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11756062 No.11756062 [Reply] [Original]

>pic related

>> No.11756088

I hope the LP bagholders are getting decent kickbacks from Jonny, because their infographic game is on point.

>> No.11756105

It’s the same guy, that does it all (cryptosponge).

Although I helped with this one big time. Literally salvaged it literally by pointing out a typo.

>> No.11756106

Also those disingenuous as fuck graphs at the bottom, holy shit. So LP is zero "costs" (amazing!) and 3 "rewards", while running your own VPS node is 7 "costs" and 5 "rewards".
Amazing how they know all this before the network is even up and running.
Shameless kikes, lol.

>> No.11756131

scam link token not needed

pays for oracle

who gets payment? centralized sergey scam company

>> No.11756138

They are speculation / guesses from the author, that's what they are title
>Subjective Ratings

>> No.11756140


what a joke, they are literally selling out decentralization, Chainlnks single UPS as an oracle network.

using linkpool is no different than oraclize

seriously anyone using this is a retard and it's going to backfire... I wouldn't care, except it may create undeserved bad publicity for LINK.

>> No.11756145

Seriously how the fuck do you justify putting LP "cost" as ZERO when they take a 25% fee. That's a steaming pile of bullshit in an otherwise well made and fairly instructive document. I get that it's designed for shilling but when you go off the deep end you lose credibility.

>> No.11756153

Do btc/eth mining pools ruin decentralisation?

>> No.11756164

Fucking Jewpool trying to justify they're bullshit kikedom. I hope their scam burns

>> No.11756166

How does an at home node have less rewards than a VPS? Does that make any fucking sense at all?

>> No.11756171

Kind of disingenuous comparison. LinkPool would be like people sending their BTC to a mining farm and getting a payout, rather than miners actually pooling their mining hashpower.

>> No.11756175

I know fuck all about accounting, but if you just earn 25% less, is it opex? Do you account for lost opportunity.

I mean, it is zero outlay. You just earn less

>> No.11756176

very accurate

>> No.11756193

True. How about the proposed staking pools for ETH? Probably a better comparison

>> No.11756208

thanks, I just sold all my Link. I can't believe I ever fell for this scam.

>> No.11756212

Sure that's why the Chainlink team created the penalty stack...
>4 post by this ID
Hi Boxhock :)

>Seriously how the fuck do you justify putting LP "cost" as ZERO
Firstly, I didn't create this. Secondly the cost is actually zero, it's the reward what decreases due to the 25% fee.

Staking link has nothing to do with staking ETH, therefore it's not comparable

>> No.11756233


again it's the same shit... please just look up what decentralization actually is, the minute the words farm/pool come into it, you're sacrificing decentralization

>> No.11756243

Anyone thought of setting up a virtualized environment, where one chainlink node would run on multiple hypervisors - cross cloud preferably.

>> No.11756246

wouldn't trust this guy
he is biased

>> No.11756247

You are talking about ruining decentralization. How is linkpool different to you running 100 nodes yourself besides the staking component

>> No.11756265

they are not running a lot of nodes now more having a few nodes with shit tons of link aka a pool

>> No.11756282

>try to make it seem complicated so the goyim will use linkpool
just rent a VPS and download the docker image, it's literally just copy and paste.

>> No.11756283

They plan for 700 with 20k link per node with the 14mm

>> No.11756291

The block time on ETH nodes will be lower in a residential environment, and you'll get less jobs as a result.

This is true, but with out an option with a low barrier to entry, it's reasonable to assume that less people would be part of the network. It's a classic tradeoff scenario - do you want a big network that is someone less decentralized and give users the ability to pay for the level of decentralization they need or a smaller, very decentralized network?

>> No.11756292

Non technical need to be able to stake too

>> No.11756296

They are aiming those high value contracts that require higher penalty stacks -and therefore bring higher ROIs - that most of us wouldn't be able to access with our personal stacks.

Running your own node it's going to be plug&play easy, not being penalized it's going to be harder though.

>> No.11756298
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Image for reference

>> No.11756305


the linkpool infrastructure is a single point of failure

how is this not centralized? Are you blind anon?

>> No.11756309

>Secondly the cost is actually zero, it's the reward what decreases due to the 25% fee.
Except for the cost of buying LinkPool shares, which is significant. So "cost" refers specifically to "ongoing cost not including LinkPool shares and not including the 25% fee taken from all rewards.
In any case those graphs are wildly speculative and biased and the weakest part of the whole infographic.

>> No.11756310

Read their crowdsale details and whitepaper, they talk about 700 nodes @20k per node

>> No.11756317

By that logic bitcoin is centralized

>> No.11756321


I can attack that single infrastructure and fetch 14m LINK

I hope they provide insurance, because when it's taken, your LINK is gone and your LP share is worthless

>> No.11756324


>> No.11756330

How would you jumpstart the network?

