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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1175315 No.1175315 [Reply] [Original]

What are the comfiest careers that require at least a bachelors?

>> No.1175316


>> No.1175329

Software Engineering

>> No.1175331




Not sure where you find "comfy" in those. Is it in studying 50 hours doing math LITERALLY NO ONE will care about when you graduate per week while your psychology major roommates are getting the best pussy of their life?

And then you graduate and become a cubicle monkey making $80k/yr earning your boss $5million per project.

Or maybe the Finance major which has a lot less studying but 10x as asskissing only to have the biggest aspirations of getting an analyst position where you work so much that you can't stay awake even with 1gram of caffeine and a handful of adderall each fucking day? ALL TO EARN <$15/HR AVERAGE WHEN YOU COUNT THST YOU WORKED 80 HRS A WEEK.

>> No.1175333

lol dude you are salty

>> No.1175337

sounds like you're retarded. engineering degrees are far from difficult.

>> No.1175343

Coming from a Design Engineer, this guy is actually pretty spot on for the Engineering part. Can't speak for Finance though

>> No.1175347

Yeah I forgot everyone on 4chan is a genius who doesn't need to study for their math major and just passes with flying colors despite shitposting all day and never even coming to class.

Sorry totally forgot that everyone on here is just 130+ IQ and this website is a congregation of geniuses.

>> No.1175460

Doing double degree of applied finance and engineering.
Finance is piss easy, engineering isnt that hard other than the math (which is alot of it lol) which makes it so much harder.

>> No.1175472

Web dev even more comfy than software.

Maybe he's spot on when you're not interested in engineering, but it's not an overly challenging major when you enjoy math/physics.

Most comfy for 4chan users is sysadmin. Learn extremely boring shit for a few years then sit in at a computer fixing basic issues every once in a while. 50%+ of jobs can be done from home too

>> No.1175475

>Finance is piss easy
you dont even know the half of it

>> No.1175479

In comparison to engineering it's easy as fuck.

I'm sure working at a bank is much harder/longer hours than learning shit atm, however, the degree itself is ez

>> No.1175499

paying the CEO to make you $1,000,000/year

that's the comfy career

>> No.1175504
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Okay, hear me out on this one.

What about translation? Yes, sure, it doesn't require any sort of bachelor but it's a plus in terms of your practice knowledge.

For instance, you can work from home earning dosh (written translation, copywriting) or go to some corporate meetings/negotiations and earn 250-500$ per day for interpreting. Couple days like these and I'm set for the whole month.

I think it's the definition of COMFY when you're not physically tied to any place of work and can work as much as you can (if you're a freelance, of course).

Granted, it's not as lucrative as AppDeveloper but you get to meet interesting/famous/smart people and you will have your fair share of travel. I know a lot of guys who live all across the world and do some written translation, real easy stuff.

>> No.1175506

CS jobs but engineering is better

>> No.1175507

Tell me more how engineering is the best bachelors to get

>> No.1175519


>60+ hour work weeks

Pick one

>> No.1175559


If you are good at it, people head hunt you and make your demands. If you suck, they won't get rid of you because they don't know if they can get a replacement.

>> No.1175568

Can't speak for engineering but finance is fucking hell. It isn't cigars, whiskey, and Mayfair gentlemen's clubs. It's working 60-80 hours a week, revising the same fucking document 200 times to make sure that all of the pages have the same font size and indentations at the beginning of paragraphs; it's being shouted at by your boss even though you didn't do anything wrong because deal fell apart or an investment went south; it's going home every night dead tired, stressed out because you know that if you don't get promoted then you will get fired because turnover in finance is high, and worrying about all the cutthroat competition your facing from your colleagues who would slit your testicles off if it meant getting top bonus and a promotion.

>> No.1175580

Actuarial Science is ranked #1 best profession in the US

>> No.1175582

fuck man, I thought it's just burger madman and geckos.

>> No.1175594

You need to be really good at math.
My friend goes to the best uni in my nation for Actuarial and he is freakishly good at math, however, he spends hours every day trying to understand the math concepts in math classes.

>> No.1175598

Accounting's pretty comfy

>> No.1175624

In my opinion anyone who has never considered becoming a florist has no soul. It's got to be the nicest job out there
>spend every day in a room full of plants with a high oxygen level
>sell bouquets to people who are either celebrating their success or mourning their losses
>either way customers are grateful when you put some thought into your interactions with them
>sell house plants to people who want something to decorate their houses with
Have you ever been to a florist? The air there is an order of magnitude nicer to breathe than almost anywhere else in a city and the people who shop there are way more agreeable than elsewhere. It's the one customer service job I could do for the rest of my life.

