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11736954 No.11736954 [Reply] [Original]

there's nothing that can keep me focused for even just a few hours anymore.
everything activity gets boring after a few minutes.

wat do

>> No.11737126


>> No.11737150

drinking bleach will fix that 100%

>> No.11737157

I take meds for adhd. It helps a little

>> No.11737163

just do what you want
but start timing it and recording it
then after a few days you'll have enough data to figure out what holds your interest most
and you can pursue it more seriously
be the best at whatever you can be!

>> No.11737169

We all have this problem.
It's why we are here.
I am planning to start the linkboxing inititive to fix the problem.
Solve the Oracle problem,
solve the procrastination problem.
More to come...

>> No.11737250

Stop masturbating.

>> No.11737269

Your brain has most likely gotten too used to instant gratification/ not having to work for dopamine. If you’re used to being a lazy pos then it’s hard to change all of a sudden. You’ll have to do it slowly. Start by forcing yourself to study/work for 1 hour straight/ day no matter what. It’s important that even if you can’t focus you don’t start doing something else more fun.

Cut back on instant gratification, e.g. porn, vidya, browsing the web, watching movies etc. Also, fixing your sleep, eating more healthy and doing some cardio might help.

>> No.11737288

Also, try to writing down EVERYTHING you do during the day. This will help you realize just how much time you are wasting and what the problems are. Trust me, it works.

>> No.11738169

Thx for your advice fren

>> No.11738188

Np fren.

>> No.11738304

Pratice meditation. Headspace is a good app for guided meditation