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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11731774 No.11731774 [Reply] [Original]

Hahahah, vechain scam is getting exposed. What will they do????
>herro round eye, pweze don’t sell, we do anoder rucky draw soon!!!
Reddit fags on suicide watch

>> No.11731948


>> No.11731957

Whatre u talking about...

>> No.11731980
File: 34 KB, 817x443, 1528324093210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have to ask, you're holding bags. And if you're holding bags, you're braindead. Sorry to hear that. (Just kidding I'm not)

>> No.11731985
File: 140 KB, 800x777, VeChainHustle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One by one, the deluded idiots in the echo chamber will be waking up and dumping. Imagine buying $60K of this scam, now holding $6K and have made $26 in passive income off that $60. 26 fucking dollars in dividends for $60K invested and they scammed you saying they were expecting trillions of transactions.

> We were encouraged to hold in march when bitcoin was almost the same price it is now but ven was MUCH higher than it is now i think around 4.00 or 0.04 pre split..so now we are subpenny and my 4 months of collecting vtho and my 60K investment between Jan and March is now worth 6,200.00 and my 36K vtho is worth 26.00 usd! those are the FACTS!.also 5 months into mainet and we are only burning 1% of vtho that is being minted!..very poor planning at best and incompetence are worst IMO

->It is beyond belief that they had ALL these enterprises on private net for over 2 years and didn't plan at least ONE to go live at mainet@?@! I mean come on really..not good imo something smells wrong here

> I think the issue is on actual long-term valuation potential. We would need over one million transactions per day to burn the daily generation of VTHO, which is approximately 38,000,000.

>> No.11731998

Mr sunny ru said they would start moving companies from the private chain to the public chain q4 2018. We are well into 2018. They were supposed to show a “vaccine solution to the Chinese president”. Nobody has seen shit. They made a scannable beanie hat on their app, ven fags go crazy, anybody with more than 70 iq knows that doesn’t mean anything and could be done with a qr code. Vthor keeps getting made, none of it getting burned.

It’s getting exposed more and more day by day. Yet Reddit fags are still playing bag holder bingo. It’s hilarious. “Wish I had more fiat” kek

>> No.11732020

I'm so fucking glad I didn't get gooked by ICX and chinked by VeChain. I have to thank biz for this. All in LINK as well.

>> No.11732033

B.... but dnl-gv
B....but Tim Draper
That’s all the excuse these loosers got for getting scammed.

>> No.11732069

Also biz has redpilled me so much about the whole business world. The reason there were so many scam ICOs is because there was no regulation which means nobody can put you behind bars for fraud. The China Hustle documentary showed this about Chinese stocks on the US stock markets. If this shit is at so high level then ofc it will be in crypto as crypto atm is a perfect place to do these scams. Everything in life is basically a ponzi scheme. Make sure you get in early.

>> No.11732109

I just checked shady Lu's twitter and theres no talk about a giveaway though?

>> No.11732115

Hopefully you bizbros with “karma” high enough start fucking with these guys in the daily plebbit tread.

>> No.11732141

dumped my bags yesterday and added to my stinkies at 8900 sats. dont even give a fuck anymore

>> No.11732185

Kek.... check cck/cream Twitter fren.

>> No.11732590

Just did fren, no giveaway... OP eats dicks for breakfast for lying.

>> No.11732624

do you learn your lesson anon?

>> No.11732697

imagine falling for an ERC-20 meme coin
ETH will never scale and LINK is a fuckin meme coin
they will do movies about this shit, how some Russian fooled all of you faggots

>> No.11732780

How’s your ultra mega gambit z node working out for you? Enjoy those sick 30 dollars in gains?

>> No.11733449


>> No.11733949

Said the increasingly nervous Vetard for the 100th time while posting about how he wish he had more fiat.

>> No.11734119

I never said such.a thing... Im not sure what /biz/raelies have against Ve but i wish all the best and success whatever u hold.

>> No.11734147

>It’s the whales suppressing the price
Literally only idiots still hold this, every smart whale got out a long long time ago.

>> No.11734257

Top kek this is bitconnect revival.
Anon paid 30k for a node to get $30 monthly.
They are paying him back his own money kek.
Just 83 years to get your money back. Nice.

>> No.11734289

Chink scam

>> No.11734434

No amount of lottery’s or partnerships can save this shit now. This is what happens when you over promise and under deliver

>> No.11734493

I'm laughing at all the tards who bought into this. If you were smart and paying attention to this project, you would have sold after that cringy Thor hammer BMW "The Rumor is True" presentation. Like PT Barnum said, a sucker is born every minute.

>> No.11734527

I own Vechain and I just wish I’d listened to /biz/ earlier about the Asian scamcoins.

Vechain and VeThor is a fucking ponzi no doubt. “Buy VET do you can generate VeThor, more VET= more VeThor” so those that got in early control the price of Thor. Wouldn’t be surprised if eventually your VeThor started generating VaMagni or something similar after another year

>> No.11734546


Lmao. True this.

There is so much Vethor circulating also. Even the biggest node gives shit all.

This is a chink scam plain and simple.

>> No.11735299
File: 47 KB, 951x668, woke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are starting to awaken from their hopium induced coma

>pic related from todays discussion

>> No.11735325

>reddit in despair phase

>> No.11735372

That guy at the bottom of the thread
>It's approaching my buy in so I'm selling....
wtf. he must have bought VEN early. this dumb fucker rode the hype wave all the way up and held all the way back down...and now he want to sell at break even? that's fucked. crypto attracts some of the dumbest people.

>> No.11735852

He is selling though, so he's not the dumbest.
The bottom of the barrel people will ride this scam all the way to zero.

>> No.11737033

I will be the last X Node and be KING