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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.63 MB, 1440x986, Screenshot 2018-11-16 at 17.40.23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11795893 No.11795893 [Reply] [Original]

why havent you bought dero yet?
i heard 26k is just the right amount

>> No.11795901

I try to avoid using BTC as a base trading pair. I wish tradeogre used XMR instead.

>> No.11795907

are there any large exchanges that have XMR as a base trading pair?

>> No.11795943

not yet. I like nanex as a btc alternative but it doesn't list nearly enough.

>> No.11795973
File: 6 KB, 227x222, 1537120001989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying privacy coins that are securities
The absolute state of biz poortards

>> No.11795981

THATS IT ive had enough of this cunts face. be gone

>> No.11795985

who is this thot?

>> No.11796153

>he doesnt know

dude seriously fuck off. do you spend 24/7 on biz? why do you always raid my thread

>> No.11796176

no u fuck off. u do not belong here

>> No.11796177

>mommyyyyyy make him stop
Yes, I do. And what's the problem? Can't accept the truth?

>> No.11796477

kids that have learned the word security, wtf retards, get a degree before talking

>> No.11796519

I know it's hard to accept the truth, but it's a fact. Just accept it.

>> No.11797214

>>he doesnt know
know what?

>> No.11797318

DUDE WTF? Are you trying to discredit Dero or what?

>> No.11797534

lmao pic related. fudsters btfo

>> No.11797542
File: 41 KB, 1438x196, Screenshot 2018-11-19 at 03.03.42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic.

>> No.11798246

>calling true facts "FUD"
Crypto newfags...

>> No.11798260

kys. unironically just reported you for spam. stop coming into my threads and derailing them

>> No.11798269
File: 24 KB, 500x378, 323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I see the fuders have just stopped calling it a scam and are now just trying to scare people away with vague threats kek. It's funny watching people slowly capitulate.
>First they laugh at you
>Then they fight you
You can guess what's next.

>> No.11798270

Thanks just bought 100k

>> No.11798271
File: 71 KB, 703x685, 1519912956703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reported you for spam
That's not faggit
GTFO, fucking newfag

>> No.11798280
File: 27 KB, 600x600, 1532924458955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Derofags can't acept facts, as always.
Where's the foundation? Waiting for too long?

>> No.11798296

will someone just tell me who that girl is?

>> No.11798301
File: 998 KB, 810x972, Screenshot 2018-11-16 at 17.43.46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its been like 6 hours anon wtf how can you still not know

>> No.11798306

All in good time, what happened to just spamming Dero threads with "SCAM"? Oh, that's right you were just lying then like you're lying now, trying to kill the project in the cradle because you're nervous. Well get used to that feeling because Dero isn't going anywhere. Didn't leave the first hundred times monero holders said it would, won't now. When they do the foundation and everything else they have promised and delivered, what will you complain about next?

>> No.11798363

I'm slow, what's this from?

>> No.11798391

nvm I found this

>> No.11798394

It's from the unofficial music video Sail by Awolnation, it's stupid, don't know why OP is spamming her.

>> No.11798421

I never told it's a scam (although the decisions made by the developer makes it appear that it is. But anyway, scams can also succeed in crypto after all. Look at Ripple). I'm just telling that some things must change URGENTLY if the team wants it to succeed. Giving up the rights to a proprietary license and turning it to a full open source project would open a lot of doors to the project. By not doing this the coin will certainly be classified as a security (it fails in one part of the Howey test), and exchanges listing and adoption will be a lot more harder (specially in the US). There will be impossible to incorporate as a foundation, only as a company, and that will bring a lot of legal issues and other problems (including taxation depending on the country), mainly because it's also a privacy foccused project.
That's why the developer don't mention anymore anything about foundation he promises since April. Because he's in a deadlock. He can't incorporate as a foundation because of his license to the code, but he don't want also to incorporate as a company, because of all the problems I said above.

>> No.11798482

Yeah no, Dero is not a security, the code being propriety doesn't matter. lYou only want it to "full open soucre" so the Monero team can implement what Dero has to their own project, don't think anyone is that stupid.

>> No.11798584

LMAO, do you derofags really think that XMR team cares that much about this project and its useless smart contracts promises to the point they want to implement it into their code? It's like the BTC core team wanting now to urgently hard fork their chain and impements everything ETH has done so far, right?
Anyway, if they really wanted to do this, they could simply rewrite the GO code back to C++, and say they made it also "from scratch" (like Dero does with his CryptoNote rewrite from C++ to GO).

And yes, it matters. It fails exactly here in the test:

-Any profit comes from the efforts of a promoter or third party

Since the project can't incorporate as a foundation, and nobody can fork or use the code, so everything depends exclusively on the efforts of the developer (who also holds 10% of the all the "shares").