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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11730639 No.11730639 [Reply] [Original]

Why the fuck is this shitcoin being shilled so hard?

Literally why do you think its going to 10x and don't say some meme shit like candle charts or price history

I have a background in both computer science and economics so please explain

>> No.11730958
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If you have half a brain you can google why

>> No.11730964



>he doesnt know that chainlink connects real world api's to blockchain, which will allow developers to connect the entire world of finance to blockchain

nawt gunna maek eet

>> No.11730971


nice fud shitposter kun

>> No.11730977


newfag gtfo, you don't deserve this coin

>> No.11730992

Linkfilterfag detected

>> No.11730994

Because a bunch of newfags came into /biz/ during the ICO when Bitcoin was breaking all time highs and they all got shilled this coin and now shill it to everyone they can
It's a solid project but it's getting out of hand on here

>> No.11731268

Blockchain isn't a singular network you can fork the code and make your own blockchain

>> No.11731377
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Lmfao did you even read the whitepaper? Dude gtfo of here. Buy link and read the white paper. This is about to start a new bull run in crypto. Its pushing smart contracts to be actually useful other then create copy paste erc20 contracts

>> No.11731412

>imagine creating low iq FUD in your mind not to buy link

>> No.11731426

Why should large corporations use chainlink when IBM or Cisco can fork it and cut out you middlemen?

>> No.11731435

You're so fucking retarded

>> No.11731438

Someone answer him

>> No.11731446

I was asking you

>> No.11731457

It works outside the blockchain.

>> No.11731479

So would IBM's fork of it

>> No.11731486

They have a copyright

>> No.11731490

If you took the blockchain away, would it dump?

>> No.11731492

Fuck you, ur too late.

>> No.11731497

Okay, so would IBM's independently developed project that has more money and resources

>> No.11731515

>why do people buy microsoft and apple computers when they can literally start their own computer brand
because of brand recognition and knowledge they've been implementing for years now

>> No.11731519

Who do you think has more brand recognition, IBM or chainlink?

>> No.11731528

>I have a background in both computer science and economics so please explain
Wow, you tell me big boy

>> No.11731535

Yeah and I'm sure they developed their own in house email platform instead of using outlook/exchange too

>> No.11731536

You could literally say this about any open source tech

>> No.11731579

Right and how large a market share does Ubuntu have again? Do people use open office or Microsoft office?
They don't have to because the gain would be marginal. Linkys think they're going to siphon off trillions by being middlemen
I think the technology will be widespread and used everywhere but chainlink as a speculative asset has no long-term value because the large banks and corporations won't trust it.

>> No.11731605
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It's the wisdom of the crowd, brother.

>> No.11731738
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Did we fucking stutter when we said $1,000 eoy? You're about to see some serious shit. Buy now and hold for eternity, or suffer.

>> No.11731886

in terms of having a funtional decentralized oracle network? Chainlink. Who has a team that has been working for years on this project?

>> No.11731927
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>> No.11731937

Nolinkers and swingtraders just can't win hahhaahahahaa

>> No.11732005
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>> No.11732017

It's going to drop back down, just be patient and wait a month or two. It happens every January.

>> No.11732021


>> No.11732099

>Computer science background
>Can't read white paper


>> No.11732127

Well its going to 1000$ in the future. You tell me is it cheap when its 60c?

>> No.11732154

Is using the word 'literally' a meme on his board or what?

>> No.11732164

Its a meme in general

All these cope-posters still can't explain why their links aren't worthless though

>> No.11732174


>> No.11732234

Yes. But took a tried to copy Facebook, and Facebook Insta, only one who one was Insta copying snap, I have shares in snap and it's shit. Link is also shit so think what u will.

>> No.11732247

Fucking hell I sound retarded, I'm drunk but u get what I mean.

>> No.11732476

> t. Yet another link holder larping as a newfag to get reassurance about his investment.

Fuck off.
No one cares about you. And if you actually don't know about link, we still don't care. We don't need trash like you to buy our bags until much later on. Filter out all link threads and go play in traffic with all the tron cucks.

>> No.11732491

Your meme token is worthless when the technology actually gets around to being adopted

>> No.11732504

Lurk more newfag.

>> No.11732616

That's right. It's useless and you shouldn't buy it. Now as I said - fuck off retard.

>> No.11732639

LMAO what a special snowflake you are huh?

if you aren't going to take the time to research on your own, you're never going to make it

>> No.11732647

The absolute state of (you)

>> No.11732809

correct. and chainlink will be able to feed data into your forked blockchain, whether it is public or private, as long as you have an adapter. best of all you don't have to worry that the oracle providing the data is fucking with it because its decentralized and trustless.

>> No.11732829

These scripted Discord threads are really obvious guys.

