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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11753942 No.11753942 [Reply] [Original]

Good time to buy ETH?

>> No.11753951

Wait for the final dump before The bullrun.

>> No.11753957
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ETH is a broken shitcoin

>> No.11753978

What price are you aiming at? 170$ is the lowest it has been for years

>> No.11753993

buy when btc is 1k

>> No.11754018

Yes.. I'm accumulating at anything below $200 ETH. It's literally like stealing at these prices. Unless BTC capitulates to 4k, then double digit ETH may happen. In which case I will get a second mortgage and go balls fucking deep. I already hold 150 ETH and I want more.

>> No.11754023

It was 10 dollars last year.

>> No.11754026

lmao retard

>> No.11754055


>> No.11754186


>> No.11754248

he cants he’s a fucking retard plebbit faggot all in nano

>> No.11754285

if you want buy and hold then i would say go for it but if you want margin trade then no

>> No.11754307

ETH is overpriced above $20. I bought in at $14. The entire pump from 10 to 1400 was premised on the development of the EEA and the fact Ethereum acted as an ico platform for utility tokens. More importantly, ETH was promised adequate network scaling repeatedly throughout it's lifetime. However, the network continually failed to scale, despite promises from developers. In terms of functionality, ETH is no better off than it was 18 months ago. It bricks itself on rudimentary dapps, and the further setbacks relating to Shasper mean it will be yet another two years before we'll see a supposed solution to scaling, but I wouldn't hold my breath. Only reason ETH is holding on to it's current price is combo of buyer ignorance, first mover advantage, and the fact that the idea behind Ethereum is actually very good.

>> No.11754312

ETH will solve its scaling issues by the next bull run, and will remain the top platform. Nothing can dethrone ETH at this point.

>> No.11754330

What makes you so sure?

>> No.11754339

Bro, we we're promised working dapps by mid '17. The devs have done nothing. Even the consensus latch last month got pushed back months. Casper was meant to come out at the end of '17. Now we're looking at 2020. These guys just make up numbers, sorry about your bags, bro.

>> No.11754344

Im 100% sure, especially since that other faggot is so convinced it’s dead.

>> No.11754346

i honestly don't think so the team behind eth became lazy i think we will see another project to replace eth

>> No.11754348

>for years

>> No.11754459

>dunning-kruger, the post
the cryptokitties craze exactly one year ago brought network improvements within two weeks, and optimization updates continued to come in
we're running 10x more computation for a tenth of the gas price with only twice the hashrate, a 50x improvement in efficiency, and your sidewalk speculator ass thinks "nothing is happening". not that you'd be able to even sign a message with your ethers you probably hold on coinbase or in a cold wallet, so it's not like you would understand anything about anything happening on the network. we have several working scaling solutions, mongs like you cling to muh sharding! muh pos! as you barely understand the technology of either and use these words as magic incantations. what about signed messages? offchain bridges? dpos and poa sidechains? dismissed as "buzzwords" in your anemic brain, even though functioning dapps are running on such solutions right now
the only valid criticism of ethereum is not technological but human: because we are indeed plagued with a population that is 99% brainlets, users are happy to use eos or even tron right now over a sidechain with similar attributes backed by a secure first layer. this is irrelevant in the grand scheme (adoption of ethereum will come through being the invisible backend of certain business solutions, and not the obvious frontend of user-facing apps), but let's hope ETH does indeed go below $20 to flush out speculators

>> No.11754471

The ETH team has the most developers of any crypto project. They're not lazy, these things just take time.

>> No.11754917
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Yes. I see more and more anti BTC/BCH sentiment everyday. If ETH flips BTC, 10 ETH will let you make it. It can be bitcoin all over again. This time though the shilling will be stronger from the elite, telling normies to buy for years after it is "over priced".

Even google execs kids are mining ETH. They aren't going to let their kids mine BTC which is digital horseshit.

>> No.11754930

t. someone holding one the other "platform" shitcoins.

>> No.11754948

>Nothing can dethrone ETH at this point.
Xrp has dethroned it several times including right now. Not that I want them to. Shitcoin should be delisted but still kicking eth off.

>> No.11754971

lol I’m glad I’m not this guy in a couple years

>> No.11754997

yeah man, I'd hate to be as filthy rich as that guy

>> No.11755058

this, this and this

>> No.11755078

finally someone with some coherent thought

the fud levels are laughable atm

at its current progress, eth is not worth the price last year's bullrun craze started. however, to pretend it's current price is too generous either is plain retarded

>> No.11755181

aaaand you go back to plebbit
fast fast fast

>> No.11755288


retard, can you give some valid points or formulate any coherent thought?

or are you that little autist who sucked on his mother's tits for way too long and can't do anything besides shitstaining all over the place?

>> No.11755314


>> No.11755384

pleb, your spacing are like and ad
internal adblocker make it look like you only wrote
>I'm a faggot

>> No.11755395

bitcoin has more and better quality developers

>> No.11755410

this is /biz/, wait until it 10x's from here and then fomo in

>> No.11755439

>Good time to buy ETH?
It is like you can't look anything up yourself.
If you need to be spoonfed, the answer is no, stay away. ETH is shit, solely due to the lack of progress by the devs, despite having a major first mover advantage. In other words, if the scaling issues we're solvable, they would have been already. They had ample time and resources to do so. So they're either absolute brainlets, or they know it can't be fixed and they didn't want to crash the market of endless erc-20's built on top of it and shoulder the responsibility. Which of those seems most likely to you?

