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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1174349 No.1174349 [Reply] [Original]

>Where are you from?
>Gross annual salary
>Net salary (per month)
>Your average living costs (per month)

>22000€ (+2000€ bonus)

>> No.1174363
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>> No.1174389

>58k €/66k $
>2800 € / 3700$
>875 € / 1000 $

First job out of university, and I hope I can keep my spending low for at least 3-4 years so I can save up some cash.
Monthly spending is relatively low for me area due to sharing cheap appartment with GF.

>> No.1174394

>Where are you from?
>Gross annual salary
>Net salary (per month)
~$3500 (2k goes to 401k every month)
>Your average living costs (per month)
~$3000 (mortgage and living expenses, ~$1000 in entertainment each month)

>> No.1174407

Do you live in a hut?
Barcelona is €400 min for something decent with flatmates. then add food, transport...

>> No.1174416

I live in a shared flat. I pay 280€ for my room then add the food, transport... The flat is a bit old but it's ok.

>> No.1174423

By the way, it's in Barcelona

>> No.1174428

>$67,066($26400-Rental Property, $40666- Job Income
>about $2500(live with parents)(22 years old)

>> No.1174475

After taxes:

>Where are you from?
>Gross annual salary
>Net salary (per month)
>Your average living costs (per month)
180USD (becuase i crash at the nest)

Insane right? I saved up 2 months salery in less than a year. Invested it OFC, meaning: now i have an additional 60USD passive income which ofc i fuel back inot my investments.

As we Hungarians say: Slow water washes the bank. (Rome wasn't built in a day)

>> No.1174476
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>> No.1174477

>55K base (+3k-ish per diem)
>3,250 USD
>800 rent + food and shit
Felt alright at first, but then I realized I'm no IB. Maybe I'll get the CFA after my CPA.

>> No.1174481

Shit man, and I thought I was fucked... You can't do anything with this, I mean you can't travel, buy electronics, car, etc...

>> No.1174490

Dunno about that; i feel i like i have a lot. Life is cheap here pal. It's not like we fuck goats and sheperd the herd. I work at Telenor callcenter, my bro works at the cities waterworks, mother has some pension and we are OK. We have a personal computer for each of us, i ate pizza today got a beer for that and we usually make a trip yearly.

>> No.1174519


>> No.1174571


>> No.1174587

>Where are you from?
>Gross annual salary
$100k salary. $25k bonus last year projecting ~$50k this year
>Net salary (per month)
>Your average living costs (per month)

>> No.1174603

>Where are you from?
>Gross annual salary
110'000 $
>Net salary (per month)
>Your average living costs (per month)

I'm 29 working in finance.

>> No.1174629


What is your job? I'm moving to barcelona next month.

>> No.1174655

Financial analyst

>> No.1174657
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Where are you from and why are you moving here? :3

>> No.1174660

If I bring $500,000, can I move to Hungary and live like a king? I need a place to shack up for 5 or 6 years until my pension kicks in.

>> No.1174668

>35k CAD/23K EUR
>2200 CAD/ 1500 EUR
>Your average living costs: $135
That includes insurance and gas for my vehicle. And nope, don't live with the family.

>> No.1174679

Do you live in the car?

>> No.1174684


I'm a currently studying at the university, whilst i've a student job on the side.

>> No.1174717


Shit I was hoping it was something I would be qualified to steal from you.

I'm moving from the UK to live with my Spanish gf, she moved back a little while ago to finish her degree.

At the moment I speak no Spanish/Catalan so I'm in at the deep end although my current job are going to give me a little bit of remote work.

>> No.1174720

That's 137,665,198 HUF, so yeah pretty much, for years.


>> No.1174734

What do you do?

>> No.1174744

>Rent 4 bedroom house for 1500.
>Two rooms are 500, one room is 600, and a friend is living in a makeshift study space I made into a room.
>Utilities max out at 300 this winter because it only got down to -10 to -15 for a couple weeks instead of the usual -25 to -40 range.
>Getting $2000 from rent sublets while paying $1500 in rent plus the bills.
>They're just happy they don't have to pay bills.
I also sweeten the pot: Knock rent off $50 for the first month, if I'm at Costco or something I'll ask if they need anything picked up, and I also sell them my homebrew because it's cheaper for them.

So that $135 is my phone, insurance, health insurance, and gas.

>> No.1174754

>Where are you from?
>Gross annual salary
£37,000 (~$53,000)
>Net salary (per month)
£2,180 (~$3,100)
>Your average living costs (per month)
~£900 (~$1,300)

>> No.1174755

investment banking

>> No.1174758


>> No.1174806


>> No.1175443

>Where are you from?
Vancouver Washington USA

>Gross annual salary

>Net salary (per month)

>Your average living costs (per month)
Uuhh .. my wife does the bills.
$1075 rent
About $500 car payments I think
Another $3 or 400 car insurance maybe?
Power is about $100. Internet is $100 or $150. Phones are like $100 or so too.

