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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11758384 No.11758384 [Reply] [Original]

I’m literally the dumbest person within the link community. I have zero knowledge for setting up nodes, I have no idea how this even works on a technical level. The only thing I know is that smart contracts can’t receive outside data. But that’s it. That’s how small my brain is and all I can comprehend. It’s sad how dumb I am really. I bought a lot of link to feel like I was apart of something bigger but I still feel like an outsider. I think the issue is I was born a brainlet. What do?

>> No.11758416

>wat do?
Don't expect to be spoonfed shit and do things on your own.

>> No.11758418

how much did john rockefeller know about oil and combustion engines?

>> No.11758420

you're smart enough to understand that it's not a meme. that's all that matters.

>> No.11758436
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>> No.11758448

All jokes aside you need to read up and understand what you're dealing with here, otherwise you will have weak hands and sell at the wrong time.

>> No.11758457


honestly you don't have to worry about any of that stuff with 100k

>> No.11758480

OP you should read up on what you invested. Its honestly kind of interesting because if it works out it will change life behind the scenes

>> No.11758529

Have you read the white paper? You need 240 iq to understand this

>> No.11758550
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>> No.11758664

Haha, the first time I read the white paper it actually took me ages.

>> No.11758698


Im probably as dumb as you and have 300k. I just listen to biz when they shill. Worked out well for me with Ethereum and Antshares.

>> No.11758759

That's where you're wrong. Most people who buy LINK are fucking retards just like you.

>> No.11758778
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bitch what the fuck

>> No.11758799

sorry for the dumb question, but did sergey write that? i mean isnt he a philosophy major? i wouldnt expect him to have such profound technical knowledge

>> No.11758817

instead of Carnegie we have Navarov. instead of oil we have data. instead of trains we have oracles. the big picture is simple to grasp.

>> No.11758872

no u fucking faggot, its a known formula and link is a fkn meme coin

>> No.11758896
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>Don't expect to be spoonfed shit and do things on your own.
then why the fuck are you here? seriously the dyor and spoonfeed comments are the most retarded you can write. Its just time wasting for you. I bet you grown up to be a genious and you never had to learn or ask anything but we mere humans are born without knowledge.
He asked a simple question -even tough he did it a really retarded way- and there is no harm in that. I bet you are here to actt disgusting all the time because irl you are an angry useless incel and you never stood up for yourself. This board is for exchanging ideas and knowledge and memes not just shilling stupid shit and tranny porn. Wonder where did the others who could communicate go but 4chin become an intellectual dead end with angry smelly shitholes.

>> No.11759030

I have about 30 link.

And i have no money until i get to be a wagecuck or manage to secure a rather nice loan and figure a way to get it in cash so i can invest it.

Believe me you are not the most retarded.

You are sitting pretty well anon.

At 100k, once link gets off you should be able to liquidate some of that to basically hire yourself some IT and finance guys to run nodes for you.

You should however learn the basics just so you do not get robbed by them as finance guys will mange to smell your financial illiteracy and think this is their chance to be a shark, especially if the IT guy also laugh about your knowledge of practicals.

>> No.11759092

This isn't too difficult to parse. Every term is defined. all you have to do is see what it means and how it fits in with the logic of the surrounding terms Give it a shot scared linkies.

>> No.11759107

cool story bro.
Don't be a leech, contribute.

>> No.11759164

It's not that difficult, yknow

>> No.11759477
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Some people like having a good conversation. Not just endless superrealist stimulation offered by shills.
Even the shitposts get tiresome after a while.

>> No.11759489


>a big whale doesn't even know what to do with his link

lmao this is epic

>> No.11759674

If chainlink is completed and widely used, what can you do with it? Sign contracts online or sth?

>> No.11759861

Why do you not have more than 30 link? You seem to possess a massive amount of common sense

>> No.11759879

someone shill link in tone vays stream

>> No.11759908

A complete link will be eyes and hands for a decentralized world computer. It will be everywhere and in everything, spreading like a virus.

>> No.11759909


>> No.11759987

got on /biz/ half years ago for biz news.
East europe, and have not found a job atm.
The last one did not keep me past the testing period.
>shut down systems anon
>be on time when you log in
>15 min to start up systems
>I get in on time or a few minutes past a few times
>you are technically great anon, but we need you to log in on time or our reporting spreadsheets are not going to look good.
>meet up last week with former colleague.
>thot who got in the same time is about to leave and does not do any work.

Had to use those two salaries to pay denbts and such.

>> No.11760042

By the time i stopped shuting down the systems, it was too late.
Getting new job now, but eh.
Trying to figure out how to jew a pseudo-student loan and how to get it cash.
With the way the US markets crash and the EU is about to also crash thanks to Italy giving the finger to Brussels i think going more crypro is a good choice, and Link is the next needed thing to create a crypto infrastructure.

>> No.11760061
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>> No.11760155

It is. Try and get to a 1k link stack before take off. Good luck

>> No.11760156

this desu

>> No.11760206

will do anon
also check'd.

I am hoping of getting in at >1$, hopefully at .5/.6 and a 10k/20k stack depending on what and how.
Hope linky stay super stinky even at the start of december.

>> No.11760222

>I’m literally the dumbest person within the link community. I have zero knowledge for setting up nodes, I have no idea how this even works on a technical level

you're not the dumbest, that's average for linktards.
Actually, you are even above the average, because you honestly admit that you don't know shit, most of link cultists only know how to post le stinky memes and photos of their sex idol Ser Gay.

>> No.11760242
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>> No.11760293
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I'm stealing this.

Eyes and hands of worldwide decentralized computer. Link will be the interface between the abstract mathematical proof of trustworthiness and the tangible world.

What a time to be alive

>> No.11760448
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>> No.11761092
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