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11774085 No.11774085 [Reply] [Original]

“Taking LSD was a profound experience, one of the most important things in my life. LSD shows you that there’s another side to the coin, and you can’t remember it when it wears off, but you know it. It reinforced my sense of what was important—creating great things instead of making money, putting things back into the stream of history and of human consciousness as much as I could.”

Is taking LSD good for business and invention? I have never done drugs but I want to take LSD so that I can create something amazing with my code. And yes I know Jobs didn't code.

>> No.11774159

Ive only done it a couple times, and never any crazy doses, but it does help with realizing what you want and putting things in perspective. I have heard of microdosing with LSD to increase alertness (you are absolutely not sleeping after dropping acid). I dunno, its not some sort of miracle drug that changed my life, but I definitely remember having a few revelations about people/circumstances while on it. Also for what its worth my guitar skills increase like 10-fold while on acid, I totally understood why jimi hendrix was so good live after taking it. I dont think I could code while on it though, math and order kind of flies out the window, it might help with the brainstorming "what should I do next" process though, but I think most code written while on acid would be garbage.

Its also been proven to be extremely effective at treating alcoholism for whatever reason.

>> No.11774174

Yes. Psychedelics are fucking awesome

>> No.11774197

If you don't have a psychotic break then it's pretty much the best thing you can do for yourself. Increased empathy, increased creativity, increased appreciation of nature, spiritual understanding even if you're an atheist.
Do it in nature, somewhere safe, with people you like, and it will be one of the more transformative and positive experiences of your life.

>> No.11774198

I took LSD and met the God Protocol.

>> No.11774199

not specifically applies to LSD. psylocibin mushrooms work in a similar fashion. Too bad I tried it only when I turned 25. Felt like I was fed bullshit in school

>> No.11774214

Short answer: Yes.

>> No.11774253

>If you don't have a psychotic break
Forgot to mention this is a real thing. If you have a mental illness, are in a bad place in your life or dont have experience with hallucinogens, I wouldn't recommend it.

like >>11774197 said,
A small dose (2g or so) of mushrooms would probably be much better and not have as much risk of you severely injuring yourself. Ive seen some people freak the fuck out on acid and almost kill themselves. If you arent prepared it can become extremely overwhelming and you can get yourself into an extremely vicious thought cycle (ie, feeling like you're going to die, like the trip is never going to end, etc). Mushrooms last like 4-6 hours, acid can last like 12 or more (Ive heard of people tripping for weeks on mega doses), and its way harder to control your dose since its so potent.

>> No.11774274

should i smoke weed a couple of times first

>> No.11774337
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I built merv.tech exclusively on LSD

>> No.11774374
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Well said, anon

>> No.11774389

I would say yes. THC is a much milder and easier psychedelic, with similar effects to LSD. it can also give you a new perspective on things

>> No.11774398

you get horny as fuck so have a fleshlight handy

>> No.11774411

Yes and during. Although that's like saying "should I drive around the block on my bicycle a few times first?" before attempting to break the record for most buses jumped on a motorcycle. Weed is psychoactive, but its like comparing tylenol to heroin. Or a cup of coffee to meth

>> No.11774445

LSD is okay, but shrooms are way better for creativity

>> No.11774456

LSD? this shitcoin isn't even on CMC

>> No.11774461

Yes, if you're a NPC jewish puppet.

>> No.11774473
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LSD taught him how to market other peoples ideas and pander to the masses of NPC morons? woah, what a man. such profoundness.

>> No.11774553

Thanks Steve, bought 100k

>> No.11774623

There's good advice in this thread. Start with a small dose, nothing you have ever done can compare to it

>> No.11774724

I've done it 10 times, after the 5th time or so you should just focus on getting work done. Trips become redundant. I suggest shrooms instead if you desire a more spiritual experience as opposed to LSD which is a more subjective-mindfuck. Also, topics of family and death will send you down a rabbit hole during your first trip beware.

>> No.11774756

>what was important—creating great things instead of making money
Nah, bullshit. Dude was all about money, regardless of whether or not LSD helped him to see the world in a new light.

>> No.11774900

Wow, fuck that. Why would anyone ever want to do this unless their life is in the garbage anyways?