>> No.11756338
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thats from the old whitepaper

>> No.11756339


are you serious? do you know how bitcoin or blockchain works? obviously not since you can't distinguish the difference....

you know what, fuck it, I'm not wasting my time explaining this to a brainlet.

good luck with your linkpool staking
>*thumbs up*

>> No.11756348 [DELETED] 
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Linkpool BTFO

>> No.11756353
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that's my point, if you can copy and paste text you can run a node, if you have room temp IQ you can run a node.
>Running your own node it's going to be plug&play easy, not being penalized it's going to be harder though
cloud is self-healing, even digitalocean has a kubernetes service now. I'm going to put out a package that will let brainlets have a node running in 1 line. Fuck linkpool

>> No.11756367 [DELETED] 

pls do this anon, ppl will donate linkies if you can make a good guide for brainlets

>> No.11756382

I understand, technical people could do it. Could my non technical mother run one. No, but she could pay someone to for a cut. Maybe 25% is worth it for some people

>> No.11756397

why you all so salty that someone is making staking normie friendly? linkpool need other people to run nodes with high rep and collateral or chainlink wont work with big companies

>> No.11756405


Sergey detests the concept of linkpool because it sacrifices decentralization.

The Chainlink team are advocates for open source, not single for-profit company with closed-source software will beat the collective of open source, sergey knows this and embraces it, which is why he's got thomas creating docker images to make running your own node as simple as possible.

the linkpool team are trying to cash in, and in doing so are going against everything Chainlink stands for, which is why Sergey detests them.

Jesus wake up... linkpool.... if only you knew how bad things really are

>> No.11756429

>dear diary...
Point to where he has ever said that

>> No.11756450

my point is you don't need to be technical, you're either retarded or shills. The process is:
>make digitalocean account
>click ubuntu image
>open command prompt
>docker run easy-chainlink-node
If you're too lazy to do that and would rather hand over 25% of your profit to LP you're not gonna make it

>> No.11756461

This guide was shared on discord yesterday https://docs.fiews.io/docs/run-a-chainlink-node-from-scratch

Was not aware how easy it is, but I will try it

>> No.11756488

Did you even look at the infographic, because it seems there is a lot more to it. Will you run your own ETH node? are you going to pay for subscription data sources? will your database be stored on the same instance? will you have redundancy? are you cool with giving your passport scans to a bunch of reputation and listing services?

>> No.11756494

kek, did you even read the infograph. they spend $260+ a month on each eth full-node.

>> No.11756556

There is no way it's that easy, wtf.

>> No.11756562

You don't need LP shares to stake, they give you priority during the first weeks/months, afterwards there won't be priority and everyone will be able to enter if there is space

>> No.11756567
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How fucking out of the loop do you have to be to actually think that staking will require LP shares in the long run?

>> No.11756612

According to them it is.
They say you can run it on free AWS server, but I have to try it.

>> No.11756618

people run ethereum nodes on a $35 raspberry pi 3 with 1GB of RAM. If you're paying over $15 a month you're a retard or lying
it is, docker basically allows you to copy an environment. So instead of 1000s of different people trying to set up nodes everybody can just pull the official docker image or some other flavor

>> No.11756637

fucking brainlet that will be a light node and if you choose to run light node for your cl node then enjoy your penalties
before you start talking you should really do some reading

>> No.11756658

I had honestly completely forgotten. So people are paying a 10x markup just for priority staking at launch and then eventual revenue. Holy shit, best of luck to them.

>> No.11756757

What would be a good stack of LINK to stake with? Could you make 50-100$ a month with less than 2k?

>> No.11756923

Doesn't look so easy, and you still need the hardware setup properly. What's the hardware requirement? How much would you pay for a small server already configured to run a node that you can keep at home? Basically what Skycoin does with their miner minus the branding and would something like that work? Do you need enterprise level hardware or is a few thousands USD worth enough? Can you run a node on a home PC?

>> No.11756957

this is why chainlink will fail. Sergey has sown so much confusion and fear around running a node by not being honest and transparent about the reputation system that no one with half a brain will operate run. It's really sad that such a promising project dies like this because of Sergey's pride, the greeks used to call it hamartia.

>> No.11756996

They say you can run it on free AWS server, so you will probably need not to worry about it. And the only money you have to pay is for the eas! So almost free to run a node

>> No.11757002
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>While we have a node running, this guide has not covered how to fund your node with ETH/LINK, setup an oracle contract or even get any jobs.

>> No.11757069


>> No.11757510

>biz is too lazy to get a job
>biz is too lazy to start a business
>biz is too lazy to learn how to trade
>biz is too lazy to set up a node
gee, I wonder who's going to /make it/ and who's not...

>> No.11757595

>people run ethereum nodes on a $35 raspberry pi 3 with 1GB of RAM. If you're paying over $15 a month you're a retard or lying
kek. I would fucking love if you did this while staking your entire stack. DO IT!

