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11785205 No.11785205 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11785211

My patience is getting tired. The chainlink website literally says they are partnered with swift. Still 50c. All these speculated partnerships are just that. The partnerships that have been announced are either worthless or "so important and bigger then people think" but its still 50c. The team cant even tell us whats going on even in a low key way, i guess i do know they dont need to say anything to the average joe. I want to believe everything link has to offer but when the practical side of me comes up, its all too good to be true. Im all in and will hold til zero, it just really fucking blows that my life savings are in this (a whopping 1,200 dollars) and the notion that i dont have what it takes to even get a dishwasher job, my moral is the lowest its ever been in my life. Im not even asking for $1000 eoy, i just need maybe 150 dollars a link to just move out of my parents house ive been living in for 34 years of my life, i just want to feel whats its like to go to your own house and have my own room. Im so fucking tired of being a loser.

>> No.11785213

>click - hide thread

>> No.11785221

3000 sats

>> No.11785230

1 sat

>> No.11785250

1200 sats

>> No.11785265
File: 3 KB, 225x225, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Partnership confirmed 20k EOY

>> No.11785267

1 btc

>> No.11785298

The singularity

>> No.11785319

Circumstances will change for you just by following blockchain and being able to see a future in it. Have faith Link may not reach 150 hell maybe not even 10 but say it reaches $3 that still gives you enough capital to diversify your holdings into other projects that you like and start a trading stash that you can cash profits into USDC or whatever your preferred stable coin is.
You need to have a strategy putting all in link and leaving it there hoping for a miracle is not conducive to a healthy porfolio or life id argue.
Link has insane potential but it is just that "POTENTIAL" not certainty. Make a plan and you can make it, you just need a bit of luck initially here. if you bought the blood a while back you'd be 2x up already.

>> No.11785323

Nobody knows lol

>> No.11785374

1000 sats and LOWER

>> No.11785394

6k sats.

>> No.11785401

just buy https://streamable.com/rbd3l

>> No.11785443
File: 95 KB, 988x688, 1530401692549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1k EOY

>> No.11785455

You should be buying right now.

>> No.11785471

>implying i have any money at all that isn't in chainlink already

>> No.11785698

There is no target, this is the new standard. We finally made it. All you have to do is wait at this point.

>> No.11785978

>responding to pasta

yes linkies are this stupid

>> No.11786030

I'll try to actually give a real answer, I would expect this dip to stabilize around 8300-8400, then we probably have a week or so around that price point before we either a) dip further to 7800 if there is no news or b) spike back into the 9000s and likely over 10k if we get a few new partnerships like we got the past two weeks.

But that's a no-news scenario. All this is moot if CL drops some amazing tidbit out of the blue, which is basically the norm for them. Realistically, we can read memelines all, but the bottom is going to be that moment before CL releases some more amazing news, and that moment could be literally whenever. So if you're looking for a buy target, for fucksake just hit the buy button. It's already at a 15% discount from a few days ago.

>> No.11786102

this. i'm about to bring in 100k USD. I want at least 200k linkies. Hoping for .45 in the next two days so I can get 220k links

>> No.11786107
File: 58 KB, 1021x711, chainlinks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do not need to be a genius to read this chart. We're doing totally fine. If it goes down, it will be due to a total absence of news. If it goes up, it will be due to people buying this dip, and any good news.
Judging by how close we're getting to main net, and the flurry of announcements the past few weeks, I'd say it's far more likely to increase than decrease.
Might go down 200-300 sats or more meanwhile, but who gives a shit - minus falling into the traps being laid by that semi-whale, the order book is way too thin to make significant gains swing trading, and it's too late at this point. If one was to swing trade, should have done it at least in the 9000s.

>> No.11786117

>still trading in sats despite the obvious fact that bitcoin is on its way to $0.

>> No.11786140

good luck anon, don't kys if its lifesavings please.

>> No.11786141

>ahh bloo bloo bloo im a bear im edgy heh crashing this market with no survivors

you want it to go to 0 so you can short it, but that's not going to happen. Even if it were to happen, bitcoin is relevant at the present moment, and if it actually did crash to that abysmal level, LINK and other altcoins would be sold at higher sat levels to compensate, or get a USD / XRP / whatever pairing.

>> No.11786227
File: 44 KB, 1131x522, 8500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and also, I mean, I'm not a TA wizard but any brainlet can look at charts and recognize 2 months worth of precedent for ~8500 being the local bottom before we leg up again. Unless you're staying zoomed in on minute candles like a spasmoid. Hype hasn't changed, anticipation hasn't changed, awareness is spreading, 'hundreds and hundreds' of partnerships are still being formulated and finalized behind the scenes. There is no reason for LINK to not act AT LEAST as well going forward as it has since August.

>> No.11786246

based and redpilled, we posted the exact same thing, please fuck my wife

>> No.11786293

Same as it has always been.
$1000 Dollars EOY

>> No.11786315

that would mean roughly 4x bitcoin's current market cap

why are linkies so retarded

>> No.11786335





shh. youll see.

>> No.11786365

It won't cross the meme lines

>> No.11786381

>imagine thinking thats what the singularity means

>> No.11786433

They will all equal zero
A true mathematical singularity your money can never escape

>> No.11786513

pls don't talk to me like that, it feels weird

>> No.11786550

sentiment seems to have completely changed whether there's any reason for that with chainlink in particular. between the whole market turning downwards and the airtoken paragon settlements, if chainlink doesn't have some good news soon the upward trend will be broken.

>> No.11786629

LINK actually does something (which is revolutionary to multiple trillion dollar+ industries)

BTC chews up energy more than anything else ever conceived to send keep track of numbers being sent back and forth

I wonder which will be more valuable


>> No.11787368

My patience is getting tired. The chainlink website literally says they are partnered with swift. Still 50c. All these speculated partnerships are just that. The partnerships that have been announced are either worthless or "so important and bigger then people think" but its still 50c. The team cant even tell us whats going on even in a low key way, i guess i do know they dont need to say anything to the average joe. I want to believe everything link has to offer but when the practical side of me comes up, its all too good to be true. Im all in and will hold til zero, it just really fucking blows that my life savings are in this (a whopping 1,200 dollars) and the notion that i dont have what it takes to even get a dishwasher job, my moral is the lowest its ever been in my life. Im not even asking for $1000 eoy, i just need maybe 150 dollars a link to just move out of my parents house ive been living in for 34 years of my life, i just want to feel whats its like to go to your own house and have my own room. Im so fucking tired of being a loser.

>> No.11787659

it's your negative energy you fucking raccoon. you're poisoning all of us.