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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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11817267 No.11817267 [Reply] [Original]

It's over isn't it

>> No.11817280


>> No.11817351


>> No.11817366

dude it's fucking November -- did it really take you 7 months to figure this out?

How long would a girl have to bang another dude in front of you before you realized shit was over? 7 months?

>> No.11817377

It's not over, you can't knock bitcoin down, it is immortal.

>> No.11817386

7 months? Heh... my girl did it for a year

>> No.11817388

>News articles
yeah you're right -15+% in one day is totally acceptable for any currency, I hope you fucking go bankrupt.

>> No.11817402

well if you're into that kind of shit, I don't judge but if you were just blind to all the red flags then that's on you

>> No.11817403

It's not a currency, it's an investment vehicle/store of value.

>> No.11817409


Second Impact = Mt. Gox
Third Impact = Bitcoin Crash hash war

CSW = Gendou

>> No.11817456
File: 35 KB, 854x530, gendo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So desu ne

>> No.11817460

Forever if you're a cuckold

>> No.11817493

It's a win win

Either they unfuck the youth and give them prospects
Or we get burned and return the sentiment

>> No.11817516

It’s Tether you idiots

Bitfinex is destroying BTC

>> No.11817525
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triple digits here we come!
wooo! party like it's 2016 again!

>> No.11817528


>> No.11817600
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>> No.11817746
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Bitfinex and Tether are owned by the same people. Tether is basically fractional reserve banking for crypto. Tether says they have 1:1 US dollar backing for every 1 Tether they issue, and this is a lie. They distribute Tether first through Bitfinex, which they use to buy Bitcoin with to manipulate the price. You see how this works? They make money out of thin air and buy Bitcoin with it when no one else wants it, to make it look like there's demand for it, or to make people think it's the bottom when it's dropping.

Tether is a scam. Exchanges that use Tether are scams. And because the price of Bitcoin has been so badly hyperinflated by Tether manipulation, in practice, Bitcoin is a scam too. Even though obviously it did not begin as one. And since everything else in the market is dependent on the price of BTC, it suffers from the same problem.

>> No.11817844

so is this going to $1k? I guess ill sell :(

>> No.11817923
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I don't know what it's going to, but I don't think it really matters. Everything on the market right now is finished, because it's all tied to Bitcoin. Maybe digital currency can rise from the ashes like a phoenix, but it all has to burn to ash first.

Bitcoin is a failed experiment. It started off as a fantastically good idea to save Western civilization, and it turned into a fractional reserve centralized Chinese shitcoin controlled by miners and other hucksters.

>> No.11817936

Can we just make a new bitcoin?

>> No.11817956

what do you think of this idea though?


>> No.11818093

Its amazing how many people here dont know this

>> No.11818109

damn dude that sounds hot af i'm gonna need to fap again

>> No.11818129
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Even if you did, it would be vulnerable to the same manipulations as the old one. Whatever comes after first-gen crypto needs to be way different.

Hucksters will say literally anything if they think it will get them money. Whenever there's a big crash, this same thing always happens: they start hyping up institutional investors as much as possible, to try to take advantage of people's greed at the thought of the institutional dinner bell ringing. In reality, this is bullshit. The corporate world has had plenty of time to get into crypto. Anyone who thinks billions of dollars of corporate money are waiting to pour in are living in a fantasy world. If you had a Fortune 500 corporation, would you want to pour your money into something run by a bunch of amateur developers that has already devalued 80-90%? I wouldn't.

>> No.11818942

okay, so, what, it just bleeds forever in a haunted well while creepy cultists spend their lives hoping it'll rise again