>> No.1175630

my math professors PhD friends from berkeley are actuaries now. think about that.

>> No.1175631

But is the paycheck worth all this trouble?

>> No.1175636

only problem is theres no money in those types of jobs. Some of us want to make at least 25Hr by the time we reach 25-30

>> No.1175650


>what are rare orchids

Some plants can sell for hundreds of dollars.

>> No.1175661

Unfortunately true, that's why I only worked a few summers selling flowers. There's no real money in it, unless you own the flower shop yourself and manage to be popular.

>> No.1175671

>implying normal people throw around hundreds of dollars on flowers for non wedding events.
>>especially in this shit economy

>> No.1175715

At least everyone but you. Stay retarded. Got my bachelor's in cs and never studied a day in my life. Making at least twice what any of my peers do now.

>> No.1175720

That's IT???

I finished Law at Yale and never even showed up to class.

>> No.1175735

>It's working 60-80 hours a week, revising the same fucking document 200 times to make sure that all of the pages have the same font size and indentations at the beginning of paragraphs


>> No.1175737


Then you just have to market them to fancy cunts with money to burn. Make it the must have home accessory.

>> No.1175753

>Shit economy
>Economy is the best it's been in ages

L m a oooo

>> No.1175761


>> No.1175801

I'll bite. My degree in Quantity Surveying is easy to get into and not particularly difficult - basically all the Construction Technology parts of Civil/Structural/Architectural Engineering and none of the maths and physics. The remainder of the course is made up of business and construction management, accounting and law.

Starting salary is not particularly high but after you're chartered you're pretty much guaranteed £40k. Senior levels pay up to £80k and if you go into commercial construction management/partner/director afterwards - which you're in a better position to than any other construction related degree - you will easily be on over £100k.

I'm not saying it's massively lucrative when compared to investment banking etc. but for a degree that is easy to get into and with a sector crying out for QS graduates it really isn't a bad option.

>> No.1175821

you both suck, I got a PhD in Statistical Superluminal Plasma-Physical Engineering and another PhD in Numerical Newtonian Quantum Mechanics of Spinning Dildos's at MIT at the same time and I never even learnt how to read, write or tie my shoe. Fucking plebs baka desu senpai

>> No.1175828
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On a more serious note I'd say having an advanced degree in some form of mathematical modeling and/or computer science is pretty comfy; your skills are highly valuable, in high demand and there's not a lot of people smart enough to be good at it.

Another one would be medical physicist. You get paid out the fucking nose like a medical doctor and all you do is sit on your ass and interpret MRI / X-ray scans or manage someone's radiation therapy while hardly having to deal with the patients and working comfy 9-5 hours. Bonus comfy if you open up your own private clinic; hello $250k+ a year while working from 10 to 4 and taking Fridays off. Only downside is the 7+ years you'll spend getting your degree.

>> No.1175894

The comfiest require an MBA and just have you sitting in an office pretending to work. They tend to pay upper 5 figures/lower 6 figures.

A friend of mine works for Sears w/ an MBA and he doesn't do shit.

>> No.1175928

I have a comfy analyst position. Just graduated and I make 80k. This morning I went in, had my coffee while reading wsj then Harper's. did a model for my supervisor and then now I am on lunch, walked to my apartment made a nice healthy meal, doing some stretches and calisthenics while listening to some music on my new surround sound system. About to head back to work, I will probably do another model and research some markets while drinking some Green tea and leave at 530.

>> No.1176079

What did you study familia?

>> No.1176083

>Design Engineer

kek, have fun drawing pretty pictures feminine dick boi

>> No.1176085

Personally i think product/ project management is comfy.

>> No.1176090

I'm British. I work in what is called Public Affairs here but is probably just straight up lobbying in America.

I get good pay, quarterly bonuses and all sorts of other perks, these can increase if I move to bigger corporations

>Free meals
>Lots of overnight stays, train journeys and some out of country trips
>Meet loads of important people
>Chat all the time
>People think I'm really clever

What I do all day

>We pay a political monitoring service because we have a big budget, so instead of monitoring law I literally just copy and paste out of reports sent to my email into briefings
>Occasionally write a press release
>Go chat with politicians and have a laugh
>Sometimes take them on visits
>Everything paid for by company
>Most stressful thing is organising a meeting or when something goes wrong perfecting a company press statement
>Looking to becmoe a manage or work for an even bigger company when I get more experience.

Literally the easiest fucking thing, barely any work, really overrated, pay is fucking fine if you work for a top company and you just need a basic interest in politics

>> No.1176096

Oh and I get stuff like a company car, free macbook, Ipad, iphone etc

Best part is once you put in 10 years you can start getting work most places in the world that are relevant

>> No.1176108

Anything that pays well is going to have some degree of stress and generally won't be comfy.