>> No.11757846

staking isnt that easy for newbies, I tried and failed miserably (yes even with docker). There are plenty of little details that thomas just assumes a brainlet like me will know. Either that or sometimes shit just dont work despite following everything to the T

Will checkout fiews guide soon so fingers crossed

>> No.11757878 [DELETED] 


>> No.11758007
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how come when everyone speaks about linkpool they forget about this?
imagine a day where the pool is open to all other people adding their nodes to be staked on

>> No.11758191 [DELETED] 

I work in a small tech company, I am not a programmer, I am not in upper management. I would buy one piece of hardware from my own company to try. If it was as simple as installing an OS, run an executable and interact with an UI I could do it alone, but I see that it requires programming knowledge and I don't want to risk money on something I am not knowledgable about. It's expensive hardware, but I can afford the cheapest configuration and I could try and talk them out of letting me use one server for free just to try and maybe get benchmarks for themselves to use as advertising material. You see why I asked about hardware requirements? And if you truly want decentralization you got to have nodes as decentralized as possible, having a somewhat standardized hardware module you can buy and run without building it from the ground up would be a nice step towards having more smaller nodes. I mean people spend 2k for a fucking laptop, some would do the same for a mini server, expecially if they got rewards from it and it came already set up to run a node, no? The software environment should be done by or with CL's team though or it would lose credibility.

This is of course if decentralization of the nodes themselves is a concern.

Again, I am not a software guy, I don't want to start sperging out about CL to my superiors because I'd sound like a lunatic and probably get fired(tough they are picking up on blockchain tech on their own). I need info a monkey like me can rely efficiently and on point so that I'll get support from someone with technical knowledge on the matter. Else my only choice is to use a service like linkpool or risk one year of my own savings to get hardware on top of what I already put into the coin itself.

>> No.11758440

Brainlet here myself, but I'm pretty sure the actual computational requirements of running a node will be super low. If i understand correctly, it'll be the actual staking, the oracle contracts, and setting up a novel API that will be the hard part. I don't think any hardware they could produce would make the next steps any easier.

Then again, brainlet. I still have to figure out what "penalty" folks are talking about here. I've been out of the loop for a while

>> No.11758491

will I need to download more RAM for this?

>> No.11758578

yea you're gonna want a couple of extra gigabytes just for your node

>> No.11758604

Nice try Johnny to fud. faggot.

>> No.11758638


>> No.11758639

is a chainlink node IO intensive?

>> No.11758680

Running a node is going to be so easy. I feel bad for any brainlet that got scammed by JewPool.

Use your fucking brains idiots.

>> No.11758834

I am pretty sure if Link actually starts to be a thing. Other pool services will pop up and then LP will be btfo or have to lower their fee.

>> No.11758854
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>> No.11758855

>"hey, can I interest you in setting up a node for you in exchange for some small commission?"
which one to pick....

>> No.11758925

No one knows yet

>> No.11759557

So a mini-server would be actually great for the feat as it is focused on amount of data processed instead of computing power and has a fuckload of storage and low power consumption. The issue is that it still costs as much as a mid/high tier PC. I might be coming too soon and dream too much but true spirit of all of this seems to have as many people as possible run nodes to have true decentralization. But CL is not targeting that maybe?

>> No.11759682
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CL was made for use by enterprise size companies including node operaters, it was never sergeys intention to get the retail investor involved at all, thats why we say we were never suppose to find out about CL...watch thomas's first youtube video and he explains this

>> No.11759749

Yes I thought about that. Thanks for putting my mind at ease.

>> No.11759901 [DELETED] 

listen to this. Its in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BVD3SjkoWuo

>> No.11760165
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There was talk before the hackathon of one of the devs (rocky or something similar) working on a side project to make staking a piece of piss. One click staking. This was when I decided to dodge LP. I don't believe Sergey would risk decentralisation by making staking too technical to those who want to get in at a amateur level.

>> No.11760285

If you want free Oracles then buy Akroma.

Chainlink killer coming soon.

>> No.11760607

do i have to leave my wallet open to stake?

>> No.11760623

why not do both?

>> No.11760877

glad you autists are helping the community gain momentum with shit like this.

Hail serg.

>> No.11760987

so do i go all in chainlink now or wait for it to dump, its going to probably dump soon right?

>> No.11761128

Glad you gave up fudding nolinker. Go back fag.

>> No.11761171
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Dude relax man. Everything needs time.

>> No.11761199

Benefists of node dont seem clear to me
t. brainlets brainlet

>> No.11761222

free linkies

>> No.11761402


>> No.11761421

man, this is a fucking disgrace. If you put your linkies on this you deserve to get fucked in the ass.

>> No.11761524

I think the 25% cut is fair. If you run your own node you will need to

1) provide the hardware the node will run on,
2) Provide API's that the data requesters are interested in and alot of these API's have to be paid,
3) Have the knowledge and confidence to set up your node in a way that you don't make a mistake and lose part of your collateral Link.

If any collateral loses were to happen to Linkpool, they are going to cover that off the 25% fee. So all in all I think the Linkpool model is really fair.