>> No.11775075

Live a life. Take a risk. You can go to school and end up working as a barista or you can go to school and make six figures. Maybe you do shrooms and freak out maybe you feel better for life.

>> No.11775128

Thanks for the advice, but I'm pretty happy with my life and the trajectory I'm currently on. I don't need to fuck my brain up. For every Steve Jobs psychedelic story, there are thousands of trailer trash welfare recipient psychedelic stories.

>> No.11775156

Literally the opposite of every experience I've had with LSD. It's made me less creative, less focused, lower empathy, less patient.

>> No.11775173

A good post on 4chan.

>> No.11775198

its an immense tool though some people have low iq brains that can't handle it.

>> No.11775216

>some people
It's probably more accurate to say that only like 2% of people who do psychedelics go on to be successful in life. Probably less than 2%

>> No.11775238
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If you only knew

Life flows on within you and without you.

>> No.11775246

I'd say ~45% are successful.

>> No.11775251

You don't know what you don't know. Acid warps your perceptions and thinking to a degree that you can never attain sober (maybe through intense, repeated meditation actually). It changes the way you perceive the world, the potential benefits are amazing. You don't even realize how confined you are in your thoughts until you destroy the barrier that confines them. It comes with risks, though. It's just not for everyone. I would never recommend for someone else to take LSD, I think they should arrive at that decision wholly from their own guidance.

>> No.11775266

I took shrooms and it changed my life. Helped me understand what its like to be a completely different human being, because i became a completely new person while on it.

Also was able to view other people as if they were sims, and i was watching all their petty interactions from above

>> No.11775278
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agreed and checked.

>> No.11775283

That's entirely made up. If anything, LSD attracts the minds of people who can and want to think outside of the box. I'd say more successful people do LSD than unsuccessful people.

>> No.11775348

Psychedelics should be the only psychoactive you consume

>> No.11775364

Agreed and checked.
Being drunk or high on weed is not "similar" in strength

>> No.11775371


I've done it around 5-ish times, all of which had enlightening moments, seeing things from a new perspective, etc. etc. Nothing too profound... until "The" Trip.

It was just like any other trip, except this time, before we dosed, I made a clear intention to myself and the universe. "I want to learn something about consciousness". Not too specific, yet not too vague. The night went on as usual with my friend and I hanging out, talking, etc., until I got the sudden impulse to excuse myself from the room, bury my head in a pillow and close my eyes.

Anons, what I experienced changed my life forever. I experienced a truth beyond any I had known before. It was the knowingness, the true experience, of being One with everything. Everything is One. I'm You, You're Me, these stage personas we call "Our Selves" are merely finger puppets connected to the same divine Hand. We identify things and people as separate only to have that unique experience, like a video game. But in truth, there is only ONE. The craziest part is, that means that you are LITERALLY GOD. You are God experiencing itself as this human "character", because you wanted to play this game and have this experience.

Among other things, the mechanics of karma became blatantly obvious. Anything you do to someone else, good or bad, you will receive in kind because you're literally doing it to Yourself.

Anyways, I can go on about some other less important realizations if anyone is interested, but that was definitely the big one. Completely changed how I treat others and myself.

>> No.11775380

I am scared of getting a bad trip
Is DMT the safest?

>> No.11775401

it also taught him how to become a billionaire

>> No.11775404

What about ayacucha? I'd trust a tradition-driven and experienced indian tribe's mushrooms way more than my local drug dealer.

>> No.11775437
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it's one of the shortest, so if you do have a bad experience it will be over quicker. Not that time will mean much during those few minutes.

>> No.11775487

how do I even avoid bad trips?

>> No.11775491


cool story bro...sorry don't mean to sound like a dick, but I'm 40 and did acid and other psychedelics a lot from 18-22. Had lots of experiences like yours. The problem is you will never know if you actually realized something, or if the drug just made you think you realized something by making you delusional.
idk I want to do it again honestly, but after numerous times I can't really say I gained anything from it other than some good fun.

>> No.11775504


kek it made you take the blackpill

>> No.11775513

keep yourself distracted from existential dread, same way you avoid a bad life.

>> No.11775520

Go into the trip with the right mindset.

>Recently broke up with gf/bf?
Don't do it.
>Fighting with family?
Don't do it.
>Around people you don't trust completely or don't enjoy being around?
Don't do it.