Any career worth getting into will likely be something lucrative that involves a high stress environment and/or a high and expensive skillset.

I would say just find a balance between what interests you and what's available, and what pays your ideal salary.

There is no "perfect job" IMHO. Just go out and do something. Work is work. What you go home to at the end of the day is what really counts in life.

>> No.1176141

You sperglords need to calm down. Sheeeit.

The curriculum for any engineering field is demanding, but not necessarily difficult. We will assume that the student has a solid grounding in Mathematics, developed through high school. This is possible for anyone. Without a solid foundation in Mathematics, the student will fucking flounder in Physics, Chemistry, and many Engineering courses. So, firstly, the student needs a solid Math background. Secondly, the student needs to know how to study. Students with a below 3.0 GPA most likely have shit studying habits. All good habits are learned, and the best students pick up these habits early on.

I graduated in ME with a 3.2 GPA. It's nothing great, but nothing terrible. I consider this average.

>Sorry totally forgot that everyone on here is just 130+ IQ and this website is a congregation of geniuses.
anon pls

>> No.1176142

Become a dentist. If youre smart enough, go into residency and become an endodontist. You do the same root canal procedure 3-4 times a day and end up getting a 250k starting salary

>> No.1176155

I agree m8, I'm in corporate bank and the stress & insecurity is very real

>> No.1176161

can you elaborate on what your friend's job is

>> No.1176203 [DELETED] 
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what analyst positions guarantee the most comfiness? I am willing to take less pay for less stress. Im graduating this May with an econ finance degree. Anything 40k+ and <45 hrs a week.

>> No.1176235

Econ, I work in commercial real estate

>> No.1176241

Didn't do mathematics in high school, still got a 3.5 GPA

>> No.1176247

Keep dreaming, kids. Someday you will complete high school.

>> No.1176264


Finance sucks dick and is not comfy at all.

Engineering CAN be good, but it depends on the industry and your boss.

As far as comfy? I'd say customer service or tech support. A lot of those you can work from home and make $40k+ per year.

Or maybe sales if you have a knack for selling people. Boss's don't care how many hours you put in as long as you hit your numbers.

>> No.1176266


This and webdev

>> No.1176269


Might be fun and all, but I seriously doubt those people are making any kind of money.

>> No.1177520

I'll rephrase the question. What are the comfiest /biz/ related careers?

>> No.1177749


I have been doing that for a while now, got out of military pilot school due to being a sperglord, and i found that translating english shit to my native language is pretty lucrative if you're willing to grind through it

At first it was really hard and painstaking but if I get in the zone I can make about $23 an hour

>> No.1177797

What do you do, brah? Written translations? Bureaus or shit like Upwork? Share your knowledge.

>> No.1177805

Are you talking about comfy as in you don't need to do much at work?

Work for the government/public sector
>union job
>hard to get fired
>good benefits
>job security
>dont have to do much

>> No.1177850


Almost all the other answers I read do not make sense at all

OP, what do you mean with comfy? Make money and do nothing with a high job security> If you mean that, then goverment/public sector is the way to go.

I do not really understand why the whole discussion came down to either finance or engineering.
Both fields of study are very challenging if you want to persue an actual high paid carreer.
Sure you can half ass anything and get a half ass job and salary and subsequently say that it's comfy.

My brother studied finance, studied his ass off, went on with studying financial enigeering, studied his ass off, now works in NY at big bank, works 12 hours a day.

I study, pharma science, I too study my ass off and the jobs there are high paid but also high demanding.

All in all, unless you want to be a soulless governmental employee and belong to the biggest money sucking corporation in the world (i.e. the government) the level of "comfy" is all what you make of it.

But please lose this attitude of aspiring maximum comfyness and just do what you like and do your absolute best in every case.
Because comfyness is no good if you hate your job.

>> No.1177911

How does one go about doing this in Canada?

>> No.1177927


basically when you ask Siri something what you say is recorded and it is paired with what Siri thinks it heard

because Siri is terrible at placing context, especially in so many languages they ask natives to correct the search engine

All this then gets learned by Siri so that it knows that top cake and top kek are two different things

on the good side i can do this from home, on the bad side i hear thousands of search queries and stuff like "siri tell my wife that i'm going to fuck her saggy tits off tonight"

>> No.1177953


Sounds cool, where can I apply?

>> No.1177981

How did you get into this in the UK? I have Mechanical Engineering degree but I have always been interested in a career relating to politics

>> No.1177983


several companies do this, they put ads on craigslists when they get projects from google or apple, then you login, grind, get paid on paypal

i guess it depends where you live though, personally i'm in germany

company name is seven levels entertainment