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11790637 No.11790637 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11790647

I have watched like 4 YouTube videos on this, and cannot understand how this started

>> No.11790672

Craig and Calvin wanted full control of the coin, turning it into Ripple, except slower.
They requested some features from ABC, ABC delivered, they suddenly claimed they never requested them (wayback machine shows otherwise), they got invited to a conference by Jihan, who wanted to reach consensus, CSW flew for 18 hours, gave him the finger and left.
They made their trolls on biz and reddit claim that they are the only ones who want to scale BCH (their implementation is the slowest, and they even failed to configure their clients to make blocks over 2MB during the stress test), that CSW is satoshi (this is laughable at this point, he's made 10 provably fake proofs already) etc, etc.
BCH has the largest community in crypto, so people saw through their bullshit despite their well-funded online trolling campaign. Every early bitcoin adopter - from Jihan, to Roger, Emil, Emin Gun Sirer, Rick Falkvinge, Vin Armani, etc called them out on their bullshit. And they failed miserably.
Now all that's left is the trolls. The end.

>> No.11790675

Me neither, all seems staged. If you remember, the price was inflated, the increase in block size and the marketing did not have any effect, and suddenly the drama. Scammers all.

>> No.11790687

>they even failed to configure their clients to make blocks over 2MB during the stress test
this isn't even true

>> No.11790693
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this desu. It's way past the point of sad now.

>> No.11790702

It is though. Yes, they got it right 6 hours later, but it was hilarious to watch at the beginning. By the time they reconfigured their software (forked from ABC) that they didn't know how to use, ABC and BU had already cleared most of the mempool by mining 20mb blocks.
Maybe you're thinking of fork day as the stress test? I meant the official stress test from about a month ago.

>> No.11790708
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>turning it into Ripple

>> No.11790716

>BCH has the largest community in crypto


>> No.11790722

It's true. If a centralised entity takes control of the system and loudly states that they're going to bend the knee to the state, the end result is going to be ripple / BTC etc. That's just a fact.
The only party who will likely never do this is Ver, because they put him in prison, he's ideologically opposed to them, and he wants to see them burn.
They also might just kill him if he keeps winning though.

>> No.11790727
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>that’s just a fact

>> No.11790738
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Sup guise

I have some BCH I want to convert to BTC

I created a Bitstamp account for this very purpose, but they aren't accepting BCH deposits atm.

What would be the best way for me to do this now?

>> No.11790772

i guess you gotta wait this whole shitshow to solve itself in some way.

>> No.11790792

Starting to think the hashpower behind ABC Is just going to have to actually kill SV and remove the question entirely.

>> No.11790802

I'm kinda out of the loop here
Did my BCH turn into SV and ABC?
Where can I read about the whole situation?

>> No.11790832

Depends on the exchange you’re using but some like buttrex are designating ABC the BCH ticker and giving SV their own

>> No.11790853

depends on how this shitshow develops you could end up with both coins (in the case both chains survive) or only one (the winner of this hash war).
basically now it's like a dick length competition where both sides are mining their own chain to prove which has the longest, they are losing tons of money doing so (like 400k a day) so we'll see who lasts longer.

>> No.11791055

hopefully this scam will rule itself out soon and go to hell so crypto can recover again

>> No.11791062

SV has already lost
Craig will never be able to reorg ABC chain because of this simple checkpoint: https://github.com/Bitcoin-ABC/bitcoin-abc/commit/651ac4461c2c92952df39f75a9d177c746e60b57

>> No.11791074

Lol muh checkpoints. checkpoints don’t mean Craig won’t be able to take control.

>> No.11791078

Craig's plan was to 51% attack ABC chain and force them to reorg
With the checkpoint a reorg will never happen

>> No.11791115

No one knows his plan. He’s treating this like a marathon unlike abc who are approaching it like a sprint. Checkpoints don’t protect abc from craig mining many empty blocks. Abc only introduced checkpoints after the fork. And it doesn’t protect against reorgs of several blocks at a time.

>> No.11791127

lol he announced his plan like 100 times during his lives by keeping saying "NO SPLIT"

>> No.11791139

>everything csw says publicly is 100% transparent and set in stone

>> No.11791160
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> muh 7d chess

>> No.11791173

>posting plebbit fud
You have to go back

>> No.11791271

This proofs that BCore is fucked as their supporting hash will turn to BCH even at a loss. People are supporting BSV in hope to destroy BCH and save their BCore bags without realizing that miners would sacrifice their shitcoin to save the only long term viable coin.

>> No.11791307
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Sure craigbot.

>> No.11791605
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wow, that's a nice collection of unnecessarily complicated words - someone's projecting like a motherfucker

but more importantly, pic related.

>> No.11791624
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sure craigbot.

>> No.11791627

i don't know why these fucks would try to change anything. any infighting and their whole advertising strategy is fucked. they're no longer the "real buttcoin" but just another bitcoin diamond.
they should be glad their scam is still ranked top 10

>> No.11792141

Why does ABC keep mining mostly empty blocks while SV blocks are more than 2mb

>> No.11792153

Imagine caring about this shitshow.

>> No.11792266
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>> No.11792401
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>> No.11792631

I believe this is correct.