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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1177556 No.1177556 [Reply] [Original]

Why didn't you go into medicine, /biz/?

>Make $200,000 to $500,000 per year
>Society respects the fuck out of you
>Women get wet when they find out what you do for a living
>Literally save peoples' lives
>Can find a job anywhere in the world
>Can start your own business

Have fun capping out at $130,000/year as a financial analyst or engineer :)

>> No.1177561

You forgot the million dollar debt starting out for 10 years of schooling and malpractice insurance.

>> No.1177568


>> No.1177571


The average debt is actually more like $175K, which is easily paid off when you're making $380,000 per year like I am. Also, my employer pays for malpractice insurance; it doesn't cost me anything.

>> No.1177587

I'm not smart enough to get into medical school let alone finish it and complete residency.

>> No.1177603
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More like:
>Make $80,000 to $160,000(unless you're in heavily specialized niche and a good track record) per year before taxes and the 6% interest on your 200k debt
>While society doesn't respect you as much as before, at least you don't have CEO or banker status
>Women get wet when they find out what you do for a living, untill they learn that you work 70 hours a week
>Literally save peoples' lives, too bad you're wasting your own unless you actually value human life and enjoy helping people
>Can find a job anywhere in the world, but then again, this is possible with any profession
>Can start your own business

At this point you might as well become a dentist or orthodontist if you want beaucoup bucks

>> No.1177638

>Make $200,000 to $500,000 per year
I make around $150,000. Slowly creeping up. Should be around $250,000-300,000 in five years.

>Society respects the fuck out of you
Got me there. Salesman has negative connotations. Precisely why my cards say "consultant."

>Women get wet when they find out what you do for a living
I'm not knocking you, but do you open up with radiologist or doctor? And women respect status, not professions. I'll concede doctor to you as a panty dropper, though. Fortune 500 consultant works decent enough.

>Literally save peoples' lives
That's actually pretty cool

>Can find a job anywhere in the world
This is more true in my field. Sales manager is actually the career with the most mobility in the market.

>Can start your own business
Technically anyone can.

The medical field is awesome, but the opportunity cost combined with the hours is too much for most people. For a lark, see if you can find the guy that sold those black and white monitors you guys use to look at scans and ask what he makes. From what I hear, they're retardedly expensive and the commissions are nice.

>> No.1177640

>make 200k-500k per year
maybe if you're the top of your field and running a private practice lmao

GPs make like 80k starting. you can make that much with much less schooling and still have a life outside of your job

>> No.1177641

>capping out at $130k/yr as financial analyst or engineer

fucking retard. base salaries for both of those positions are basically meaningless.

sure, you may have a base salary of 130k as an analyst, but what you dont see is the fucking $5mil bonus check they got that year. or that engineer who is a partner at the firm who got a fat fucking bonus/share of the loot.

but sure, go study for 16 years to become a neurosurgeon (yarite) and be capped at $2mil which youll use to pay off your student debt and finally get some money rolling in once your 50. that is if you can deal with 90+hour work weeks, never seeing those girls whos pussies you make wet, and dealing with the guilt and burden of having peoples lives in your hand. while those stupid analysts and engineers are either retired or starting hedge funds/growing their firm.

>> No.1177645
File: 1.65 MB, 800x7795, Deceptive-Salary-of-Doctors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it literally pays less than being a teacher.

>> No.1177648


>> No.1177661

>GPs make like 80k starting

False. The average salary for pediatricians, the lowest paid doctors in America, is $204,000 per year.

LMAO...Most aspiring engineers and analysts will NEVER see those massive bonuses. 99% of them will never make more than $150,000/year in their lives. You need to be the best of the best to make that kinda money. Let's be realistic. Most of the aspiring analysts on /biz/ who post in the career threads will never work at Morgan Stanley. They'll work for some run of the mill finance company making about $55-$130K per year. Meanwhile, even the shittiest doctors are guaranteed $200K per year.

>> No.1177662

Physician Assistant master race reporting in

1 year community college = 10000

Work as EMT nights sleep study days salary 15 hr
Do this a year only make 30k

2 years prerequisites
2 years in some random EASY thing you like you can tell women you are an EMT in college = get stupid pussy

You should have clinical year(s) by now.

2 years in PA school (eat the financial aid its just too hard to keep your job)

7 years of school admittedly a long time but you worked too and had some good sex and lived well.

Graduate and work immediately make 80k starting with roughly 100K debt which isn't as high as it sounds you could pay it off in 5 years at 80k and still live comfortably.

This is basically true for Nursing too BTW except you don't need the EMT year, get no mad pussy but may a good wife and paid slightly less but no Masters Degree. So easier.

>> No.1177665

>204,000 per year is the starting salary of the lowest paid doctor

>> No.1177674


Only in America

The rest of the world has socialized healthcare and doctors make very little and are usually foreign.

