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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1181270 No.1181270 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you just want to have millions of dollars at a young age

I'm a 20 year old white male NEET. Figuring out how to have even $1,000,000 in my 20's seems impossible.

>> No.1181278

Not really possible without insane luck or being born with it.

Why do you want millions of dollars? I'm sure your goals are mostly achievable with little to no money.

>> No.1181282

This. I don't spend any of my money. 800k networth 21

Just nice to have financial security

>> No.1181284

i probably could but it would illegal money

subutex 8mg pills(buprenorphine) go for 50-70eur each in my country and they are sold by niggers and other lowlifes for 4-7eur/p in france. some people make tons taking risks and hauling them to finland and selling them on TOR. same goes with other drugs brought from netherlands

maximum jail time here for serious drug offence is 10 years and a first-timer has to actually sit in jail for 5 yr out of that

>> No.1181299


How? Just working a 9 to 5 and saving most of your paycheck?

>> No.1181305

Inheritance or some shit you dummie.

There's no way to make a lot of money when you need it most(in your youth).

Tbh even $60k/yr in your 20's is enough to live a not bad life desu. It's enough to have money to spend but won't make you "rich".

>> No.1181309
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I want people to know that I was successful. I want the power. I want to be more powerful than the average person by far, financially.

I've been looking at crypto-currency ICOs because they seem to go like 30x if you pick the right one. I have a friend that put in 6k to ETH and came out with 300k. I don't want to turn this thread into some crypto shill chat, though.

Every calculation I make, I just can't seem to have $1,000,000 with a decent 7% gains per year without already making like $75,000 and investing every penny. I'll never be able to do that unless I was lucky and made like $300,000 from some crypto-coin and invested every penny of it.

I'm just sick of how people can have literally thousands of billions, guys like Gates make literally $33,000,000/THIRTY THREE MILLION DOLLARS EVERY FUCKING DAY...

...and I can't even have $100 without working for a third of my fucking entire day.

I don't want to bitch and whine, but do any of you understand? I'm just trying to figure out how I can make this a reality. I've read shit about ERE, Millionaire Next Door. I just don't have the fucking capital and I won't make enough of it even if I had a job as a damned engineer.

>> No.1181328

at least you're thinking about it. you need to keep working towards it so that you're prepared when opportunity strikes

there are kids in their 20s worth millions of dollars from startups. to be real though, you don't sound like the kind of person who will work their ass off, so it's most likely that you're fucked

>> No.1181336

I'm right there with you OP. We should have a startup thread or a general business ideas thread where we can shoot each others ideas down and just spitball.

>> No.1181337

ah fuck off twat. who are you to judge anyway

>> No.1181350

Money isn't going to make you happy, man.

It's called diminishing returns.

How important is having a toilet in your house and having working, reliable transportation to work?

PRETTY fucking important, right? I'm sure everyone can agree.

Now how about, 5 washrooms with all the amenities and a gold plated Lamborghini with custom everything?

More or less irrelevant. Sure you'll *take* it if it's offered, but by no means is it important.

Same with money. Up to like $80k/yr you might struggle financially, past that it doesn't really matter.

The difference in freedom from $100k/yr and $300k/yr is negligible. You're not really going to see much of a difference.

>> No.1181351

you need to take risks

>> No.1181354

Life insurance and inheritance

>> No.1181361

Bill Gates has the money you want.

Take it from Bill Gates.


Do you think Bill Gates sucks his own dick?

>> No.1181372

Millionaire here

The problem I see in people like yourself is that your approach is too complicated and don't know where to start. Take a step back and get to the root of the equation.

You need someone to give you money.

You can sell something to them
You can provide a service for them
You can scam them

There are many different ways to do it but it really isn't that hard. Apply what you're good at/knowledgeable about to something that makes money. It's easy to make a living -- but the trick to becoming insanely rich is finding something that scales.

>> No.1181380

Actually, I think it's more important to question WHY you want the money.

What's going to change at $1,000,000 that can't be done right now in your current situation?

Do you want to do nothing all day(aka retire)? That's easy, plenty of people have no money and do nothing all day, and they enjoy it.

I think OP just needs to mediate and become more calm and grounded within himself.

>> No.1181383

>5 washrooms with all the amenities and a gold plated Lamborghini with custom everything?

I don't even want that stupid shit. I just want a house that I own, a car that I own, and like $1,000,000 in the bank, all in my 20s. I want safety.

Sure, it'd be funny to have some $250,000 Porsche at 24 and just act like it's no big deal, but I would never actually buy something like that. I'm not into spending money. My problem is that I can't find any way to earn $1,000,000 by 30.

I want to not worry. If I owned a home on some land, owned a car, and had a lot liquid, I'd be happy with myself.

