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File: 24 KB, 494x482, hmmmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11772301 No.11772301 [Reply] [Original]

Hey biz what do you think about this idea?

Basically installing some kind of pocket pussy suctioning device on the front of a guy's bathroom sink, so when he wakes up in the morning, he sticks his dick in there while brushing his teeth and getting ready.

And then it basically hooks up to under the sink so the jizz just goes down the sink and you don't have to worry about clean up.So every morning you just stick your dick in there and get sucked off and nutted without any clean up.

>> No.11772338
File: 41 KB, 641x530, glassespepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon... i think this is the greatest idea ive ever read

>> No.11772379

I think people would be too embarrassed to have this in their house though..

>> No.11772393

that's what they said about televisions and computers at first too. the suckerator 9000 will be no different

>> No.11772407


>> No.11772408

unironically will be a must have for the bachelor

this is legendary

are you elon 2.0?

>> No.11772424

This is amazing. And imagine the suction power from the water flow.

>> No.11772434

Obviously we can make privacy she's the and decoy covers.

>> No.11772447


>> No.11772452

Can I invest in your idea? This is unironically good.

>> No.11772487

idk what yours is like but mine gets pretty sticky and clogs up drains fast. I need to do it into toilet paper then flush or I wind up with an embarrassing plumber visit.

>> No.11772574
File: 5 KB, 502x460, 1476484109844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'll Buy 100 on Pre-Order!!!

>> No.11772647

Wow I'm glad you guys are digging it thanks goys

This is a valid concern I agree. I'm thinking more of how to make it easily installable and removable. If one day the degen who owns this decides to invite a female/friend/family member over, they definitely need to be able to easily remove it and hide it.

if I personally can use and remove it easily, then I know others will too

we'll see fren. First many degens will need to release their nuts from this product and we'll take it from there

yeah ideally the fellow bizbros here would get a prototype to just try it out and get feedback in the mean time while I wait for my shitcoins to moon again

>> No.11772716
File: 41 KB, 865x210, brapp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would probably be more profitable than the brapp barns

>> No.11772755

You could hook it up to the plumbing so that warm water can be mixed with a thickening agent at a ratio that mimics the viscosity of human saliva so that the mechanical bj can be sloppy. Then, at the push of a button, the machine will rinse away the 'saliva' and jizz, and suction your wang dry.

>> No.11772848

>anon why are your teeth so white?
>it's like you've been brushing 5 times per day

>> No.11772870

>get a gf/wife
>self cleaning

>> No.11772913

I hope no one finds out I have a television!

>> No.11772950


Make it an extension of the sink pipe, and when it's not needed, flip it around like a face on a rubik's cube.

Or a chain link cube, in this instance, obviously. You could also hang it high, in case the sink has extended drapes (those metal pieces that go down much further than necessary on 1 room apartment bathroom sinks).

If that's the setup, you'd not need to conceal anything, unless the faggot anon in question is really short, or there's a midget looking for degeneracy from floor level.

>> No.11773040

> and when it's not needed, flip it around like a face on a rubik's cube

This is smart and would work for most people. Unfortunately if you don't have a bathroom sink cabinet, you run the risk of being exposed, but the value of this type of concealment will reach far more degens this way. Good stuff thanks.

>> No.11773050

Would women have a similar device but instead a vibrating dildo?

>> No.11773088

We got ourselves a future billionaire here...

>> No.11773091


It's pretty easy work to install an extension, for the record. The problem's gonna be that anons will be of very different heights, making this likely a custom order kind of business.

If you put the extension about an inch above the basin, you could tap into hot water. You're gonna have to figure out a way to keep the pipes from clogging. Cum is the second most clogging substance, beaten only by the horrible mix of fluids that drip from womens' pussies.

>> No.11773106

Fuck off white knight

>> No.11773133

It would need to be powered, having to thrust while brushing teeth would be awkward.

>> No.11773138


Install a rhythmic vibration plate in very close contact to the front triangle of the average 1 room anon fortress of solitude. A harder grind against this spot gives a harsher and deeper vibration.

Forcing them to stand tents the pussy completely, making the clit even more sensitive than normal. It's why when you were back in school, girls would want you to 'pet' them while they were standing.

>> No.11773179

Have the >>11772716
>braap barns
This is genius. I'll have to install these gas delivery systems in my breeding pods.

>> No.11773197

>The problem's gonna be that anons will be of very different heights, making this likely a custom order kind of business.

How do you feel about it being attached to an adjustable arm, similar to a desktop lamp? This way the anon's of varying height can bring it out of the bathroom sink cabinet and find the correct height. The unit itself is attached to the inside top of the sink cabinet.

>> No.11773253

sure why not, hook one up to the kitchen sink and washing machine.

>> No.11773289

>It's why when you were back in school, girls would want you to 'pet' them while they were standing.
>Assuming any of this happened

>> No.11773346

well, if we were fortunate enough for that to happen, we certainly wouldn't need a suckerator9000

>> No.11773578
File: 97 KB, 1726x821, anons bitcoin glory hole with the maximum number of femanon features.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10000 years in paint.

>> No.11773764

How lazy are you, NEET? Jerking off takes less energy than writing this retarded post.

>> No.11774775

t. Britbong

>> No.11774905

Your IP has already been traced. You're dead kiddo.

