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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11785012 No.11785012 [Reply] [Original]

So what do you guys do for a living?

I change shit on insurance documents all day in an office for $20/hr

>> No.11785050

Fill out paperwork for building permits and Draw technical drawings of Supermarkets for 16$/hr

>> No.11785090

Buyside real estate analyst, it's a sweet gig tons to learn every day

>> No.11785106

Lmao smelly wage cucks, I earn $13/he just sitting at my grandma's house, I don't even know where she is I got my dog on my lap and I'm shitposts right now and the state of California is paying me to do so. I honestly can't even imagine working. My brother works full time and our qualities of life are the same.

>> No.11785176

Business analyst.
I create BI-solutions for a middle-sized corporation & love my job.

Recently graduated, so "just" 25€ per hour, but for Germany this is actually very high for recent graduates.
Also 33 paid days off, paid overtime as well as the best coffee under the sun & daily fresh fruits for free.

>> No.11785254
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>> No.11786267
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Holy fuck that pic literally fucked my night

fuck you


>> No.11786278

so what do you have to live for?

>> No.11786292

Fuck waging for schlomostein. I quit my engineering "career" once I realized its just glorified cubicle wage cucking, but with responsibilities that don't reflect the pay.

>> No.11786319

QC for a medal fabricator. $23/hr

>> No.11786333

So what do you do now?

>> No.11786338

Project manager of facilities on a govt base, $100k/year

>> No.11786348

NEET it up baby!

>> No.11786349

Stocker, thinking of becoming an uber or a delivery driver. The whole choose your schedule thing sounds comfy

>> No.11786366

Once you factor in depreciation uber isn't worth it

>> No.11786387

self employed, own my own business master race

>> No.11786391

Meh I earn minimum wage anyway and manage to survive so I should be fine right?

>> No.11786410

Once your car breaks down you're fucked

Uber car standards are relatively high - can't be an old economy shitbox

>> No.11786441

I meant food delivery like GrubHub, and I really doubt my car would break down so quickly. Buying a used car every two years for 2k doesn't seem like a bad tradeoff

>> No.11786570

Comfy civil service job. Construction inspector. I spend all day outside (or can watch from the comfort of my state car on rainy/cold days) watching the contractor work. Then I fill out menial paperwork for half an hour to pay the contractor at the end of the day. Super comfy, 65k and I spend 6 hours a day shitposting and occasionally glancing up from my phone to watch what the guys are doing. Spend lunch with the lads and construction worker bantz. Home by 3 most days. Life Is good, I laugh at my wageslave friends who work 10+ hours a day at private companies for maybe 10 or 15k more than I make

>> No.11786609

Same; although I work in a print shop. Physical work so no having to join (and pay) a gym, no stress, no bullshit. Just come in on time, do whatever needs doing. leave after 8 hrs. Can retire after 15 more yrs w/full payout.

>> No.11786884

Living the dream, anon. sounds super comfy.

>> No.11786906


>> No.11786935

What a funky looking word.

>> No.11786980
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EHS Specialist at Amazon, I babysit all the wagies in their cagies and keep the building in compliance. Pays well and is as comfy as an Amazon can get(at night) but frustrating dealing with the stupidest humans on earth.

>> No.11786991

absolute retard

>> No.11787000

based. there are wagies on this board right now that contribute a fraction of their wages to your lifestyle. must be seething

>> No.11787261

How'd you get to where you are? Did you go to college?

>> No.11787355

Yes. I'm only a few years out of school with a Bachelors in civil engineering, however there are alternate requirements which don't require college and instead value construction experience. Obviously the pay will be significantly lower, I started at 57k and receive about 2.5k-3k raise each year but you may start at 45k or 50k or similar depending on experience

Hop on your state's civil service website or start googling various agencies such as DEP, DOT, etc. The position you're looking for is engineering technician or similar. Check the requirements and try to get in. Nothing comfier than a government job.

If you care, I have an old post saved that I typed up for a different old thread which breaks down my day in real time so you can truly see how comfy it is.

>> No.11787402
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>he ges paid $20/hr to do nothing
dude i can't even land a job wtf

>> No.11787451

i was doing civil engineering. quit to get sober during the summer and before it led to me being fired. will look for another job in spring if i don't make enough on shitcoins to train as something else.

>> No.11787484

Analyze customer cellphone accounts for $23/hr (do not communicate with customers)

>> No.11787507

Do you get drug tested

>> No.11787535

i slave away for some boomers yard work like the good little mutt i am, i only make 10$ an hour and on average every month i make about 60$

>> No.11787582

How do I get into this?