>> No.1181385

>I want to not worry. If I owned a home on some land, owned a car, and had a lot liquid, I'd be happy with myself.

So? you don't need $1,000,000 to get that.

You're thinking way to ahead of yourself.
It's kind of like saying:
>I want to be the greatest boxer in the whole world and better than Mike Tyson and Muhammed Ali in their prime!!! I want to smash every single record and go 60-0 in my weightclass but I just don't know where to start!

It's wayyyyyy to ahead of yourself. Focus on making $60k/yr as a goal and being content with your surroundings. Practice meditation.

>> No.1181394

every person I know that's worth millions in their 20s works like a slave

you're a NEET at 20. good luck finding another ETH

>> No.1181399

I could live on $1,000,000 for the rest of my life living minimally without working if I didn't want to. It means everything to me.

>> No.1181406

>I could live on $1,000,000 for the rest of my life living minimally without working if I didn't want to

And what would you do if you weren't working, exactly?

That's your answer for what you really want to do right now. Think about it long and hard.

>> No.1181409

I've always though that was a dumb way to think about it.

Old guys who retire and play golf and go on vacations, is that what they should have really done? It's dumb logic.

>> No.1181412

Go out and work for it, get a trade, deposit half of your earnings into long term investment and retire when you're 35. But honestly you sound like a lazy entitled cunt who will forever the chase the quick buck and forever lose, constantly bitching that everyone else had better luck, or got given more than you did, when all they did was get off their ass and work. I don't really care, it's people like you that keep me in the business of winning in the long run.

>> No.1181416

I don't sound like a damned thing. Where in the fuck are you getting that?

>> No.1181422

How is it dumb way to think?

If you want to travel - let's say, then you can just save money and travel. You don't need a million dollars for it.

Now answer the question, you say you would like to live minimally without ever working again, but what exactly is stopping you from doing this/whatever you would have normally done?

What are your real goals of life and what are YOU doing that brings you closer to them each day?

>> No.1181423

>proves my point

>> No.1181424

You need a decent amount of money to just not work anymore.

My current goal in life is to not have to work for most of it.

You have no point because we don't know each other.

>> No.1181428

It's amazing that the take-home you got from my post was to just get butthurt that I "personally offended you" despite acknowledging we "don't know each" so it shouldn't matter.

What does matter though is that I told you how to achieve what you want but you shrugged it off and avoided it because it involved hard work and time.

Therefore, you are everything I said, and I do know you, faggot. Enjoy being poor the rest of your life, you'll only continue to make progressively worse decisions as you grow older and I just wish I was there to see it fall down. Good luck, gorgeous

>> No.1181429

You said you want safety. Sounds like you want to be sheltered from work to me.
You even laid out that you need to make a decent earning and reinvest it to achieve the million dollar goal. You then rejected the idea.

Why should bill gates make so much while you make so little?
Why should you be so comfortable while those in third world countries struggle with shelter.
Life aint fair, you gotta be active to find opportunities for making money.

We all have dreams of having so much money we dont have to work. Alter your attitude, work doesn't have to be shit.

>> No.1181430

>even $60k/yr

>making more than the median household income in your 20s

you faggots are so out of touch with reality

>> No.1181434
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>tfw i know that feel

how can someone be content in knowing that there are people who make their annual salary in a week? in a day? in a fucking hour?

>> No.1181436

I know. I meant that according to /biz/ $60k/yr is nothing and yet it's enough for most people to live comfortably on.

I'm sorry but are you literally retarded?

I'm asking WHAT WOULD YOU DO INSTEAD OF WORK? You can't seem to answer. Because you realized, you don't need ANY substantial money in order to do what you want.

>You need a decent amount of money to just not work anymore
No you don't. In fact, you don't need anything at all. You could stop working right now(you already have tho, being a neet) - looks like your goal has been accomplished.

>> No.1181438

Because money doesn't bring happiness? You can be empty with yachts and mansions.

Bill Gates is millions of times richer than many people, do you think he's millions of times happier?

>> No.1181449

They're not living comfortably because they're fucking working you moron. You can't just not work if you don't have any fucking money without living and dying on the street you fucking troll. Everything you say, you think it's some genius shit, but you're just an idiot.

>> No.1181451


>> No.1181459

Yeah you're the genius here.

You want a million dollars so bad but you do nothing for it. You have no skills.

Go fuck yourself faggot. You'll never be rich. I regret actually trying to help change your delusional teenage mindset.

>> No.1181462
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>tfw inherited over one million dollars but now going through family dispute and parents want me to use 250k to buy them a house
>love my parents, they love me, but they are complete narcassists
>will soon tell my parents i won't do it and they will most likely disown me

>i've chosen the money over the relationship with my parents

>> No.1181465
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Fuck, I don't even want to be that rich.