Fuck I don't know. I think that's about it. We eat real well and our kids have cool toys and I can buy records or comics whenever I want and she has an addiction to yoga pants.

She puts $500 into savings every paycheck. She considers it another bill.

We're buying a house next month. Mortgage/insurance/HOA is about $1700/month

>> No.1175471

Oh, boy, here goes nothing.

>Moscow, Russia
>27000$ (48000$ before the sanctions hit us hard)
>Depends. The lowest I got (Jan '16) was 900$, the highest was 4000$ (Jul '15) for 6 days of working - that's the only week I worked that month). On average I earn about 1700$
>About 350$. I own the apartment so I only pay for the utilities.

I'm 23 and I work as an interpreter/tutor. I don't pay taxes. All my salary is net salary.

>> No.1175676

Delhi, India

$13k yearly after tax

$1200 per month

$300 cost of living

It's shit, I know. Plan to come to EU in a couple of years

>> No.1175685

>$35,000 CAD

I've budgeted $1250 but I'm always over budget due to a surplus of unanticipated expenses

>> No.1175707

> I don't pay taxes.
How can Putin maintain nuclear deterrance is aholes like you aren't paying their taxes!? Taxes in Russia are like 15% flat too.

>> No.1175755

From France but starting to work in Luxembourg as a financial auditor in septembre.

38k gross annual
That makes 2500€ net per month (I dont pay anymore taxes on it)
I'll get about +15% every year

Ill pay around 650€ per month for habitation (with a roommate).

>> No.1175766

UK fag

Gross salary $150k
Net $100k
Living costs $23k

>> No.1175836

>Where are you from?
>Gross annual salary
USD 22,000 + USD 8000 bonus
>Net salary (per month)
USD 1,700
>Your average living costs (per month)
USD 800 (Food, wife, mortgage, cars and leisure)

I'm 29 and had a wife and a kid, life's pretty good for me considering on average people only make $300 per month.
If I decided not to be married and having kids 2 years ago I can fuck bitches daily with this money and still have lots of saving for my future.

>> No.1176272

>$42,000/yr ($CDN)
> $24,000/yr
> $$30,000/yr

Commission based financial advisor. Independent family practice so great salary down the line...burn rate at present due to volunteer positions with charities and boards, lots of CE, ongoing courses for professional designations and of course changing living circumstances (just bought first home/got married).

Some days, this shit feels unsustainable...I just keep reminding myself of the six figure days to come.

>> No.1176302

>Where are you from?
>Gross annual salary
£24k +* bonus 700-1500 a month)
>Net salary (per month)
>Your average living costs (per month)

>> No.1176454
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>2k goes to 401k every month

what is the fucking looking of getting on an anonymous tibetian anime image sharing site and lying about how much money you put towards your requirement?

what the fuck strain of autism did you fucking catch you poor thing

>> No.1177021

> Poortugal
> 16420 €
> 1160 €
> 700 €

I really should try to save a bit more money each month.

>> No.1177041

>Where are you from?
>Gross annual salary
$90k AUD
>Net salary (per month)
>Your average living costs (per month)
$1.5k (I have no idea where it goes. I live with the 'rents)

22YO Electrical Engineer, working past 1.5 years on large LNG project (28/7 roster). I should earn more, I guess.

>> No.1177223

Im just reading those salaries and whoa. You guys have a beautiful life.

>> No.1177246


>Texas, USA
>$94,000 Yearly
>Differs - Around 4000-5500
> Around 2775-3000

>> No.1177286


Texas, USA
$123,000 (+$30,000 bonus)
$5200/month (no bonus)
Don't know, probably $2500/month.

>> No.1177963

85,000 CND
~ 5000 CND +
2300 CND

>> No.1178658

>Gross $58000/yr
>Net $3,030 a month
>Monthly expenses are around $2,400 and wifey covers half.

Damn. Until I wrote that, I was getting pissed at my situation and jealous of all of you all.

>> No.1178660

Sounds like you have it made, what do you do?

How's the quality of living?

>> No.1178665

>None yet, first job, still living with my parents

>> No.1178668

Lol it's not the US bro. Everything is cheap as fuck here.

>> No.1178701

I'm an IT consultant for one of the biggest niche industrial software company.

Quality of living is meh, but I love it here more than any other country that I've been to (Australia, NZ, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippine, and some Europe country). Those country are too boring.

>> No.1178838

Not American. What's wrong with this? Does this go beyond a capped limit?