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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 38 KB, 490x463, DsFm6bAW0AEF1k5.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11764302 No.11764302 [Reply] [Original]


millenials and zoomers are going to be the new working force who starts earning money and investing.

>> No.11764322

i'm sure people that follow (((ron paul))) on twitter are a perfectly representation of the zoomer demographic

>> No.11764341

except millenials and zoomers don't have $10,000

>> No.11764351

Probably none of them understood that federal reserve notes = fiat cash or else 90%+ would have picked that.

>> No.11764358
File: 919 KB, 1076x980, your_future_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like old dr. paul hasn't heard about the new notes yet. His poll is somewhat correct though because they will be blockchain driven and backed by precious metals.


He only needed that 5th choice.

>> No.11764370

but they will once they start working in a few years.

>> No.11764374

fuck off, prove that this is anything more than somebody's art project.

>> No.11764378

I would only accept payment in LINK tokens

>> No.11764507
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>> No.11764744
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>believes in nothing but crypto internet memes

You might have to learn the hard way. I'll mention it again for you though because we care. You will need cash or precious metals to get the new notes. Nothing else will be accepted.

>> No.11764979

most start out like 30k in the red and budgeting is like, so oh my god how do you even?

>> No.11764986

aesthetic AF but I'm with this anon >>11764374
gonna need a non infowars/zerohedge sauce on this.

I've long suspected the greenback will be ditched out of necessity, but I didn't expect it for another 20-30 years.

>> No.11765007


>> No.11765208

excuse me sir but one does not simply put echoes around Ron Paul. why do you think he got shut down by left and right wing (((media))) when he ran for president? why do you think he is so outspoken against the Fed? are you being disingenuous or just a faggot?

>> No.11765861

fucking retard, ron paul is /our guy/. he's fucking 10x smarter than you shit bag

>> No.11765876

Ron Paul is based af. Poor try at character assassination.

>> No.11765896

Start out but what about later?

>> No.11765929
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spotted the nose

>> No.11765942


>> No.11765944


>> No.11765951

so you trust USD "fiat cash", but don't trust 10-yr treasure bonds?

absolute state of nocointers

>> No.11765957
File: 31 KB, 672x787, 1542079870387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Zoomer talks shit about Ron Paul in a futile effort to appear erudite.

>> No.11765960
File: 40 KB, 1006x212, 2018_11_16_06_33_03_Ron_Paul_on_Twitter_A_wealthy_person_gifts_you_10_000._You_get_to_choose_in_w_proc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek at comments

>> No.11765962
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>federal reserve notes
You mean dollars? Yes, I'll take the dollars please.

>> No.11765965

Here's your (((you)))

>> No.11765974

Why do brainlets feel the need to add -al to words that are already adjectives?

>> No.11765988

Ur a fucking faggot n maybe you is the (((you)))
Paul has more honor in his left nut than 99.9% of the world you fucking kike

>> No.11765992

You don't know what I have faggot.

>> No.11765994

the greenback was ditched 100 years ago. seriously, look it up.

>> No.11766006

Fuck off, Ron Paul is hated by both right wing and left wing lifers because he's unironically on the side of the people. If you're against Ron Paul you're either brainwashed or one of (((them)))

>> No.11766077


>> No.11766400

You're an absolute retard then. At the very least take gold, you might not gain money, but you won't lose as much due to inflation.

>> No.11766497

He's right, you know that?

Bitcoin can be hacked in the future in one of at least three ways:

1. You send from an address, then still have coins in the same address. Thus you reveal your public key and a quantum computer guesses your private key. GG.

2. Your private key is randomly brute-forced, or "mined" by future "miners" of private keys. GG.

3. Someone accidentally generates the same private /public keys as you and immediately gets your funds. GG.

It's only a matter of time, anon. Better software can counter 1, for 2 and 3 you need bigger keys.

>> No.11766519

So we just need to create longer keys, if the keys are fucking long as my dick, no fucking shit fag computers can guess it atleast in 1000 years. Fucktard

>> No.11766579

>it can be hacked easily
>but i can't tell you how

>> No.11766680

Pretty much that - for 2 and 3. It won't solve 1, though (there is an easy solution for 1).

But the fact remains that the current implementations don't do that.

>> No.11766693

ron paul did nothing wrong faggot

>> No.11766697

Who even cares about this guy? He is literally an American.

>> No.11766704

>3. Someone accidentally generates the same private /public keys as you and immediately gets your funds. GG.

stop posting you retard

>> No.11766722

yeah sure you probably know how probability work at all my nigga
there's the chance =/= it would happen
get dabbed on by math and 1-to-quadrillion chances
absolute state of /biz/

>> No.11766726

3 is less likely than winning the lottery every day of your life
2 is economical suicide, you'd get magnitudes more bitcoins using that computing power for mining
1 is still science fiction for the next few decades

Don't worry about it.

>> No.11766757

this, people needs to learn how small is probability and just stop worrying about it

>> No.11766782

i also keked on this one

>> No.11767008

>blockchain driven and backed by precious metals
that doesn't make sense at all
blockchain is useless if it's centrally controlled and an asset backed crypto can't ever be decentralized has to build on trust and central authority or someone would scam the shit out of it in the first week.

>> No.11767687

The big money is not coming with millenials and zoomers. It will come with Gernaration X born 1965 – 1976. They are 50-60, are catching up with technology and have the real big savings on the bank. In my family social circle one woman of this generation has already bought 1 BTC and is telling everyone of the benefits. They are slowly learning, but if they understand it and investment will get easier the next 1-2 years BTC will pump so fast we even cannot imagine. And this will be of Generation X.

>> No.11767777
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>being this new

>> No.11767834

You got your ass handed to you with this shitpost, faggot

>> No.11767845
File: 14 KB, 350x411, cryingeagle[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss the 08 election when Ron Paul was in fact, ourguy.
Before the magapedes.
Before the meme magic.

>> No.11767923

Fuck off leftypol, Ron Paul is a global treasure, god bless him.

>> No.11767933

Sup Npc

>> No.11768036

Best reply

>> No.11768086

Well he might be a brainlet, but he ain't wrong.

>> No.11768092
File: 144 KB, 500x519, that-makes-me-hit-the-desk-27607883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't put brackets around Ron Fucking Paul

>> No.11768107

Only altright people know about Ron Paul in the current year. because he was our guy till we became white nationalist

>> No.11768122

Commit suicide

>> No.11768135
