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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 77 KB, 550x552, E555614E-7FAB-4195-8B8A-7D28419A6D0D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11808490 No.11808490 [Reply] [Original]

This is the most obvious investment in the world. Are you really going to let your hatred of Jews and lolbertarian idealism keep you from becoming rich?

>> No.11808510
File: 66 KB, 1309x341, xrpt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11808546

smart money going allin xrp now

>> No.11808555

>This is the most obvious investment in the world

>> No.11808616
File: 1.06 MB, 287x206, fastshow.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oldfag here. That pic is /exactly/ why I still visit this shithole

>> No.11808635
File: 96 KB, 1200x656, photo_2018-11-04_06-33-53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will be the backbone of all cross-boarder settlements in the world.

>> No.11808967

Pwahahah that .jpg
love u 4ever 4chan

>> No.11809047

it's a trap
once it goes too high everyone will go back to birtcoin

>> No.11809062

That image ... is perfect

>> No.11809081

XRP shills have taken over reddit.
I just don't trust people so insanely devoted to shilling that hard.

>> No.11809094

My consciousness unironically influences reality to a large degree and I believe in XRP.

>I never asked for this.

>> No.11809097

Other way around OP.
You literally MUST be retarded to invest in a 40 billion supply kike scam coin that's never going above $1 ever again.

That's swift. A company XRP wishes it could be. Never going to happen pumpkin, enjoy your .50c shitcoin lmao

>> No.11809112

Hey oldfag, what's your prediction for the bear market ending?

>> No.11809186

God you're an insufferable faggot.
I agree with your pol autism but here and in all the other threads where you counter signal XRP, you sound literally unhinged and retarded.
You don't even understand fundamentals well enough to be in this market.
You can hate the Jews, but you have to sit at their table if you want to flip their game board you stupid nearsighted faggot.
I understand you going on about the supply, but you're fucking wrong.
>what is escrow...
Jesus. You're such a brainlet.
You literally rely on your racism to sound as smart of us that KNOW why we don't like these people. Please get rekt and resign your genes to the lowest caste.

>> No.11809229

bud it's never going to happen lmao.
fucking LINK sitting at #40 was worth more than this kike scamcoin just a week ago.

this shit is going to be labeled a security by the SEC and it's done, there will be no fine, they will shut this kike scamcoin down.

I don't know why you're so upset, just invest in something that isn't a scamcoin. This garbage sitting at #2 means literally nothing. Like I said this is never replacing Swift, it has no value.

>> No.11809259

And I forgot to talk about the supply, which less than half of is currently in supply. Unless you're hodling millions of this scamcoin and are pumping and dumping fags this is never going to make anyone money.

>> No.11809276
File: 64 KB, 1280x720, average chainlink holder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh a link holder that explains everything.

>> No.11809283
File: 21 KB, 600x485, Capturejjhfda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you really going to let your hatred of Jews

>> No.11809315

sorry you're kike scam was worth less than a #40 coin just a week ago and will be back in the position next week. lmao what a fucking retard

>> No.11809399
File: 26 KB, 1268x135, 99.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im sorry for your loss.

>> No.11809403

>You must be retarded to invest in XRP

There, fixed it for ya.

>> No.11809431

zoom out, not yet

>> No.11809439
File: 227 KB, 960x792, 1541281974645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought in at $13, so I'm happy; to be candid I have no problem going right the way back down there, and hodling all the way.

That said, I don't believe that's at all likely. My experience of the wider market is that we'll
well overshoot whatever fair value might be, and so when we bounce, we'll bounce hard. We might already be in the overshoot, it might be still to come - what matters is what the market as a whole thinks, because right now the whole crypto space is still nascent: the value has yet to be fully appreciated. I'm 49: crypto now is exactly like the Internet was for me in IT in the late 80s. We're all just getting ready.

Wanna prediction? Bitcoin will be the store of value - as the most secure chain in the future people will use it to store money they don't need there and then. North of $100k easily. People will own shitcoins for only long enough to transact though: BCHBBQ, XRP, etc among them. As no-one will want them for more than a few seconds/minutes, their value falls much closer to zero. ETH's value is as the underlying for utility tokens. 80/20 says blockchain utility tokens are not needed.

Good hunting, and good luck dude. May all your ups and downs be in bed

>> No.11809454

Delusional. Nice try, Herschel.

>> No.11809483

ahahahahahahha and this is why the /biz constantly loses money. Faggots are blind and cant see whats right in front of them. fucking retarted gimp stay poor

>> No.11809591


lmao is this how you deal with the fact a #40 coin was worth more than your shit kike scam coin a week ago? like I said we'll be back above your garbage fiat price in a week

>40 billion supply

>> No.11809696
File: 13 KB, 1255x70, 44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no down to the 41 spot this aint looking good.

>> No.11809729

what do you mean about ETH ?

>> No.11809754

so a #41 coin was worth more than your kike scamcoin a week ago? lmao it keeps getting worse. There's like a dozen top 100 coins worth more hahahaha the only people making money off this scam are whales

enjoy those bags dumbass I can't wait to spam this board after XRP is labeled a security and is destroyed by the SEC and xrp goes to 0 because they won't be paying just a fine lmao

>> No.11809925

A federal court will decide not the SEC. The butthurt will be like election night all over again when XRP is finally cleared.

>> No.11809972

Me here, hopefully my id stays same.

What I mean about ETH. Lets take an example, let’s take DCN. DCN is a utility token (UT) on ETH, it could be said that ETH has value because DCN has value (about $1 per 10,000 rn.) But - Does DCN actually have value? It’s a blockchain UT for dentistry. Does it actually bring anything to the table that a centralised solution does not? Are dentists crying out for decentralisation, are their patients desperate for blockchain transparency? I think that’s stretching it. I think the benefit will eventually be only that DCN devs get to rejoin the unemployment line. And if DCN stretches to make a case, how many other coins also stretch to make a case? I’d say: the majority, maybe 80%. If only 20% of UTs on ETH have long term value, then ETH, as their carrier, is likely overvalued.

>> No.11810298

>People will own shitcoins for only long enough to transact though: BCHBBQ, XRP, etc among them
you don't know shit boomer

>> No.11810502

>XRP a scam
>LINK isn’t
