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11790894 No.11790894 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11791636

Oh you're scared

>> No.11791650

nice cope

>> No.11792620

There must be a warehouse of xrp paid shill somewhere in India.

>> No.11792814

Thx bought 589k

>> No.11792837

just imagine being so retarded you buy xrp kike coin lmao

>> No.11792844

so if a chink is not to be trusted and he says XRP is bad... is XRP then actually a good investment??!

>> No.11792851

I honestly hope liquid is going to be a success so ripple gets btfo

>> No.11792854

This cope... It's almost too sad to respond to. XRP is literally the only working crypto in existence that is used to solve a real problem.

Compare that to LINK that actually has had verified paid shills.

>> No.11792856

Fuck it. You got me XRP. Fuck all the other coins that didnt think to solve the trillion dollar bank issues. Im in. Bank industry is the big time. Wveryonr else van go hatch some cat eggs off the eth network that then slow down the system to s halt. Have fun

>> No.11792871
File: 197 KB, 512x512, 1517200011040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I fucking hate XRP and all the lifeless NPCs that shill that shit on Twitter.

It's seriously disgusting and makes me want to never hear about Crypto ever again.

>> No.11792889
File: 56 KB, 1279x301, xrp3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did i go all in XRP at 30cents, im such a fucking retard.

>> No.11792900
File: 30 KB, 364x337, 1_VGbDdN0RnIksMlMWpZfy0w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people still unironically falling for the Jew coin meme

>> No.11792933

Imagine making investment decisions based on 4chan jew memes instead of just making money lol

>> No.11792941

really fucking retarded since I went all in on link at 17c and it's worth more than kikecoin xrp when still sitting at 39 spot lmao 40 billion supply shitcoin

>> No.11792951

t. kike

>> No.11792958
File: 69 KB, 609x770, zomboids.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ. Has anyone here ever seen Pontypool? This is literally like the language virus in that film. What the fuck is wrong with these jew puppet zomboids.

>> No.11792966

I really REALLY hope the sec takes down ripple. If they only take one more down, i hope its them. No one deaerves it more

>> No.11792974

Fucking sheeps.

>> No.11792981

What's funny is that they're all shilling for a base pair, yet none of them hold any other coins other than ripple and certainly none of them trade cryptos or know anything about what's going on in the crypto space outside of Ripple circeljerks, because if they did, they wouldn't touch ripple. The amount of shills that has sprang up out of nowhere in the last couple days certainly is impressive, though. Are rippletards the most baindead fandom in crypto?

>> No.11793006
File: 185 KB, 500x334, retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh you're a link holder that explains it.

>> No.11793011

>Imagine being this nigger
Ripple Labs controls the xrp network and owns 60% of the coins. It's not even a cryptocurrency for fucks sake. It's a centralized Jew coin where they can freeze your assets, rewind transactions, and basically do whatever the fuck they want. Enjoy getting burned, you dumb fuck

>> No.11793035

>link holder

>> No.11793053

Imagine thinking you're going to make it off of """investing"""""""" in Ripple.

Just fucking Lol. Throw a dart at a board with top 100 market caps and you'll find a better project to ""invest"""""" in. Chase the pump and dump with XRP I guess.

>> No.11793060

don't be mad your #2 40 billion supply shitcoin is worth less and worthless

>> No.11793093

Based cz

>> No.11793113
File: 646 KB, 904x401, 1542433672984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let it out m8. Its funny, xrp went from 3rd to 2nd and link went from 35th to 38th. You mad at us? Or yourself.

>> No.11793225
File: 96 KB, 1200x656, photo_2018-11-04_06-33-53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are linkies so threatened by XRP?

>> No.11793254

Because they aren’t interested in the most sure thing digital assets have ever had to offer

>> No.11793263


>> No.11793418

>those twitter replies
Holy shit, not even bch shills are this annoying and deluded.

>> No.11794112

Agreed. Twitter is trash to begin with I dont need yasss qweens and ugly balding boomers shilling me xrp too now.

>> No.11794135

Are these the same normies shilling XRP or a new wave?
The funny part is when whales dump on them and they leave crypto (again?).

>> No.11794773
File: 44 KB, 492x419, 1536924350286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mommy mommy...i posted it again. I always write is a security and banker coin and no one use it. :) :) :)

>> No.11795182

there's no justice on this planet.

(((they))) always win