>> No.1177679

I'm a doctor for almost a decade now, and regret it.
>Make "large amount of money" a year, of course after you pay your huge loans
>Nobody gives you the best years of your life back; most of your youth spent studying while everyone else is having fun.
>Since you're probably a nerd if you managed to live through med school, the most likely thing is that women will still ignore you. In fact you never got to practice talking to a girl because you were studying all the time.
>Save a fraction of people's lives and watch many others die in front of you. Or worse, see them slowly deteriorate with each visit.
>Find a job anywhere in the world... However in most countries you will have to pass a huge local validation exam before you're allowed to treat patients. Not to mention it will be almost impossible to treat patients well if you don't speak their language fluently.
>Can start your own business just like anyone; however since most of your time was spent studying medicine, it's unlikely you have much useful experience in finance/business administration.

I didn't even mention the damn 36-hour shifts that you can't decline during study years.

>> No.1177786

>$200-400k in student loans
>11+ year educational and training pathway
>60-100 hour weeks at all hours of the day/night for 3+ years of training on salary
>50+ hours a week for the rest of your life
>terribly high divorce rates
>terribly high career dissatisfaction rate outside of the cushiest of specialties which, coincidentally, are nearly impossible to match into because they're so competitive
>compensation tied to decisions of bureaucrats (ama/specialty society rvs update committee)
>decreasing autonomy
>increasing training and educational requirements
>finicky job markets that can turn to shit with just a few years of over-trainin (e.g. non-interventional cardiology over the past few years, diagnostic radiology for the past 10 years, pathology for the past 10 years, nuclear medicine for ? years, etc.)

>> No.1177814

average debt is $175k if you have a military scholarship or rich parents. average med school cost of attendance is much more than $44k/yr, especially if you go to a private school. (and no, you can't just choose to go to a public school -- you go where you get in, because med school admissions are super competitive.)

>> No.1177815
File: 559 KB, 600x600, 8-murica.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'r an idiot and are obviously an ignorant American that knows nothing about the rest of the would. Go vote Trump fag

>> No.1177832

You have to be able to at least somewhat enjoy your job if you are aiming to make a lot of money, otherwise you're likely to quit soon due to lack of motivation. Very few people actually enjoy doing what it takes to become a doctor, and the job itself doesn't get any easier. You need to be naturally extroverted, have a perfect GPA, an impressive resume, be able to get by with very little sleep and so on just to get into and past med school.

>> No.1177840



> In school till your 30
> practically no life
> stressful as fuck
> most of your job is caring for people who treat their body like a dumpster
> $500k - $1million in debt

I'll take the business owner route thankyou.

>> No.1177895

You forgot:
>spend your sexual prime as an incel retard studying all day while Chad fucks prime pussy a dorm away

>> No.1177899

OP forgot the debt and so you did.

>massive debt
>no debt but make less money

pick one

And if you aren't even good looking it's going to be hell in any case.

>> No.1177919


you forgot

>Inevitably you will have to wipe shitty hospital food diarrhea off of an old person's asshole as they moan


>> No.1177937

My dermatologist who owns a practice makes over $1 mill a year working three days a week. Plastic surgeons can make way more.

Medicine is top tier. Unfortunately, I will need to take a gap year before I apply to med school though since I fucked around in college.

>> No.1177999

As is the same with most Doctors. Unless you specialize or the top tier of doctors you ain't making shit. I live in Worcester, MA. We have UMASS Med school, UMASS memorial, St. Vincents hospital, Worcester State (fantastic nursing program), Fallon, and a whole fucking massive list of other medical field jobs/labs/factories. Needless to say I grew up and got to know a shit ton of people in the medical field. They do ok, nothing fantastic, nothing over the top, just ok. I know car salesman in my city who make more than most doctors.

>> No.1178022

I'm a final year med student (UK)

And I hate it. Trying to build an SEO/IM company in my spare time. The busines world is what gives me a hard on.

>> No.1178096

Was 17 held over 2100 Bitcoin from Silk Road transactions forgot bout em. Drop out of school parents disappointed in me 2013 hits I'm older now I'm rich. fuck school I have no credit bitcoin 4 life trade forex for the lulz

>> No.1178112

Typical stance of someone who idealizes medicine without knowing anything about it. Many of us were like you before going in.

The part where you're earning a lot doing little is the tail end of a long journey that requires many sacrifices and even some luck. By the time you get there, you'll realize you took the hardest path.
Medicine will never be "top tier" because most of what it takes to be successful is physical work and resistance. The really smart guys in society are those who don't get to do the hard work themselves.

>> No.1178129
File: 106 KB, 484x252, trump-smirking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I make around $150,000. Slowly creeping up. Should be around $250,000-300,000 in five years.
15% yearly raises is considered "slowly creeping up"?

>> No.1178147

>be medfag
>no chance of ever being a billionaire or influencing anything in the world
>work life away and drive Benz that half your neighborhood has
Yeah no thanks medfag I'm studying Mathematics and CS and will be starting a business.

If that doesn't work I can take over parents business and make $200K-300K/ year assuming it doesn't grow.

I'll be a millionaire before you finish medschool, stay poor.

>> No.1178150


>> No.1178184

Mfw half you motherfuckers claim to make 150k+ wages.
A lot of millionaires on this board.

