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11738883 No.11738883 [Reply] [Original]

hey anons, I am 28 years old and i have been buying link since sibos i bought as low as 13 cents link and as high as 55 cents but the majority of it is around 23 cents. The money I used to buy it is from my accounting job at a small accounting firm, I really hate this braindead job. I have worked there for 6 years now, all my friends went to get mortgages to buy appartments and houses right away and are either married or in the process of getting married. While I am still in a relationship with my gf of 7 years. We argue a lot because she wants me to marry her just like all our friends are doing and buy a house with the money I have saved but instead I just kept on investing more and more of it into chainlink. Instead of getting into a debt right away and be binded towards working to paying of a house I can’t afford yet and a car I decided to take the public transport and bike to work instead. Right now I have accumulated around 850 k chainlinks and I was wondering whether or not this is enough to just quit it all and take a break for a while. I don’t want to deal with forced marriage pressure from my gf and bullshit from my dumb ass boss anymore.

Is this comfortable enough to just let it ride out w/e is gonna happen? I am just so tired and I am probably going to cash out 50 k links just to eat some good food and have a nice break.

let me know anonbros thank hou

>> No.11738890
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You need 650,000,000 LINK to make it.

>> No.11738904

Yes anon $850m is enough

>> No.11738913

I used to hold REQ and LINK, I held them for a year. For the past month I've been slowly liquidating REQ. I finally finished tonight. Got just over 100k LINK. Not stoked but happy not to be in REQ anymore.

>> No.11738921

Dude I quit my job and I "only" had 150k, which is now down to 115k because fuck wagecucking. You don't even need to ask. Bail. Wagecucking fucking sucks.

>> No.11738960

Well anon going to give you some straight answers.

>You are cucked.
What i mean is that you have a gf waiting for you to marry her. Its going to escalate. Its a ticking timebomb. The NPC bluepill world is trying to capture you.

>Your age.
28 its not the end of the world but you should START RIGHT NOW figuring how to proceed in your life. Maybe its dumping your girlfriend and focusing on you or giving in your girlfriend.

>Your solution.
Unironically you have to choose, the redpill or the bluepill.

You give in and you live a happy but in debt life. Your girlfriend will be happy and you will be happy after you take a loan for your house. Your time will be filled maintaining your home and building a family. Soon you will have kids and you will start raising them.

You ignore your girlfriends request of marrying her. You focus on yourself. You try to save up as much money as you can. You "Might" make it or not. Your girlfriend might dump you or not. Its a lot of might.

>What i would do?
Unironically i would give in and restart. Believe me you will be more happier having a gf who loves you and a family then trying to make it. Dont forget you can lose it all with a dumpening. So eventually you could end up being broken and without your 7 years of girlfriend. You need to start over finding a new normal gf (which is fucking hard on its own) and the whole process. You are in a shitty situation but its your own fault for letting it go that far. I would take the bluepill but a little bit redpill. Try to do investments and crypto on the side.

>> No.11739070

sometimes taking the bluepill is indeed the based and redpilled thing to do
once you've invested this much into normie life, it's stupid to call it quits. sunk cost fallacy only applies if you're unhappy

>> No.11739961

this i wish i was bluepilled.

Just wait for a few months and see what happens.