>> No.11732842

Natural language generators are not that advanced yet.

>> No.11732852

I don't see what that has to do with anything.

>> No.11732864

>what is network effect
even if they did they would also have to convince the thousands of node operators in the chainlink network to migrate over to their Cisco fork. why the fuck would they? not sure why I'm responding to someone who just got here 2 weeks ago and doesn't understand the basics of blockchain or decentralization...

>> No.11732874

>even if they did they would also have to convince the thousands of node operators in the chainlink network to migrate over to their Cisco fork. why the fuck would they? not sure why I'm responding to someone who just got here 2 weeks ago and doesn't understand the basics of blockchain or decentralization...
No they wouldn't, you would just create your own and then sell access to visa, walmart, et al

>> No.11732875


You have neither, a background in computer science is more than necessary to see the value LINK is bringing to the infrastructure of any smart contract platform.

This is how I know you're a LARP

The show is just getting started

>> No.11732890

I missed the capital on 'Discord', thought you meant my comments were created with a python script

>> No.11732901

I think the technology has value, what I'm asking you retards that went all-in on it is how the asset value is going to increase when there's every incentive by the big corporations to cut you out of the picture and saving themselves billions

>> No.11732915

So much this
OP eats massive cocks

>> No.11732918

wow you really got me good anon. he's right guys. they can just create their own and sell access to visa and walmart. can't believe we never thought of this after a year of talking about chainlink every day. just sold 100k

>> No.11732928

I mean I know you're trying to be sarcastic but you can't disprove it

>> No.11732944

I think he really is that retarded

>> No.11732956

I can't disprove it because what you typed doesn't make sense. chainlink is a network of thousands of oracles all operated independently by people/companies. you're acting as if you can just copy facebook's source code, create a new site, and its the same as the original. everyone will just use your version instead. how old are you?

>> No.11732970

You faggots are simpletons, and you're entire frontal cortex is skewed and conditioned to run on both greed and fallacy. This kneepad gay-orgy ponzi coin has no to bring to an infrastructure of any importance, nor will your basement token be recognized by any logically thinking scholar or successful institution.

Kill yourselves, now.

>> No.11732975


>> No.11733012

>He doesn't understand the use case behind decentralised systems.

The whole point is that if you want a private database and you trust all actors.....you just use a regular database. Corporates forking their own private chains is a meme, if they want a true trustless ledger then that means third party validation. That goes for all blockchains, not just Chainlink.

>Nobody uses Linux

Sure they don't retard. It isn't the dominant OS of servers at all, with so much better tooling that Microsoft added the Linux Subsystem as an official app in Windows 10.

>> No.11733031

Are you retarded? spin up an AWS instance that uses windows XP and get back to me

>> No.11733044


No argument at all. The price is NEVER coming down again Swingtrader. You had a year to accumulate, and it's still not too late.

>> No.11733187

I'd ironically hang myself with a link of chains. Faggot

>> No.11733737

I just typed out a paragraph explaining to you how a decentralized network operates before promptly deleting it because I came to my sense and realize you don't even have the slightest of clues.
It would be like explaining to and illiterate person how to write a paper. I would have to start at square 1 and teach you how to read and write etc.
Please at least google this shit before you come and make yourself look like an idiot.

>> No.11734083

Is $100 possible?

>> No.11734890

>Right and how large a market share does Ubuntu have again?
Literally all of the top 500 supercomputers on Earth run Linux you fucking retard.

>> No.11734904

Wow, 500 out of 2 billion. You'll make it some day

>> No.11734929

Its easy to disprove.
Why havent Facebook, Google and Amazon created their own version bitcoin?
Because nobody would fucking use it. Same goes for Chainlink faggot.

>> No.11734993


I've given up on countless LINK threads explaining it over and over.

It's time to stop handing anons the details on a platter, I don't care anymore, I'll continue to buy every week no matter the price for at least a couple of years.

This is the beginning.

>> No.11734996


>> No.11735015

Linux runs 90% of the web you fucking strap hanger. All of Amazon runs on Linux. Its an enterprise grade operating system. You need something this secure for a robust decentralised oracle network.

>> No.11735319

After seriously really thinking about it. I’m starting to believe $100 is possible. Am I crazy?

>> No.11735335

Linux was open source project and back then you couldn’t invest into the protocol itself and now you can. Buying chainlink today is almost as if you are buying equity into the god protocol itself.

>> No.11735340

yea, that's way too low

>> No.11735345

Number one OS on azure is even linux

>> No.11735363
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A gift for you my friend.

>> No.11735364

little low m8

try 1000

>> No.11735410

Don't worry if you'll feel like an ass buying high you'll have a great community to share it with. 658 LINKy here, bought at 9310 $-)