>> No.11755687


most of real developers in space are onboard, nothing comes close to pure manpower and brains suporting it

>team behind eth became lazy
>keeps watching 1 day charts and 5 min candles but talk about development and funamentals

>state of biz 2018


here you go fag

fuck this board I miss 2016 so much

>> No.11755706


>> No.11755735


>absolute brainlets of devs no real development
>scaling not solved yet


>> No.11755789

The plan for Ethereum is to switch from PoW to Pos and this may be a release for some of the above described issues, but the process will not be easy and PoS is very insecure. Miners will not support the hardfork because it will make their expensive hardware obsolete and a split will be very likely. Since hundreds of platforms are build on the network I think this could be very messy.

To execute a 51% attack you need 51% of the voting power. ETH is designed to use in smart contracts and thus only a small part of the ETH will be used to be staked. When only 20% of the total amount of ETH is staked an attacker needs just over 10% to do a 51% attack. I think it is very possible that the consortium already owns this share.

Regulation WILL hurt Ethereum

There will probably be an era in the future where governments and banks feel threatened and tighten their current tolerant stance against ETH.

>> No.11756782

>ethereum is gold
>buy ethereum instead of gold

>> No.11757117

One of the goals of the POS system is to make 51% attacks (which every POW system is vulnerable to) impossible, by allowing for a minority of good actors to police a bad-acting majority in the case of an attempt.

>> No.11757170

The idea of running every computation at every node is not a goid idea at all. So the whole concept of etbwas flawed to begin with.

>> No.11757294
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will we drop further boys? looking to scoop up some on sale

>> No.11757806

As good as ever

>> No.11757845

gimme ur efferrium wyte boy

>> No.11757905

Exactly what Im thinking, down to img related

>> No.11757998

Anybody care to share their thoughts on the Constantinople fork set for 1/19? There should be some implications for the value of ether, but I’m not sure what.

>> No.11758070
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only for soundclouders tokens lol


>> No.11758120

This is actually genius wtf. And that post is right. The domain is easily worth a few mil.

>> No.11758139
File: 6 KB, 207x243, images (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why buy ETH instead of alts like OMG which can probably outperform ETH?

>> No.11758163

there's a fucking 70,000 supply

>> No.11758169

pajeets pls go

>> No.11758171


This is the best time to buy. When word catches on. Eth is boosting soon.

>> No.11758184

wanna cross-post on /pol/ to see flags?

>> No.11758197
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Sheeiiit how the fuck do I get in on this?

>> No.11758207

you lick my asshole

>> No.11758596

added to my stack at $173. where we going once bull market hits. scaling solutions. killer dapps. all the memes. flippening.

>> No.11758705
File: 231 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-11-15-14-34-18-631_com.android.chrome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah Ethereum is definitely dying..

>> No.11758751

This, it is the fastest growing developer space in crypto still.

Follow the devs

>> No.11758787


>> No.11758822


>mobile devs trended in the '10s
>dapp devs trending in the '20s

you'd be a fool to not hold some eth

>> No.11758850

and you would be a fool to be all-in on eth
2 digits will happen. Not a question if, rather a question when. It is not an investment, it is a platform

>> No.11758867

Got my ETH at about $30, would I buy any more?


Have I sold any since it went under 300?

No. Selling now is not smart, as I strongly suspect we will end the year at around $400.

>> No.11758899
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>> No.11758917

This, I bought most of mine at $15, sold some at $650 and don't plan on selling again until we are over $500

>> No.11758940

>Selling now is not smart, as I strongly hope we will end the year at around $400 because lese I would bite my ass for not selling
ftsfy plebbit

>> No.11758952

Two digits already happened, you missed it, get over it. Also:
>implying one cannot invest in platforms/tools
Absolute brainlet-tier post.

>> No.11759041

BTC is overpriced above $20.
see how that works?

>> No.11759065

2 digits eth = 6 digits btc

just as crazy estimates by brainlets

>> No.11759119

Hilarious how easy plebbitors shilling theirs bags are to be recognized because they can't stop using outdated memes. What is next, come on call me cuck and uboat, and next time simply post a brainlet wojack

>> No.11759192

Soundclouders is a bad name.
Soundclouded however, is much catchier.

>> No.11759204

bought 20 lets see where it goes

>> No.11759323

I would just use BAT for that

>> No.11759353

you acknowledge my actual point

why does your 2 digit estimate seem any more reasonable than the plebbitors 6 digit estimates in January?

>answer: it doesn't. neither will happen.

>> No.11759449

>outdated memes, muh reddit
Way to out yourself, newfag.

>> No.11759459

200k 2020. congrats anon

>> No.11759951

selling pressure on eth is heavy af
ICOs will have to cash out for lawyers and lattes
Hype buyers bags are getting heavier and heavier with no bottom in sight
Sub 100 buyers getting eager to sell off the rest to buy in cheaper
Promises broken, product basically vapor ware like 5000 other platform coins with less supply no inflation at 0.2 cents
Bad financial climate, lot of external and internal fud
No reason for new hype
Not enough volatility for swingers

eth will be worth 50 dollar and less in January

>> No.11760059

>Being that retarded not to sell at 30x

>> No.11760319
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thanks mate, hope it pays off