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1173805 No.1173805 [Reply] [Original]

Who here /unwarranted ego/?

>TFW I have never accomplished a single thing, dropped out of highschool, never worked, have no friends, am virgin, my parents hate me, I have no skills or hobbies

>TFW STILL think I'm better than most people and feel superior to them and like to humiliate them

W-will I make it with an unbeatable ego in the business world?

>> No.1173809
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I know you, I used to be you - besides the parent hating and no skills + dropping out

You need to understand that someone who has really made it will be able to smell your shit, use all the fake cologne all you want but it's not helping. They let you slide and talk all the shit you want because they know what you're really worth and it's really funny to watch you lie.

Learn to learn, never make people think you know it all.

The easiest way to making friends is to always ask questions, make SOMEONE ELSE feel like they're smart.

Then you can trump over them later when you're really on top

for now you're only playing yourself family

>> No.1173814

I read a lot and am interested in many subjects(albeit not extensively in any) so I have a pretty wide spectrum of knowledge and I end up talking down pretty much every "regular" person and making them feel like an idiot.

Why would I make someone else feel smart? I believe they are inferior to me.

>> No.1173816

>near genius level intellect
>warranted ego fuels my mental illness

>> No.1173823

It's just a way of life, my friend.

I learn a little bit about a subject then I talk down on people, it works fantastically.

For example I read the synopsis and reviews of well-regarded films and then I ask people "Have you EVEN SEEN, [film]?", then I chuckle and begin explaining the synopsis and how well regarded it is by critics, then I compare it to others films I've seen(I haven't actually seen them, just done the same thing with, kek).

>> No.1173833

Lmao are you seriously blogging about shitposting on 4chan?

>> No.1173834

No I meant in real life.

>> No.1173836

Never worked, no skils or hobbies and no friends and im supposed to believe you talk to anybody but your family memebers and r9k? Yea im sure it feels like a great accomplishment knowing more about movies than your 7 year old brother.

Why are you here?

>> No.1173837


Good luck.

>> No.1173840

My portfolio is worth more than your life you stupid fuck.

You completely missed the point of the thread, idiot. The point is I act superior to everyone because I believe it despite being the exact opposite.

>> No.1173841

I got the point of your faggot thread, you're literally blogging about shitposting on 4chan

>> No.1173842
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Well your belief means nothing in the real world, everyone has a belief.

What I believed every woman should belong in the kitchen? Well in that case everyone believes that too.

Okay how about what if I believed Bush did 9/11? I can believe that all I want and tell people, heck even prove it to them and they still would walk away from me because it doesn't match their belief.

You have to ease into people family, don't rush things.

>> No.1173902

But I don't want anything to do with plebs

>> No.1173904

>no skills

that's bad, you would be surprised how much you can achieve with reading alone

>> No.1174312


>> No.1174315

you couldn't even pass basic classes in high school to graduate?

You're definitely far below average

>> No.1174354

>Why would I make someone else feel smart?
In your severely autistic case, it could be a means to an end. If you know how to ingratiate with people, you can more easily negotiate getting what you want. But since you're a mentally ill faggot, go ahead and continue sabotaging your own inferior life.

>> No.1174375

You guys ignored his question. Yes this is he

>> No.1174745
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Im was the same. Not worth it. Its hell. You are literally blind with that mindset but im sure you already know it. Start developing the frontal part of your brain.

>> No.1174778


I think I ripped a facial muscle from smirking so hard.

I've duped so many people like you in one form or another that I've lost track. You're my favorite type of customer. Have fun out there sport.

>> No.1174783

Anyone who has to tell people how smart they are really aren't as smart as they think.

>> No.1174793

>then I talk down on people
oh wow you're cool man
>then I chuckle and begin explaining the synopsis
you sound like a hugely annoying faggot

>> No.1174797

>then I compare it to others films I've seen(I haven't actually seen them, just done the same thing with, kek
this is maybe the most passive-aggressive, depressing, autistic thing I've ever read

>> No.1175078

What's your business?

>> No.1175112

Me and my wife's son run a kneepad distribution company

>> No.1175136
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>> No.1175160

Nah, nothing depressing about it. Just another retard on the spectrum. Failure to failure, blame shifting, constant double standards, lies on top of lies. To watch them try to cope in a workplace environment can be pretty funny actually. They're the punchline and everyone knows it except them; lost in their own delusion.

>> No.1175193

I've met several NEETs like you OP, and what i've found is that a lot of people with overinflated ego's, with nothing to back it up is a result of a deep fear of rejection.

