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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11779984 No.11779984 [Reply] [Original]


>With the protocol upgrade now behind us, the Bitcoin Cash (BCH) network is all set for the final part of the Bitcoin Cash Professional Stress Test, the biggest test ever conducted on a public blockchain.

>The team behind Stresstestbitcoin.cash, which operates independently of the BCH implementation groups, will run the main test on November 17 at 12:00 UTC with a goal of processing over 24 million transactions within a 24-hour period on the main BCH chain to showcase the network’s current capacity. On its website, the team said the stress test “will be a positive signal for merchants, businesses and investors, giving them confidence in the Bitcoin BCH network and its ability to scale on-chain.

That's 1hr20 mins from now. What's gonna happen?

>> No.11780030

SV gonna moon

>> No.11780062
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Would you please kys and stop contaminating biz with your autistic satoshi wannabe?

>> No.11780064

its going to obviously go well btc network was overloaded by a bch fanboy attack last year and this test will go well to demonstrate how bch is "superior"

push comes to shove not as much pow has gone into bch as into btc so no but hey have fun convincing people

>> No.11780070

128mb blocks incoming

>> No.11780087

idaf it won't be as much as xlm can do

>> No.11780120

What are the best sites to watch this on?


Any others?

>> No.11780142
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>With the protocol upgrade now behind us
delusional ABC people saying this when the hashwar has only just begun

>> No.11780173

that's actually from coingeek

>> No.11780188
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really? i assumed it was from the ABC crowd since they keep chanting "victory" on reddit even though the SV chain is still going

>> No.11780215

Chink mining infrastructure may collapse, they probably wont mine anything more than 8mb and get stuck with a clogged mempool.

>> No.11780223


>> No.11780247

Their goal was never to stop sv, it was sv that wanted to stop them. Sv failed to do that. Now they're declaring victory because they've survived a non existent attack. They are spamming this board up with shit designed to appeal to brainlets while they unload their bags. Don't fall for it.

>> No.11780257
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the article mentions that the stress test will only be on the main chain of BCH. currently that is ABC.

if the stress test happens on SV despite it saying that it should happen on the main chain that's a clear indication that the article was prepared before november 15th

it's not too late to stop them, total accumulated hashpower can still go to SV in a week or a month or more. the real question is if enough exchanges believe in the way bitcoin is supposed to work, will they respect the fact that the strongest chain is the legit chain or would they still refer to the weakest chain as BCH no matter what?

>> No.11780276

>currently that is ABC
really so why does it recommend running SV for the stress test? lol. Calvin tweeted the article out just yesterday.

>> No.11780292

That's wrong. Look at checkpoints. They're already in. It doesn't matter if sv pulls the entire global Sha256d rate at this stage, it is not rolling back the split, period.

>> No.11780315
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yeah the article was definitely prepared before the 15:th. i've seen a lot of propaganda articles on coingeek the laast six months

the split has happened. that doesn't have anything to do with which of the two chains are the main chain because that is decided by total amount of work done. a rollback is not needed for the SV chain to be the BCH chain.

>> No.11780336

What does it matter when it was prepared if what it says still applies?

>> No.11780378
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>with a goal of processing over 24 million transactions within a 24-hour period on the main BCH chain to showcase the network’s current capacity
>on the main BCH chain
as long as they actually perform the test on the main chain, which is currently ABC, i don't mind much. but if they call SV the main chain even when they don't have the most accumulated PoW then it bothers me

>> No.11780397

Is there a live stream somewhere

>> No.11780401

>What if there are two networks due to a split?

>This stress test will play across both networks, with funds provided in advance being able to be used once on each chain. We do not believe that there will be 2 networks on the day, but if there are we will not make any concessions in the testing strategy to accomodate for rules or limitations that one or the other chain have in place. BCH is a permissionless network and our test will use real money to send valid transactions with valid fees.

>> No.11780408


>> No.11780432
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there's still just 1 network with 2 chains, not sure why they wrote two networks. regardless im looking forward to see what happens, if anything.

(also strange to talk about stress testing across both networks IF there are several networks while at the same time talking about a "main chain". if there are a "main chain" it follows that there should be "non-main chains" around.)

>> No.11780439
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>> No.11780452

>What's gonna happen?

>> No.11780494
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fuck my ears I had volume at full lol

>> No.11780516
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fuck...i bought bchsv at 0.0274

>> No.11780553
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>> No.11780724

Craig is live


>> No.11780741
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thank you for letting me know

>> No.11780813

based and stiffpilled

>> No.11780965
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something craig really understands better than any ABC supporters is that bitcoin NEEDS to be within the legal system in order to become world money

you'll never get the really big companies on-board unless the system respects law. bitcoin will never 1000x with a few pizza places accepting it or with a couple of druggies buying weed with it.

his patents matter because if any crypto copies them illegally they are locking themselves out from scaling because the very big companies won't touch it for legal reasons

interesting to hear that SV intends to keep mining forever no matter what because they are playing the 10 year game. i wonder if that will last