Are you all talking about Mexican dollars?

>> No.1178194

You jelly I'm also a really good looking alpha who gets puss all da time. At least I'm not a nigger

>> No.1178195


>> No.1178197
File: 34 KB, 533x313, bitches know im all about that 1.9%.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, poorfag

>> No.1178200

have fun working 9 to 5.. whilst investor NEETs make that same ammount without working

>> No.1178203

>mexican dollars

>> No.1178217


Go take over mummy and daddy's business, you incompetent child. Have fun knowing you never worked for a goddamn thing in your life. No honor.

>> No.1178456

Chink detected

>> No.1178462

Because I can design a neural network that will do a doctor's job better than them

>> No.1178464

Been thinking of going for a specialization in pediatric gynecology. Any tips on where to start famalams?

>> No.1178466

Neural networks aren't designed friend-o, they are trained.

>> No.1178594

derm and plastics are literally the most competitive specialties there are. have fun trying to beat out the smartest people you've ever met for a derm or plastics spot. (it won't happen -- big fish small pond syndrome if you thought you were smart in undergrad.)

>> No.1178597

>no social life, ever
>too many hours
>have to deal with sick people, would make me sad/annoyed

Not worth it unless it's your passion.

>> No.1178600

Because your entire life becomes work.

I started my own company, and earn more than 1m per year. I don't even have to work anymore, i just relax.


>> No.1178603

UK med fag here.4 years after qualifying, make about 45k $. Only work 40 hours. ( some guys work 60 hours for the same wage). Locum work pays better, but is finicky and I need to pass some exams to get more money or try to get into training.
Definitely fun, but in the NHS you can't make more than 110 k£ a year.
Private practice is only for a select few who made a name for themselves.

>> No.1178611
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Because I failed medicine. Went then on to study mathematics, switched to engineering with computer science, studied cultural studies parallel, graduated both. Last summer I started studying for an MSc in biomedical engineering and began regretting my life choices.

Someday I suddenly woke up with the realization that I'm a complete fool. My mother runs the most successful dentistry practice in the town, she's an excellent dentist in her specialist area, my family had a dentist in every generation for 4 generation at least, my sister decided to study Medicine to become a surgeon; so the practice will be sold (probably) under value. I realized I have to study it and everything I did before was a waste of time and money. At least studying is almost for free where I come from and its just opportunity costs. Maybe I cut it for a graduate entry accelerated dental program.

>> No.1178621
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>pediatric gynecology

>> No.1178630

federal regulations won't be able to sustain monopolies like medicine for much longer. I feel bad for people who take their parents advice on careers. Things change way too fast to make it a good idea.

At least you have done well in school so you will have some other options.

>> No.1178688

>not working in IB until you get fed up, then leave to start your own business

>> No.1178691

That's what nurses are for

>> No.1178694

I always tell myself I should start my own business and don't go to med school.
Lots of studying, long hours, stress, etc.
But it's pretty much for free to study medicine in Germany and I fucking LOVE hospitals, I don't know why, I'm interested in medicine, I love the nurses,janitors, scientists, doctors it's like a small town and I always fell good when I'm working there on my part time job

should I listen to my head and try to start a online business, travel around, make money, be creative and build something, or should I listen to my heart and spend my 20's studying and my 30's working all day/night?

kind of obvious what I should do but I just can't let medicine go. Always loved it

>> No.1178703


How is it "kinda obvious" to forgo the world's most stable career in order to "travel around" and somehow make money with an "online business," 99% of which fail....you've got your heart and your brain mixed up, kid. Your heart wants you to be a frivolous degenerate, but your fantasies of sustaining yourself with some "creative" business is just extremely far-fetched and risky..the logical choice is to go into medicine if you have the brains for it.

>> No.1178707

>Make $200,000 to $500,000 per year

Where in the name of fuck did you get that bullshit from? Are you delusional? They make less than 100k on average.

I am fucking sick of these captchas. I remember when Jewt said it was 'just temporary' to keep all the spam out all those years ago and now I'm doing fucking mturk level shit and helping Google with its object recognition software. Fuck this shit.

>> No.1178718
File: 118 KB, 608x463, paid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They make less than 100k on average.

You're the delusional one, my friend. Check out the 2016 Medscape Physician Compensation Report, published five days ago:


The lowest paid specialty of all, pediatricians, make $204,000 per year. U mad?

>> No.1178726

>you've got your heart and your brain mixed up, kid.
Damn you're right.

>> No.1178787

it's really like that?, if so then aren't all the best going to fuck off abroad.. do you plan on staying?

>> No.1179002

>why didn't you go into medicine
I don't really enjoy it. Anyone who goes into medicine purely for the money will absolutely hate their life by the time they become a sophomore.

>> No.1179012

I know that feel, even though it sounds negative as fuck

>> No.1179783

To become a doctor you have to do almost everything the nurses do at least once, so that you always know about what a procedure is about. That includes boring stuff like drawing blood from patients or cleaning wounds, and lots of unpleasant stuff too.