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11784681 No.11784681 [Reply] [Original]

The entire market itself is still small enough that new developments can cause a market wide pump as money flows in. The 2017 bull run was catalyzed by Ethereum and the ICO bubble, unless we get a new catalyst this shit is going to bleed for a long ass time and will never reach ATHs ever again.

Link could be the catalyst. The ability to write more complicated smart contracts could be huge and it could cause a new ICO bubble as you'd have a wave of new projects with more complicated ideas and utilizing more complicated smart contracts. That's assuming Link ever releases a product and that it actually works.

>> No.11784695

My patience is getting tired. The chainlink website literally says they are partnered with swift. Still 50c. All these speculated partnerships are just that. The partnerships that have been announced are either worthless or "so important and bigger then people think" but its still 50c. The team cant even tell us whats going on even in a low key way, i guess i do know they dont need to say anything to the average joe. I want to believe everything link has to offer but when the practical side of me comes up, its all too good to be true. Im all in and will hold til zero, it just really fucking blows that my life savings are in this (a whopping 4,000 dollars) and the notion that i dont have what it takes to even get a dishwasher job, my moral is the lowest its ever been in my life. Im not even asking for $1000 eoy, i just need maybe 5 dollars a link to just move out of my parents house ive been living in for 30 years of my life, i just want to feel whats its like to go to your own house and have my own room. Im so fucking tired of being a loser.

>> No.11784703

All ethereum tokens are scam shitcoins

>> No.11784719


No, the bubble in 2017 was by bitcoin and it's clearly because it was all hype and no technology, that's the reason now bitcoin is falling down once people realize there will be no hype again for quick riches in 2018/2019

if LINK bubbles up it's because of its tokenomics about the nodes, and that's IF it becomes industry standard instead of companies using some centralized oracle system

>> No.11784730
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Listen I genuinely care about about Anons financial well being. Its hard as shit to get ahead in life now, not just working 9-5 for the rest of your life. The sooner you start saving the sooner you can get ahead in life. Chainlink is a meme started by 4chan (an infamous trolling board) to lead people to financial ruin. This is NOT A JOKE. Don't let your saved wealth be thrown away over night. Vitalik Buterin the creator of ethereum said himself the days of making x100 or x1000 are over, that right the guy who created the second most popular crypto said himself those days are over. Now 4chan is trying to get people to lose even more money after the December/January bloodbath. Smart money already exited the crypto world. Crypto is basically a highly specialized database, companies don't need this. They will just create their own private blockchains. There is no need for crypto chainlink isn't even needed to run the nodes. Think XRP when you think chainlink. The company ripple (smartcontracts) is doing well but the coin XRP(chainlink) isn't even needed for the companies technology. Considering what Vitalik said "The days of making x100 or x1000 returns are over." Chainlink needs a 399900% increase in price over the next couple of months to reach $1000 this is ludicrous. Don't fall for it, chainlink its a meme to fuck you over. Consider this for chainlink at current price to reach $1 you need an increase of 700% or a 233% increase every month until EOY. This is a 4chan meme to siphon money out of the hands of the already vulnerable.

>> No.11784745

The current batch are yes, but the current batch triggered a bull run. A newer batch might also be scams but with more complicated smart contracts and the ability to interact with real world data, the projects might seem more "real" to people and would sucker them back in to the market.