No.11823784
File: 172 KB, 1128x1080, 1532564681115.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish suicidal anons had the same belief in LINK that you and i have

>> No.11823846

Tom Lee shouldnt experience violence for exercising his right to free speech.
Investors need to do so at their own risk.
This includes being wary of what msm talking heads suggest.

>> No.11824119

That's not even his screenshot you retard

>> No.11824136

Kill them instead of kys

>> No.11824180
File: 80 KB, 701x517, 1520818535653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Entered this shitshow in january. Bought every dip since then.
Still up 92.39% thanks to sergey nazarov
You browse biz and your still down, just how? NoLinkers man...

>> No.11824196

Just work another 4 years for 100k hm.. or yeah better kil yourself (rly)

>> No.11824214

>been in a budding market for less than 5 years
>wasnt willing to lose that money
>did no research bought ath
Bruh if you're gonna off yourself change the reason from "I lost muh shekels" to "I'm literally to retarded to exist"

>> No.11824264

I agree. there are a lot of crazy people out there though. If you're going to call btc 15k eoy as as someone who the public will perceive as an authority you shouldn't be badly wrong and just expect everything to be ok. You can, you shouldn't though.

>> No.11824401

So many whiny suicide fags here lately. Stop making retarded decisions with your money if you know you will probably blow your brains out when you lose it all. Either do it or stfu.

>> No.11825272

>not using your last 4k for a ride to Surabaya, Indonesia
>not starting your new life over in your current one as a white amongst the Indos
>Highly unlikely to be sorted by the karmic wheel into a first world country and white skin again

just give me the 4k buddy

>> No.11825284

I guess you got burnt for being greedy and uneducated. If you want to be rich in the long run you have to do the time.

>> No.11825467
File: 8 KB, 178x187, 2849729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y-yeah haha... W-who would do such a thing.. haha........