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11744890 No.11744890 [Reply] [Original]

>First day at new Macy's job
>Onboarding, have to watch a bunch of training videos
>The first video is a big guy going around Macy's with a shotgun and shooting all the customers and workers
>Video title: How to Respond in an Active Shooting Incident
>The absolute state

>> No.11744915

oh shit thats actually hilarious. don't laught though normies have not sense of humor.

>> No.11744943

>shooting all the customers

what customers

>> No.11744968

Kek if there's an active shooter with shotgun in a store you're fucking dead

>> No.11744983

You're more correct than you know
I also learned that over half of the "customers" in Macy's are undercover asset protection during the holidays
The store I got hired at had 5 incidents this week alone where people just grabbed clothes and ran out the door

>> No.11745062
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I stole some shitty sunglasses years ago and an undercover guy followed me to the parking lot. I spotted him on the phone with my peripherals. Skirted the fug out there in reverse so he couldn't get my license plate

>> No.11745089

the absolute state of america
you're all fucking niggers.

>> No.11745132

>>The first video is a big guy going around Macy's with a shotgun and shooting all the customers and workers

>> No.11745162

Was he just killing shitskins in the video?

>> No.11745190

This is why malls are dieing as well. No white person wants to shop next to shitskins, thats why amazon is pwning so hard.

>> No.11745191


>> No.11745249

Nobody buys clothes on amazon you retard

>> No.11745261

Kek this. Try it one time and you'll never do it again. Worse than shopping at TJ max, Marshals, or Ross.

>> No.11745309
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This is funny because just yesterday in one of my shitty college classes there was a conversation about how much clothing they buy off amazon. Normies are realistically slightly above full blown retard level, never underestimate them.

>> No.11745310

Why not it is easy as hell plus free returns.

>> No.11745371

I have no face for watching neighbours get weekly truckloads of amazon clothing wich most get shipped back. They're trying the clothing at home obviously instead of going out to the mall now...

>> No.11745372

I won't do it until there is an easier way to try on clothes or make sure that I will like the way they fit on me.

>> No.11745398

>Video title: How to Respond in an Active Shooting Incident

So, what did you learn?

>> No.11745418

Hide, run, or fight
Just common sense shit. I honestly think they just wanted an excuse to film a dramatic action video

>> No.11745514

Why would you waste time buying clothes without knowing if they fit or not?

>> No.11745590
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Exactly anon but we're talking about normies here, they're fucking retarded hence the name "normies".

>> No.11745591

i had to do one for when i worked at lowes, same shit, did yours end with a man who was about to be found, picking up a fire extinguisher and bashing the shooter in the head with it?

>> No.11745593


They treat it as "try out at home". The interesting question is who pays delivery price. Amazon making a smaller margin to get more market share or are they paying for it?

>> No.11745633

same here at Home depot

and yes, three people were about to fuck up one guy with a short barrel shotgun.

>> No.11745636

I'm not fat so this works for me as well

>> No.11745717

it's probably some kind of cover their ass insurance thing that lawyers made them do

>> No.11745734

Dealing with retarded women who all think they're skinny when they're actually land whales is not worth a slight market share. The returns must be astronomical plus you have to hear their complaints, it must destroy them mentally when they think they need a medium or large when they actually need a xxl.

>> No.11745851

How big is that of the whole customerbase though and you have the option to blacklist them. There's potential in filtering and keeping the good ones to make more on the long run.

>> No.11746379

They just increased their minimum wage for all the dindus so they must be making bank. I guess amazon doesn't care, they basically own the USPS at this point anyways