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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 27 KB, 299x456, DN3jes0XUAAbO2R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11806143 No.11806143 [Reply] [Original]

Why THE FUCK are WE dumping just because of bitcoin when we are BLOCKCHAIN AGNOSTIC, bitcoin could go to zero tomorrow and link would still be needed and used on hyperledger and corda for trillions dollars derivatives FUCK this is such a retarded market

>> No.11806178

Who cares, just buy more

>> No.11806193
File: 151 KB, 778x519, 7F9A4045-D4FF-42B1-8612-422E2D611397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude its on sale you fucking retard, sergey literally announce they found the most secured and best way to generate random number...he literally invented a whole new level...we are blessed to buy link for under 50c

>> No.11806199

Hahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhaha no kiddo.

>> No.11806224

Sad that I put another $1k in above 50 cents. I'm gonna wait for BTC to finish dumping before buying more. Should be in the 30s then or lower.

>> No.11806360

yeah market is full of retards, but this dumping is a good thing, it will force all this retards to move away from crypto or rethink their stupid fucking choices.

otherwise, everyone would just continue to shove all their money into bitcoin and legit projects would stand no chance to take over. so this is a good thing, it will make crypto less retarded and more useful.

>> No.11806408


>> No.11806516
File: 1.65 MB, 1080x1154, 1542319528675.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sibos 2019
>Sergey can be heard talking backstage
>they announce him as the next guest
>He skateboards onto the stage
>he has really unkempt facial hair
>Sergey is still wearing his signature outfit
>his shirt is the same pattern, but it's flannel
>his shoes are now vans
>his jeans are skinny
>Sergey takes a fat rip from a Vape
>cough cough
>Chain Link is now
>he hits the vape again
>blockchain atheist

>> No.11806612

kys faggot

>> No.11806613

Sergey memes are getting out of control

>> No.11806629

in a panic/crash all correlations go to one.

>> No.11806672

>good first attempt

>> No.11806701

Because this shit coin is paired with bitcoin for 90% of link traders out there. Who cares how many sats its worth anyway. Btc next stop is like 4400

>> No.11806725

lol this guy again, nice one edgelord, can’t handle it that WE are a community of stinky linky frens? Don’t worry, WE won’t invite you to our yacht party

>> No.11806730

Every crypto depends on bitcoin to cash out. Try cashing out your 10,000 #ZIMBA zimbabwe trash coin. You would have to change to bitcoin first.

>> No.11806775

Go to reddit if you want to hold each other's cocks

>> No.11807047
File: 976 KB, 1080x1069, Cupace20181023193143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice meme fren. Glad to see it being used.
>Sergey spends all day umming and ahhing over electric skateboards. Gets no work done.
>he wants one but thinks his body isn't designed to go so fast.
>he meets electric skateboard survivors for side chats at devcons.

>> No.11807069

>coins measured in bitcoin go down when bitcoin goes down

Fucking shocking!

>> No.11807297

because it's bought with BTC
LINK is already doing really fine by holding it's price
if BTC goes up it slingshots LINK