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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11796800 No.11796800 [Reply] [Original]

IF any of you guys fell for buying into Snowblossom. Good, it'll be a good lesson for you. this ship is going straight to bikini bottom. imagine being the anon who bought snowblossom thinking he could increase his chainlink stack then getting slapped with -Twu's fannypack

>> No.11796821

ikr op. im the anon that said dont fomo. wait until 200k marketcap to buy, or mine. dont buy the gook pump and dumper twu's bags

>> No.11796841

Though a lot of people mock last October & November as it was the precursor to all normies entering crypto, a surprising amount of great projects were shilled and discussed. Since the crash anything new that comes to biz is 99% going to be a total shitcoin or scam. I literally ignore anything new shilled here as they all wind up the same way: Very short lived manufactured pump followed by a dump with zero chance of recovery.

>> No.11796848

Still 250% up from my call with a VERY thin book. If you want to chance it going anywhere near 10,000 sats you should be very nervous.

Don’t bother with the 200k cap FUD, that’s well below ATL. Not happening. Screencapped this.


>> No.11796859

Now shut the fuck up, please, so I can reach 20K Snow.

>> No.11796916

how are block times of 10 minutes average, no privacy/anonymity feature, no extra functionality like programmable blockchain, any good?
is it at least completely decentralized?

>> No.11796936

hmmmm. getting aggressive with the very own people you are attempting to decieve. foolish of you, very foolish. snowblossom could be the coolest project ever. but guess what? it doesnt have any fundamental aspect of value. its just a concept. with the current crypto politics and forecast its ballsy to blatantly tell someone to purchase something specific(other than chainlink ofcourse). A true samurai would have said" it is sketchy and u can be dumped on but the project idea is cool with a trustworthy dev." instead you went on to go " ohh thats what u said since 6k sats" and all your bullshit. the deliver of information is more important than the information itself. havent you learned anything form sir gaY?

>> No.11797192


>> No.11797301
File: 153 KB, 896x943, 3531A52A-90C0-4C73-A812-A8E4C8CE6B95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
