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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11808087 No.11808087 [Reply] [Original]

If you are not all in on XLM, you are really fucking up.

Benefits of Stellar:

- ICOs (Smartlands and Mobius are the two leading)
- Smart-contracts
- IBM running the world-wide network nodes and shilling Stellar
- Stellar consensus protocol: 1000s tx / second (global scale)
- Inflation distributed weekly to those who own XLM (https://lumenaut.net/))

Recent News:

- Interstellar working on Lightning
- Keybase very active on Github w/ Stellar

Stellar Programs:

- StellarX (SDEX - Zero Fees)
- Kelp (Trading bot for SDEX)
- Sequence (Tokenize financial assets)
- Starlight (Lightning)

SDEX Capability:

- Stellar enables arbitrary extensions of the “tether” idea, meaning you can digitize any off-chain asset—pork futures or Zcash or SkyMiles or USD or whatever—and the protocol itself will handle redemption and compliance. Stellar therefore unifies disjoint economies (and blockchains) into a single market.

Why XLM actually has value/utility:

- XLM is Asset-to-Asset bridge exchanging anything-for-anything on the SDEX; it is the universal base asset, ideal for atomic swaps
- Stellar to lead STO rush

Expected News:

- Keybase projects
- Interstellar projects
- IBM World Wire Clients
- Lightning Progress
- Coinbase addition

Why are you still buying shitcoins (that are securities) with no growth again, nigger? (with a hard R)

>> No.11808168

Just hit 4550 sats. Wow XLM go go go

>> No.11808450
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>> No.11808696

4600+ LETS GO

>> No.11808806


>> No.11808860

Oof rejected at 4600

>> No.11808871

stellar is shit and is dumping.

check XRP, is doing very well on this bloodbath

>> No.11808915

xrp is dog shit and has billions of it slated to be sold on dumb bag holders like you

like 10% of XRP is slated to be sold on bagholders, thats 10 fucking billion

>> No.11808926
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you piece of shit faggots need to stop shilling actual quality on this board. next thing you know an army of street shitting pajeets will be making threads daily.
kys seriously faggot niggers

>> No.11808968

>LINK faggit made he has no working product, no partners, and no future on the shitty ETH blockchain

>> No.11808974
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>> No.11809132
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Nice recovery stellar snake

>> No.11809145
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>> No.11809154
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The novatti AUD token backed by stellar/XLM launches earlier today. Coinbase listing next.

>> No.11809178

Plenty of room in the sandbox for both of us, butthole.

>> No.11809188

Snek too big too strong

>> No.11809196

Launched earlier..**

>> No.11809468
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Fuck I love having 100k XLM

>> No.11809493

only 25k here when should i buy more?

>> No.11809661


>> No.11809668

also, buy smartlands; thats how you get more XLM

>> No.11809691

looking into it

>> No.11810382
