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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11741362 No.11741362 [Reply] [Original]

Day 2 of non stop mooning. it was up 50% since i shilled yesterday at one point.

lets see will you let this 10x moon pass you buy or will you be smart for once!

>> No.11741372
File: 1.32 MB, 1920x3514, proof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

again this is the reason why you should invest

>> No.11741383

Rasheet, have you seen the fucking market today lad?

>> No.11741384
File: 150 KB, 1300x794, Screen Shot 2018-11-14 at 9.48.25 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

officially one day in
are you going to miss out on the rest of the x10?

>> No.11741389

oh please, just fuck off for once.

>> No.11741391
File: 217 KB, 2266x464, Screen Shot 2018-11-13 at 12.41.35 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would i care about the market when this shit is mooning daily 25%

>> No.11741418

also optional coin swap to their mainnet coin? this quarter!
expect supply to drop 50% once swap is over.
so not only are you missing the breakout your missing a coin burn in theory

>> No.11741465
File: 39 KB, 988x182, Screen Shot 2018-11-14 at 9.57.03 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CIL is being revealed tomorrow confirmed!!!!!

>> No.11741482

How did I miss this

>> No.11741492

What is CIL and what will it be used for?

>> No.11741499
File: 134 KB, 659x609, 1464165124450.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh bank connections
>muh legal ecosystem
>muh partnerships
>muh 83 billion shitcoin supply
>muh masternodes
>muh unsuccesful samefagging
>muh non-existant token burn
>muh big announcements coming

>> No.11741522

Chain in law is their final product. This are showcasing it to the biggest law firms and banks in the world tomorrow. even some parliament members. Once its announced you will have the option to swap SNTR into their CIL mainnet token. SNTR will think be used as gas is to neo. but all swapped over tokens will completely be removed from the supply thus a near 50% coin burn.

>> No.11741535

in simple terms this is literally the next antshares

>> No.11741547

It was established that no token burn is planned at the moment. Also, you were caught samefagging yesterday. Also, you are a pajeet, therefore your opinion is quite frankly worthless.

For the love of god, don't believe this pajeet.

>> No.11741558

When will CIL be listed anywhere and how much will it be worth? Are you swapping?

>> No.11741604

do you not understand that tokens swapped over to CIL tokens will be removed from circulation?

>> No.11741619

the value will be solely depended on how many people swap over on release. I am currently conducting a sophisticated algo that will tell me weather i should instantly swap and sell or to just hold SNTR

>> No.11741624

Oh, do explain, pajeet.

>> No.11741643

A Token swap will occur literally any day now. You will have the option to swap your SNTR for their mainnet coin. Just imagine gas was created first and you can swap your gas into neo once it was a finished product. Its essentially the same thing but no information to which what the ratio for SNTR to CIL. So you swap your SNTR for CIL and all your swapped tokens vanished from the circulation supply. Thus a coin burn in theory

>> No.11741663

wow, you really are a pajeet.

>> No.11741664

This would put SNTR about the same circulation supply of XRP ripple. so in a golden bull run scenario its possible for this to hit a dollar. thus making me about 100 million usd

>> No.11741686

actually if it hits 1 dollar ill literally be at 3.3 billion usd

>> No.11741739

Will it go back down? I wanna buy some but don’t wanna buy ath

>> No.11741769

im afraid its only up from here. ath was 60 gwei so it still has about 4x to go before it reaches ath

>> No.11741814

HAHA this shit is not even affected by the crash. I'm up 20% while you fags are getting justed.

>> No.11741981

biz never knows how to take advantage of opportunities. they are low test non risk takers

>> No.11742169

Damn btc is crashing ima wait to see if this gets affected

>> No.11742409

ok man goodluck missing out

>> No.11742498

Assuming I am tricked into buying your bags, Where would one buy in?

>> No.11742531

idex or hotbit
it will be listing on okex soon so buy before it gets listed on the highest volume exchange in all of crypto

>> No.11742540

is there any need for the token?

>> No.11742552

look at the members of the conference. you think the biggest law firms and the biggest banks in the world along with members of government would be attending for no reason? this is the most stacked conference crypto has ever seen YES this is a need

>> No.11742572

they are literally showcasing their final product to everyone of importance.

>> No.11742912

yes, i believe that their product is good, but i'm talking about the actual erc-20 token. on their website it says that their smart contract requires the sntr token, so that means you basically have to use their token to pay for their services. which would pretty much invalidate their product, because no man in his clear state of mind would want to use a service which you can only use if you pay for it in some random ass erc-20 token that you'll first have to buy from an exchange, they'll just use another sevice which they can pay for in usd

>> No.11743018
File: 80 KB, 954x370, Screen Shot 2018-11-14 at 11.29.02 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good point but im here to answer any of your worries. team is already on it mate. larger clients will utilize fiat where 20% of their fiat payment will go into buying the tokens

>pic related

>> No.11743191

Ok I’m in you got me

>> No.11743203

that changes a lot, thanks

>> No.11743279

good to have you onboard you wont regret it

>> No.11743485

How many should I buy?

>> No.11743566

as many as you possibly can

>> No.11743573

DUMP ahhhhhhhhh

>> No.11743601

nobody is stupid enough to dump the day before the conference and unveiling of CIL

>> No.11743827

It’s still going up awesome

>> No.11744008

and it wont stop

>> No.11744104

Fuck you nigger, its up literally Just because i entered with 50 eth. Ive been market buying all day, the only reason this shit is green is because of me

>> No.11744154

good job i commend you for being one of the smarter biz members

>> No.11744769

Sntr marines report in

>> No.11744816

I bought 10 €, hope I get some candy money from it

>> No.11744916

When will you kill yourself Omega

>> No.11745028

this shit is mooning on idex as we speak parabolic!