I fucking wish someone would hire me for another job, the problem is that I never get a response after an interview and some other prick gets the job.

t.l d.r; Why does life have to be a rat race ?

>> No.1181468


There is nothing funnier than a worthless NEET thinking he can achieve his unrealistic goals by sitting on his fat arse and providing nothing of value.

>> No.1181476

>I'm sorry but are you literally retarded?
says the guy that is talking about how you can just not work and be comfortable that way. what fucking drugs are you on

There is nothing funnier than a worthless NEET thinking he can talk above other worthless NEETs.

>> No.1181477

Even if you win the race you're still a rat.

>> No.1181481

Because I've asked what you wanted to do when you stopped working but you couldn't answer. Just "I don't want to work".

Go on, buy pepecoin and ethereum, it'll make you rich

>> No.1181486

It literally has made people rich. You're trying to act like you know what you're talking about. You're not convincing anyone.

>> No.1181488


what a good aphorism

>> No.1181492

I know, that's why I said buy it.

You're unhappy with actual advice? Jeez man. We've been saying buying ethereum for months

Did you not buy it or something? No wonder you're so upset!

>> No.1181497

Fuck off you degenerate. You've contributed nothing in this entire thread. You haven't given any advice

>wudu u wanna do if money wusnt an opshin?

fuck off faggot. nobody has the answer to that. go ask someone else your abstract bullshit that doesn't apply to the real world and act like it's all high and mighty for literally no reason. you look like a fucking tool.

>> No.1181506

I just gave you some advice, buy pepecoin.

Don't you want a million dollars?

What kind of answer would you like to hear? "start a company" is too boring for you, working a regular job is too slow, not working at all doesn't provide you with enough money to live.

Genuinely curious now, what kind of advice were you searching for? "YEAH bro I'm a billionaire come work for my hedge fund $250k starting, you're the perfect NEET for us?" Or "Yeah maan here do X, Y, Z now you're rich bro haha chill posting from the Bahamas"

You don't even know what you want, you didn't tell us your skills or what you do regularly. How can anyone give advice?

>> No.1181509

>He didn't take out loans tobuy ethereum


I remortgaged my house and took out as many private loans as I could to buy ethereum. Why didn't you idiots buy when we told you??? I'm a millionaire now.

>> No.1181510

if you had just bought LISK you'd now have a billion dollars and could buy them 10 houses

>> No.1181512

and your advice is shit. I'm not expecting anything. I didn't even ask for anything in any of my posts ITT. Fuck off dumbass.

>> No.1181515

investing correctly, getting lucky with those investments, getting more leverage each time you have more money to invest in something different. Making big money is all about having leverage. My dad invested about 143k of his money in gold-related stocks and has made over 50k in the last 2 months. All about the leverage. And getting bretty fuggin lucky.

>> No.1181519

>TFW took out as many loans as I could to buy doge, PND, ethereum, DRK, pepecoin, trumpcoin, and bizcoin
>TFW I was smart and saw the value at the very bottom and correctly predicted the peak and sold them all

>TFW I'm LITERALLY a billionaire now

My advice guys: BUY ALL cryptocurrencies with strong fundamentals as soon as you see them shilled here. You'll be rich beyond your wildest dreams.

>> No.1181526


I'm doing fine m8. As far from NEET-dom as possible.

>> No.1181532

Op are you seriously telling me you didn't buy ethereum?

Damn you're one dumb idiot. I shilled it here for months to try to get you on board the pump and dump before others, and you just LET IT SLIP????

>> No.1181537


>> No.1181538

That was YOU?

Shit, thanks. I made $150k by buying in at the right time. Kind of wish I invested my student loans tho.

Buying pepecoin right now, I've made a fair bit, it's hurting me that I didn't make more off ethereum though.

I'm considering buying WojakCoin soon, looks promising, any ideas?
>TFW genuinely on the path to being a millionaire by 25 ALL thanks to you

Love you bro. Cryptocurrencies are the best.

>> No.1181566

Not sure how anyone is a neet these days when it's easier than ever to buy cryptocurrencies.

Are you guys even trying?

Dozens of people have already become millionaires just from ETHETEUM! And that's not counting the future millionaires from trumpcoin

>> No.1181583


>> No.1181586

Harrison Ford Net Worth
210 million USD

>> No.1181588

Find an initial vehicle to save some money and trade FOREX until you can invest in real estate.