>> No.11775725

buy it with nerva

>> No.11775840

Install these in blue mailboxes and charge money. Make it self cleaning, nobody sends snail mail now anyways.

>> No.11776406

>use my sink suckinator daily
>get gf
>problems getting it up during sex
>"what's the matter anon don't you find me attractive?"
>"of course I do, but could we try it if maybe you suck me off while I brush my teeth?"
>the nobrush movement is born, telling men to stop brushing their teeth to help them quit masturbating.

>> No.11776436

Do you think the vagina is on the front of the pelvis like a penis? Have you ever seen a vagina?

>> No.11776496

Cleaning onaholes is a pain in the ass.

>> No.11776560
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>> No.11776700
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>> No.11776725

Dude are you some kind of genius tier plumber/engineer/degen?

>> No.11776784
File: 269 KB, 547x478, 123124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Call me.

>> No.11776817 [DELETED] 
File: 744 KB, 1000x1000, The Suckerster Pro v1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking it is on an arm that is attached to the inside of the cabinet, this way it can be adjusted for any anon's height. If an anon does not have a cabinet, then the base unit can be mounted/clamped to below the basin.

>> No.11776839
File: 744 KB, 1000x1000, The Suckster Pro v1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you feel about it being on an arm that is mounted to the inside of the cabinet? This way it is adjustable for anon's height and can just be put back into the cabinet. For those that don't have a cabinet, it can be mounted/clamped to the bottom of the basin. Then the back of the unit has a line that goes to either the bottom of the trap that connects to the wall pipe

>> No.11776961

I believe I see where you are going and it's an interesting approach to the problem. So you are saying you basically install an extension with 3 cock holes of varying sizes and degrees for the different anon's heights. Of course they are latexed as well. Since it is an extension, you are cumming directly into the extension, and then you can just run the faucet water to get the cum to go down the drain. And then that extension rotates easily, so they can't see the holes (unless someone went under the sink and put their head to the wall - which probably won't happen)


1) Do you think anon's will find it weird that they are fucking a pipe?
2) This solution makes it easier for the cum to get directly into the drain, but you have to rely on it being good for the anon's height, whereas the arm idea is perfect for height, but the cum don't be directly into the sink. Unless with the arm idea (the image I posted above), you basically run a link from the valve to the back of the unit, which then has an extension that goes to the trap/wall pipe for jizz clean up.

>> No.11776973


>> No.11777005

OP I am a noob venture capitalist and software engineer. if you create this product, i want to be on the trial/beta product user list and want to invest in your company. this is the greatest male invention of all time

>> No.11777134


This Anon. And drying it.

Could you make an auto lube dispenser as well ?

>> No.11777291

Kek. Top image.

>> No.11777313

it should extend far enough so you can easily wash out the onahole in the sink.
also don't forget to sell wet wipes with it.

>> No.11777317

Most normal guys already have a pocket pussy auctioning device and it works on you when you're still in bed. I really can't tell if posts here are jokes or not anymore. I can't tell the difference between humour and legitimately retarded posters who seem to have flooded this place.

>> No.11777344

there gotta be a better solution for this whole cleaning thing, maybe something like a disposable one time use condom mounted to the onahole entrance so you only need lube and don't need to clean (or clean less).
negative of course that you get less sensation out of it.

>> No.11777364
File: 251 KB, 464x500, robo-500x500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this could be the poorfag version

now add with app programmable robotic arm to it for the premium deluxe future version

>> No.11777507
File: 206 KB, 800x800, Suckinator v2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once you nut, you basically push the button that closes the valve. Thus you can run water through it and it wont come out of the front hole where you put your dick through. This way it can be cleaned.

Also the device will be suctioning so you can get a really good nut

>> No.11777544

Yeah cleaning is tricky. The idea is to use running water to clean it. It can either be part of an extension like the based and redpilled anon posted above where an anon is fucking the holes, or a valve that can close the front entrance and you run water through (like the image I just posted). What do you think?

>> No.11777710

the whole fucking around with the plumbing thing is bad and a turn off
you also won't get it clean enough, do you even own an onahole? get one and use it regulary and you will discover fast why its such a pain in the ass
it also need to by hygienic you just wont achieve this with just running water through it

>> No.11777722


Whats the structural portion that holds this thing ? Cabinetry or is the suckinator hoisted on the sink pipes - that doesnt sound safe tho

>> No.11777980
File: 33 KB, 567x565, 1540822739696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw drain water backs up
>pump ruins all your saved up cock cheese and gently shoots black phlegm-filled chunks of rotting water up your urethra
>next penis inspection day, tell my boss about how i stood up to my dinksink by demanding that it backing up was "not an argument"
>sent to the urinals of downtown paris to remind people to urinate often for questioning the narrative of an EU-approved device
such is life in berlin

>> No.11778021

Yeah it's tough because the idea in theory sounds amazing (as all the previous anons indicated). Stick your dick in a device that sucks you off and you don't have to worry about clean up.

In terms of the fucking around with plumbing, I agree it can be a turn off but if you could take 5 minutes to install something and never have to clean up your jizz again, would that be worth it to you? Because the clean up is a pain in the ass and the next step is to bypass that. If you have a disposable condom, then wouldn't that defeat the purpose of using running water?

Mounted to the ceiling of a sink cabinet

>> No.11778641
File: 34 KB, 500x386, 1537223115104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it self cleans and heats bro, that's why it's hooked up to the hot water system