>> No.11775526

Benzodiazepines make you come down pretty fast if you’re having a bad experience. The best advice is probably, don’t take psychedelics if you are not well psychologically.

>> No.11775573

Set and setting.
Do it while you are in a good mood, in an environment where you won't get paranoid when things start to get weird.
Read up on trip reports to get get an idea of what is going to happen. Don't run away from scary thoughts, instead embrace them and examine them.

>> No.11775663

>we are the universe/God experiencing itself subjectively
>every action has an equal and opposite reaction/karma
absolute truth

>> No.11775669

Karma is so bullshit. You really think there aren’t people who have done terrible things and gotten away with it?

>> No.11775687

LSD or Shrooms bridges the divide between life and death. You are essentially poisoning yourself so it's kinda legit. Standing at the edge of life definitely gives one a perspective. Some can understand it, some won't.

>> No.11775707

LSD was nuts man

Never again for me

>> No.11775768

>I have never done drugs but I want to take LSD so that I can create something amazing with my code.

nah sorry

>> No.11775773

Karma is the simply the law of cause and effect.
No I don't believe that if you do bad shit it will definitely come back to you (your mortal self). But if you do bad shit the world becomes a worse place. Obviously. And in reality the separation between you and everything else is an illusion. So in that sense, you are indeed harming yourself.

>> No.11775781
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>> No.11775808


You don't sound like a dick, that's a reasonable argument. However, it can't be "proven" one way or another. I can only relay what I experienced, which was a knowingness far beyond intellectual understanding.

Now, to offer a counter-argument, it's been 20 years since you've tried it. And when you did, you were a child. I'm sure your worldview has matured significantly since then. Is it a possibility you're still perceiving this topic from an obsolete and immature version of yourself?

>> No.11775822

I have done nearly enough acid to turn myself into a withdrawn schizo like Syd Barrett. Stay away kids. A lot of people can’t handle what they see on high doses. Stick to your pussy microdoses.

>> No.11775854

even if you take too much and have a bad time, it will be over before you know it. it's just terrifying at first.
after, when you are coming down, you will be extremely clear headed, everything will seem to make sense. your priorities will be different, and it may not make your behaviors different right away, but it'll stick with you
ironically it's also great for reducing your reliance/desire for substances to make you feel better

>> No.11775879

acid will make you an enemy of the Jews

>> No.11775933

>millions of people do acid everyyear
>one billionare said he did it and made him what he is
>hurr durrrrr will x drug make me steve jobs
Spoiler it wont ull just get high

>> No.11776010

Clearly you guys don't have children. There's no way I'm doing this shit.

>> No.11776018

don't, this stuff is for complete losers, with way more downside than upside

>> No.11776058

No No NO No NO do not do DMT first. I've tripped 25+ times on a variety of psychedelics including much of the 2c series and mushrooms numerous times.

Smoking DMT still scares the fuck out of me to the point where I've never broken through. You need several good rips to get a proper breakthrough. After 1 I always stop cuz its uncomfortable as fuck

>> No.11776077

Because good trips are fucking amazingly great and you will see and experience the world in a way you can't possibly imagine. Its like the world is your giant personal sandbox (albeit obviously just in appearance). As I said though, you have to be in a good headspace and not take too much at first. Just dont take it lightly and make sure you're in a safe, comfortable environment, and probably not by yourself either.

>> No.11776087

>Now, to offer a counter-argument, it's been 20 years since you've tried it. And when you did, you were a child. I'm sure your worldview has matured significantly since then. Is it a possibility you're still perceiving this topic from an obsolete and immature version of yourself?

indeed its very possible, which s why I said I have some desire to do it again, but to your first point, the proof is never going to be there to discern whether your experience was something important, or something that merely seemed important, it is entirely possible acid is just a drug who's effect is making you think you experienced something important, just like meth makes you hyper and opiates make you sleepy and euphoric.

Powerful drugs always make people think they did something special, thats why people do them, yet the reality is you can't say druggies are special and accomplish wonderful things because they unlocked secrets of the universe the sober masses are blind to.

That said I will say there are positive things that can come, I do think artists turn out better work because they get high

>> No.11776906

Low dose is pretty chill desu, like 5-10mg would be a nice intro because you are very lucid