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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 993 KB, 1508x1728, skyvstor2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11805034 No.11805034 [Reply] [Original]

This board is going to become "4channel" soon. For better or worse. There's a way this could have been prevented.

Won't help, it's simply an obscufication method from A to B.
Too slow to be useful in the capacity that the internet is currently used in.
Something something biology patterns that engineers can't understand, apparently. Good luck with those port boxes plugged in to the legacy internet. Legacy internet providers won't want to pay for expensive SDN shit.

Skycoin is the only platform that can host its own content, dApps, and independent systems in a way that people can buy/sell traffic with devices they have in their homes and antennas they have on their rooftops.

We're going to build a new everything, and that includes a new 4chan, Youtube, and other sites without centralized control, advertising whores, and SJW mob rule.

>> No.11805183

>taking literal material thrown at skyshit and impotently attempting to turn it as a pro
The image literally means that sky is no better than TOR, which works already and doesn't require a 'coin'

>> No.11805226

skycoin is paid tor for tech illiterate idiots

>> No.11805357

I don't think you're grasping that using the legacy Internet is optional.

>> No.11805387

Gotta spend money if you don't want it to be slow as shit, like Tor is. You can also sell your bandwidth.