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11815782 No.11815782 [Reply] [Original]

Are strippers and escorts a good investment ?

>> No.11815801

It's like buying booze.

>> No.11815813
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what do you think?

>> No.11815817

How do I find an escort who is willing to do weird fetish shit for me (no shit or blood involved)? I live in Chicago.

>> No.11815843

you will not make it if all you want is some ass n tiddies

>> No.11815854

I’ve spent a lot of money on them. They are the worst investment ever

>> No.11815862

but if i make it that's all ill want anyway ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.11816056

Working as one can get you a good ROI if you agree to do wierd fetish shit

>> No.11816119

>use all my money on buying hookers every week for 6 years non-stop
>wait for 4 years so my link stack makes me ultra rich to buy hookers non-stop

I don't know which is better since my dick can stop working during that time

>> No.11816200

Then you can pay the hookers to fuck you

>> No.11816247
File: 41 KB, 640x605, C8BCFFAD-7151-48D7-8A26-8699D70F387D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a soon to be married man I see them as a necessary investment

>> No.11816275

hell yeah

>> No.11816291

Why is america, especoally fly over states so fucking faggy with conservatism? everyone would be on the same page with alittle pussy and money. ive been cucked by my older brother so hard because he wasnt raised by my mom who constantly was hovering over me and made sure i didnt take any risks and would be like "oh dont go out tonight its raining, youll get in trouble. oh she has a boyfriend dont be like that." meanwhile every other dude is pumping and dumping girls left and right. i get the talk from boomers, when i was your age i was plowing all sorts of girls. well thats because youre white and have life on easy mode you fuck.
i wouldnt have gone into this crypto shit had i just gotten pussy. i would have been level headed and taken a wage job and do meaningful shit like any other person. instead im deprived of a social life, no sex for like 10 years, overbearing people around, its just a recipe for a shit show.
why cant i just buy sex and get healthy?

>> No.11816400

hows that been goin for ya

>> No.11816414

I'm fine with just jerking off 2bh. Plus being circumcised means I don't feel much anyway

>> No.11816415


>> No.11816505

absolutely shit. just another notch of shit now. im still holding since december.

if pussy was just a commodity i wouldn't be so fucking desperate to make risk moves.

>> No.11816585

you're retarded and a failure, but at least you were nice enough to point it out that you havent had sex in ten years right after you gave your terrible advice.

not any dude can bang a 10/10 but just about any normally functioning dude can get a decent gal to open up with a bit of work. if you cant do that youre a failure of a man and deserve all the bad things happening to you. also your genes will be wiped, as they should.

im not even saying sex is that important, because it isnt. but if you're so desperate for something so simple even squirrels and dogs can do and yet fail to achieve it, you're a low energy waste.

end yourself as soon as possible

>> No.11816626

crackwhores will do anything you want for like $20

>> No.11816651
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>He has an almost mathematical approach to assessing relationships, and once even computed the costs for a girlfriend, mistress, prostitute and wife — mistresses turn out to be most expensive by the hour; wives, by the year; girlfriends are cheapest all around. But he’s not as calculating as he seems. In fact, he concluded there’s little correlation between cost and quality.

>> No.11816693

whoa there buddy , i didnt reveal everything since theres more to it in my circumstance. but to think that getting pussy isnt hard is saying more about your situation than mine which is why so many dudes on here are in a death spiral in the first place.

>> No.11816694

well every guy i know that has successfully reproduced besides one of my close mates is a legitimately retard so i say hes alright

>> No.11816714

>genes will be wiped
Not if i donate them to a bank. How do ya like me now?

>> No.11816794 [DELETED] 

im looking for kids to make. i just want a hole to fuck and something to grab on to that intelligently reciprocates in positive response back while meeting my very reasonable standards.

>> No.11816850
File: 220 KB, 1200x509, terminator-2-judgment-day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally every human who ever lived is the product of two people having sex
>incel somehow manages to navigate the mental gymnastics necessary to spout that "everyone who has kids is stupid"

>> No.11816918

nah hes right.
its very easy to pump out kids, i dont know why its seen as an accomplishment.
but my point was that im not looking to make kids. i just want a hole to fuck and something to grab on to that intelligently reciprocates in positive response back while meeting my very reasonable standards. but apparently thats hard for most men and easy for a few.

>> No.11816939

I’m just speaking from my experience my friend, like you from yours. Basically , having kids isn’t some grand feat nowadays . it isn’t some high standard of anything more than fucking without condoms. Are you a nigger by chance?

>> No.11816983

it's not an accomplishment, retard. that's the point. in the way that knowing how to tie your shoes and count to 10 aren't accomplishments. literal retards and poor people are doing it and enjoying themselves too. i respect not wanting kids and i respect not wanting sex, but i despise you because you want it and somehow can't get it

doesn't matter that sex is easy for chad. most men have less than 10 sex partners in their life. that's the point. average men get some sex. below average men get little sex. and at the bottom, there's you. wanting a hole to fuck and something to grab on to that intelligently reciprocates in positive response back while meeting your very reasonable standards, and not getting any.

>> No.11817076

i feel like that anon would make significant strides in getting laid if he just made it a priority like most people honestly. Some things you just gotta put some effort into

>> No.11817124

thats why theres a market for hookers in the first place. and thats why its a good investment.
are you gonna despise people who want clean water but cant get it through natural means too? its the same argument you are presenting.

>> No.11817193

i dont have friends or social life and im under stress alot of the time so getting a hooker would alleviate some of the chronic emotional pain.

>> No.11817340

I just want a qt to happily drink my piss

>> No.11817373

if they live surrounded by thousands of gallons of clean water and can't get any, then yea, i'll despise them too.

>> No.11817385

I've been purchasing one every 2 weeks for the last 5 months, it's the only vice I have. My new year resolution is to cut it down to one a month.

>> No.11817559

You’re a mad man , Id want cute fresh new escorts if I ever actually paid. That were kinda shy, not very experienced girl next door types. Most porno type whores turn me off

>> No.11817579

Just get one then ? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.11817595

I live in NYC, plenty of escorts here. I've never purchased the same one twice though I saw a Peruvian girl 2 days ago that I might repeat because she was a good conversationalist.

>> No.11817766

you must be from austrialia where hookers are legal. fuck you. this place isnt for you

>> No.11817931

>dogs and squirrels simple humdrum lives are in any way comparable to the complex relationships and society humans have
absolute state of you

>> No.11817964

Lol you sound like a faggot

>> No.11817981


I live in NYC and purchased the same one 3 times and probably would have kept going back but she moved ;_;