Trust me, as soon as you go out and get rejected by girls, companies ect, the ego will drop. But until you get over your fear of rejection, nothing will change. You will sit in your room unemployed playing dota 2 for the rest of eternity.

>> No.1175217
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I've seen some sad threads on 4chan, but this one really takes the cake. I feel bad for you OP. I really do. You sounds like a completely delusional retard, but you probably won't care about any of this considering you are so much more intelligent than the rest of us. I wish I could be there the one day you decide to venture out of your basement and pull that shit on normal people. Watching you stutter like an autist with spaghetti falling out of your pockets would be a glorious thing to see.

>> No.1175247


I feel like I'm that guy sometimes

But then I stop throwing a pity party and read classic teachings and focus on building myself, my family, and my funds

>> No.1176547


I wish I was like you. I'm actually the exact opposite.

>Above-average looks
>Above-average intelligence (not genious-tier but far less dumb than the common man)
>Speak and write multiple languages
>Good sense of ethics (inb4 edgy fggts with their "muh relativism")

Constantly shy and insecure, I see nigger-tier retards being confident and it sucks. And people giving bullshit advice such as "just be confident", as if I can just press a button to make my insecurities vanish!

>> No.1176551

ego is just yourself trying to tell you want you want to do go study the things and go the places and be the person you really want to be life is precious and its important to do what you really want to do in life

>> No.1176553

fucking retard autist detected

>> No.1176648

It's the Dunning kruger effect in play. The feeling of superiority while you wonder why you never find successes. I expect something similar to Elliott Rodgers once OP finally cracks.

>> No.1176656

I disagree. And Anonymous barely qualifies as people.

>> No.1176658

Op here.

I've already planned out the beta uprising

>> No.1176659

I admit, I used to be like OP at one point in my life, a couple years back actually. It wasn't because I felt smart, it's just that everyone around me was incredibly stupid. That sort of thing tends to happen when you use the Internet on a daily basis.

Drop the act OP, your setting yourself up for a world of disaster.

>> No.1176666


>I'm better than most people and feel superior to them and like to humiliate them

kinda reminds when we got a new guy in R&D department, during hes 2nd day he just decidet go to insult our security guard for no reason.
Too bad that the actual guard was outside having a smoke break and the guy sitting in hes chair was the companys CEO having coffee break.
that guy got 10min to pack hes stuff and leave for good,,

>> No.1176759

Im kinda like you OP, except I have a MSc and an actuaries.
I talk down on pleb, but I respect the upper echelon.
I can back up my huge ego, you cant.
Thats the difference, youre worthless, its pretty obvious.
You dont bring anything to the table, you will never succed.
If I gave you a job, how will you make me money?
Think about it.
Learn some skills.

>> No.1176769

sounds like me except i can't play vidya or watch tv/movies anymore. just read and shitpost all day. reject myself daily and still can't go outside to get a proper rejection.

>> No.1176817

I'm not OP, but this post opened my eyes. Partially because I've seen this already.

>> No.1176939

>mfw I'm a virgin, a pedophile, a closet weeaboo, an alcoholic, I got academically suspended from college, and I think I'm flirting dangerously close to an addiction to meth
>mfw nice and pleasant to people
>mfw much more sucessful than OP will ever be

>> No.1176953

Egotism doesn't get you very far in life. Most people see right through it. Only the dumbest are fooled by it. Fostering egotism is only going to hold you back in life.

>> No.1176961

Is ego whenever we create a story about ourselves in our head?
Like instead of seeing the world as it is we narrate our role within it (generally in a positive light).
If so it's very hard to escape the ego trap.
"I'm not egotistical like OP so I am a better person" - is still egotism

If ego is a crutch ditch it, if It pushes you to be better keep using it.

>> No.1177312

a major indicator of low self esteem is a neurotic level of over inflated self esteem.

>> No.1177362

>The easiest way to making friends is to always ask questions, make SOMEONE ELSE feel like they're smart.

This is the single worst piece of advice from HTWFAIP. Underachieve so retards don't feel bad. Just as there's always somebody out there smarter than you, there's always somebody dumber, and if we chase that person all progress will stop.

>> No.1177375

>You are literally blind with that mindset but im sure you already know it.

You meant figuratively blind, you stupid man.

>> No.1177514

ITT trolls trolling trolls

>> No.1177534
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>I learn a little bit about a subject then I talk down on people, it works fantastically.

KEK, you are not intelligent, you're a fucking autist ffs. people like you get killed or kill themselves.

>> No.1177955

Shit thread


>> No.1178008

There's a saying in Japanese that describes frogs like you.

>> No.1178141
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