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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 47 KB, 528x484, 132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11755484 No.11755484 [Reply] [Original]

I'm starting to feel the defeat of BCHSV

>> No.11755504

fake satoshi is a master con artist. he has no power in crypto when ABC goes PoS

>> No.11755534

Fuck, this is the cancer of crypto !
No sane people will throw money at this shitfest.
It is a big fucking anal storm, Jesus !

>> No.11755568


>> No.11755589
File: 175 KB, 750x1334, 5DFD6B5C-D432-4203-AB7D-A7E7EFF5B4BE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone explain how ABC can win this? I really don’t understand why it isn’t dumping. SV is mining over 51% of the blocks with just 2 pools and about 75% of the blocks total. How can ABC possibly win in this case. What am I missing here...

>> No.11755595


believe in something, even if its impossible

>> No.11755603

why shouldnt I buy BCH on binance to get both coins? Why

>> No.11755629

They don’t have nearly enough nodes to sustain a 51% attack.

They are outnumbered with nodes and Jihan is literally going to flip a switch on Bitmain warehouses and start creating massive hashpower.

>> No.11755688

But Graig said that the nodes wouldn’t be able to handle the new larger block size and will be forced to shut down because of that. I read putting up a node is relatively easy compared to having thousands of miners. Isn’t a node just a computer that has the blockchain on it? If block size increases dramatically the nodes won’t be able to handle it. Craig said himself the new block size is the attack. Even Jihan didn’t understand this at first and I don’t think he accounted for it

>> No.11755731

He also said he’s satoshi u fucking idiot

>> No.11755753
File: 179 KB, 750x1334, 65453D16-2E31-43D4-944B-B1B32EB6EC44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is current node count. Do you know who controls bitprim and can you explain this a little more? It sounds like you actually know what you’re taking about.

>> No.11755785

Battlefield control isn't about pounding vacant ground with artillery.

>> No.11755829

I will give you all a little insight as to what is going on. This is all I will share.

-Bitmain has pointed ~34,000 miners at SV pools to claim extra incentives
-Jihan has been aggressively selling SV futures, buying ABC.

You can piece together the rest with a bit of critical thinking.

>> No.11755831

So you think once the split happens ABC will pull miners from BTC to mine BCH and take an early lead to declare victory. They can’t keep that up for too long though...

>> No.11755840

Tell me sir, should one buy BCH and hold through the fork?

>> No.11755863

Fuck yeah free coins

>> No.11755873

They have many options. Including but not limited to
1) flatly outgun sv. He with the biggest war chest wins. Unless csw actually is satoshi (which lets be honest is a sub percent chance) there's little doubt the opposing faction has more resources on that front and can simply win by brute force.
2) change pow. You can't attack another algo using the accumulated hardware that sv have.
3) some form of permissioned mining that invalidates Sha256d hash without a key.
4) call off the incompatible abc mods for now and just stick with the current change until both parties hash out consensus
5) find a bug in sv and exploit it directly.

>> No.11755886

You’re claiming Jihan is inflating the blocks mined by SV by entering his own miners in the pool like a Trojan horse? Then will pull the miners and direct them to ABC? If I’m not retarded abc am understanding that correctly this is the first time I’ve heard that claim. Source on this...

>> No.11755903

Thanks, first clear answer

>> No.11755912

whos winning the battle?

>> No.11755920



>> No.11755923

fuck off, no one is buying monero kek

>> No.11755931


you will

>> No.11755989 [DELETED] 

Weak handed pussy

>> No.11756052

>both coins

>> No.11756060

>whos winning the battle?

>> No.11756080
File: 24 KB, 500x397, 156vihl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>free coins

>> No.11756084

cant fucking believe there's no discord or telegram or IRC where we can bet/chat n shit about this. Only plebbit with their OEM autism? wtf

>> No.11756090

If they changed the algo wouldn't all their machines be useless?

>> No.11756094


there is, but you are not invited

not am I

>> No.11756113
File: 1.39 MB, 1600x966, 08fe0156-9847-4e1d-81d9-02332c636a1c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they can suck all of us off with their elitism.

>> No.11756151

insitutional investors my ass... like smart money gonna put their shit into an asset that can be manipulated by some shady mofos lol... can't do it with gold

>> No.11756156

fuck this shit

>> No.11756387

They have already taken the snapshot. It doesn't count after that.

>> No.11756627

Bitmain make a ton of machines for basically every significant POW algorithm in existence. They are the exact wrong party to fuck with in this instance.

>> No.11756641
File: 58 KB, 1934x318, Dr_bt0JWoA0dOP5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11756659

The antminer S15 is a sha256d ASIC. Mining has been a shitty business to be in for about the past six to nine months, so I wouldn't be surprised if that were actually true. It has no bearing at all on the fact that Bitmain makes plenty of asics for basically every POW algo in existence.

>> No.11756663

When was snapshot?

>> No.11756668

Thats because they are manipulating the charts to make you feel that way. Hopefully SV fucks their chain right away and starts dumping them at the same time to put a stop to it.

>> No.11756675

I would however say, fucking nobody is paying 0.13 USD kWh at industrial scale, that's extortionate. Only garage plebs or other subhuman filth would be on that.

>> No.11756697


see my name

>> No.11756761

dont like it newfag? STIFF

>> No.11756809


it hasn't been taken yet, you have just under 2 hours

>> No.11756838 [DELETED] 


>> No.11757228
File: 48 KB, 1280x337, pphoto_2018-11-15_08-01-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BCHSV is a walking dead shitcoin and everybody knows it except CSW

>> No.11757680


non-mining nodes? STIFF

>> No.11757693

I bet those will do a whole lot of work in the hashwar.