>> No.1181978

made 200k last year. Filed my tax, turbotax showed me I'm in the 95 percentile of earners in US.
95 percent of losers in US made less than 200k last year.
I live good, I have assets, no consumer debt, I don't have 1m dollars.
You are a NEET at the bottom 1 percentile, stop worrying about 1 m dollars, I promise you you'll never see anything like that. You'll most likely be 70 yrs old with diabetes no insurance a beat up pick up and $8.67 in checking acct

>> No.1182000

OP the only way is smart investing. Read rich dad poor dad. I'm 18, and I'm starting to invest in real estate. Just spent from midnight-2 am putting out signs to market myself

>> No.1182001

You don't even need much money to invest in real estate. MAYBE $1000 to start. I'm using less than that

>> No.1182013

I'm in the same boat as OP but trying to work at AT&T. They his around 50-60k a year. Plus trying to do around 20 credit hours per semester. Probably will burn out and ruin everything

>> No.1182036

HFT intern here AMA

>> No.1183050

> waah waah why im not rich why do i have to work

>> No.1183072

>What's going to change at $1,000,000 that can't be done right now in your current situation?
You're not trying very hard if you can't think of anything. For example, I'd like to make my own action figure (tired of the same shit from Hasbro and Bandai). You need thousands for a sculpt, tens of thousands for tooling, tens of thousands more for production. You don't get 200K of disposable funds by being a wagecuck. And a plastic toy seems like a pretty cheap thing to produce versus something metal or electronic.

>> No.1183104

im waiting for the 21st century stretch armstrong. someone has got to make a new, legendary toy.

what the hell was that smell too? it was disgusting but i couldnt stop sniffing

>> No.1183122

do they not have a house already?

>> No.1183194

Whats your actual strategy bro? Are you a real estate salesman? how did you get into it at 18?

>> No.1183199

Best advice and strategy? whats your education? goals and dreams?

>> No.1183360

Look up wholesaling real estate. Friend of mine is 19, done it since 18. He's on track to do seven figures this year... He's killing it

>> No.1183445

I'm aware of wholesale but how do you market yourself and get connections with investors? also i live in western australia where no one is buying apparently

>> No.1183449
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I cannot possibly see how he is not far more content than I am.

I can understand where OP is coming from. I've dreamed of it often. I don't care much for the money itself, but I want nothing more than to live comfortably off the interest of a million bucks doing nothing but reading and learning languages, keeping up on the news, and doing whatever small pleasure catches my fancy. It's not that I can't do this, but the inanities of everyday life and the pressing need for a good job to be financially independent is slowly killing me.

Of course, like OP I have no real source of income. I'm a university student in my last semester, with a part-time job that gives me barely enough money to drive myself to school. I am sure that if I were making 60k a year in my own home I would feel less of a longing. Still, it's something that I can relate to.

>> No.1183521

It's all about risk and reward.

Take out a 50-100k loan on a car. Put it into trumpcoin or ethereum.

Spend a year or so paying it off, hoping it sky rockets.

If you'd did this on Ethereum when it was first shilled on Biz, you'd have almost $250,000 neglecting liquidity.

>> No.1183531

>Figuring out how to have even $1,000,000 in my 20's seems impossible.

Legitimately It IS impossible. Crime is the only viable solution.

>> No.1183573

>Legitimately It IS impossible.
>meanwhile many people have done it

way to be an underachiever you huge pussy

>> No.1184948

>Legitimately It IS impossible. Crime is the only viable solution.

now THIS is rat racing

>> No.1184949


>> No.1185064

>get a job
>buy houses

>> No.1185072

This. Put $5k into Trumpcoin, turn it into $100k.

>> No.1185204

>Ctr+F "kneepads"
>nothing found
You disappoint me /biz/.

>> No.1185399

>i've chosen the money over the relationship with my parents

No, they have. You inherited the money, it's up to you to decide how it gets used.

If they want you to spend your money on them and will literally end the relationship if you don't, they are the ones in the wrong. They are the ones who are putting money first.

Invest that money. Spread it out over Canadian banks or something. They pay great dividends and the system in Canada is solid. No banks failed during the great depression or the 2008 crash and the dividends have either stayed the same or gone up for like 20 years. Good economy or bad.

In fact, if money is all your parents care about and you still really want to preserve your relationship with them, tell them to wait a bit and you can buy them a house with the returns on your principle.

1,000,000 in Canadian bank stock is like 45,000/year in dividends. Minus wtv the tax is for dividend income in your country, that's a pretty quick way to save up enough to buy a small house with cash.

If they can't wait, fuck em. The money is yours.

>> No.1185412

>OP is still in delusional teen-edgy state of mind
>calls anons giving actual real advice faggots
A good amusing read while waiting for my next call at work.
OP, if you want a Mil, go and stop being a NEET and start working for once.