>> No.11787613

I install sheet metal cladding and flashing on commercial buildings (shit like walmarts, apartment buildings, government buildings, etc) for $26/hr. Part of a union so I get guaranteed yearly raises. The job isn't too bad but I want to invest wisely and get out of it at most 10 years from now. Not looking to make my nut in <10 years, but hopefully get enough capital to start a business of some sort. And yes I know there are ways to do it without capital but I'd rather not risk getting myself into massive amounts of debt. I have a few ideas, but they all require like $50-100k or a large loan, maybe both, and I'd like to go into it with an air tight business plan rather than just some shitty start-up idea that says "were the Uber of _____".

Most of it is a comfort/security thing, my cost of living is low as fuck, I can easily save $10k/year, and I don't have to worry about a drastic drop in standard of living at my current job (most new businesses don't make money right away). Ideally I would like to have my living expenses covered by residual income and use my savings for business ventures.

tl;dr massive blogpost no one cares about, just keep scrolling

>> No.11787671

I'm a federal wagecuck who produces agricultural statistics for public consumption. The job is mind numbing - sending surveys out, receiving them back, commanding an army of undercompensated state employees who do in-person interviews with hard-to-get farmers, I edit farmers' surveys to correct their shitty math and summarize the results to produce an indication that we use as the basis to set an official estimate of, say, corn yield or cash rent paid per cropland acre, shit like that.

I honestly don't do anything that a clerical worker with a high school certificate couldn't do but the job requires a maths degree and pays $80k/yr. Plus my coworkers are fellow gave-up-on-life fedcucks who mind their business and don't cause a lot of workplace drama. No direct interaction with the public. Unfireable and occasionally I get paid surprise vacations (government shutdowns/furlough).

Just accumulating LINK and waiting for the day I can quit my job, go fuck off in a cabin in the woods and spend the rest of my days smoking DMT and watching anime.

>> No.11787672

Fuck dude civil eng seems like the motherfuckin tits, I have a bachelors in crappy business admin then I realized HR is for faggots

Not sure why I am cursing this much sorry. I am probably too bad at math anyway.

>> No.11787701

No. I have no security clearance so even though I work for a government agency I don't get drug tested. I smoke a fat joint every Friday before lunch, I have a favorite spot on a side street I go to. Here's a normal day for me.
>roll into work 7:20
>clock in, log into outlook
>7:30 call the contractor and ask if they're working on my office's project today
>if they're not working, I have literally nothing to do
>it was normal for me to have inspections for 3 or 4 days in a row and then nothing for 3 or 4 weeks
>fill out the report I have to write daily, today I'm doing "office work"
>it's 7:40, go to bathroom and sit for 20 minutes taking a phat shit
>8 o'clock, I leave to "get breakfast"
>sometimes I go to fill up the car, sometimes I go to home depot, sometimes I go to the mall to do some shopping, sometimes I go to autozone
>on Fridays back when my best friend sat at the desk next to me we would go smoke a joint together before getting breakfast, I still keep the Friday tradition alive, just alone since he got a better job now
>get back to office 8:30 or 9 or 9:30, nobody cares
>walk past bosses office, 90% of time he's playing solitaire
>9:30 to 12:30 I spend doing anything. Some days I literally sleep at my desk for 2 or 3 full hours uninterrupted. Most of the time this is spent shitposting. Sometimes I watch Netflix. Ive literally installed a new battery and lightbulbs in my car and vacuumed the interior in our parking lot
>boss is usually out 12:15 or 12:30
>I follow suit 15 minutes later
>usually home by 1 on days there's no inspections, on the clock till 3:30

>> No.11787731

I sell Renovation Packs to Multifamily Apartment Complexes. Work from home, dont have to generate my own leads, get a nice base and commission.

I like it. Lots of traveling in my territory and only have to be social for 20 minute spurts.

>> No.11787737

Civil engineering, particularly construction, is pretty nice. I wouldn't want to do design work because it's a ton of math and boring office work. I'm lazy as fuck so I just do inspections. I'm in the office most of the time (doing my own thing) but on nice days the contractor works and I get to go spend all day out in the nice sun. If it gets too hot I fuck off to the AC of my state car.
All of my friends have jobs for 58k+, my best paid friend makes 75 but he works 7-5 or 6 everyday becuase it's a big private construction company.
Inspections can make a ton of money if you put in the time, I've heard stories of inspectors making 200k+ for other agencies than the one I work for but that's massive amounts of overtime.
Business degree is kind of a meme. I think I would've been better suited for finance because I'm interested in stocks and boomer investing, but I only discovered that a few years ago way after I already started my engineering degree. I ain't complaining my life is comfy af

>> No.11787770

-Major in accounting or finance
-Get good grades & extracurriculars
-Get a solid 2nd and 3rd year internship to boost
-Network as much as you can to build
connections to people that can help you get
your foot in the door