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File: 379 KB, 2402x1042, literallyuseyourfuckingbrain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11730395 No.11730395 [Reply] [Original]

I write this with love. Look at this chart. Anyone who can even remotely interpret data can see that Bitcoin, the flagship of cryptocurrency, has been dying and stagnant for months, it has been an objectively bad buy for months, and there is absolutely no reason to be investing in anything weaker than Bitcoin, which is objectively a terrible investment.

This entire board is insane. Crypto is an objectively irrational, horrible investment that is almost guaranteed to lose you money. There is absolutely zero rational basis for investing in any cryptocurrency at this point. Use your brain. Stop burning your money. Speculation is not investment. Try educating yourself and learn how to invest in real investments.

>> No.11730428

t. I'm a banker minion and I'm afraid crypto will break our scam.

>> No.11730446

Thanks for the chart. Just sold and will buy back at the top.

>> No.11730454

>invest in real investments.
Don't you realize how stupid you sound? Oy vey goy, yes, yes you there, goy, buy into the Wall Street boys club at it's all time high, we'll make you rich we promise, be good goy.

>> No.11730455

Yea dude BTC is dead because it's old worthless tech.

Now is separation time for real projects like XRP, XLM, LINK to take top spot and grow the market exponentially.

>> No.11730456

I'm up 20x in the last month, but thank you sincerely for worrying about me.

>> No.11730459

thanks OP, just bought $5k more BTC

>> No.11730460

Literally no banker anywhere is afraid that their multi-billion dollar global institutions are threatened by neets on the internet who have zero rational understanding of investment theory or real economics.

Where is the money going to come from for crypto, when no one is using it and there is no actual value created for anyone until it is implemented?

>> No.11730473

it's so funny, i'm like trying to read what you wrote but can't understand a word of it because you posted a photo with a glaring bull hammer

>> No.11730486


>> No.11730501

Sounds good, anon. Buy low sell high.

That's not at all what I wrote, you are intentionally being an infant. Question: Why are all the actual investors getting rich, and crypto losers like this board are getting depressed and killing themselves? Because one group chooses investments with real foundation, and the other group speculates based on memes.

Obviously you're nowhere near "20x" in the last month, what a fucking laughable statement. At least try to be believable.

Foolish decision, I guarantee you you will be down throughout the week and month.

>> No.11730523

Pretty much yeah. No one can predict what the price will be in a year, but everyone who isn’t a deluded newfag moonboi already knows this. The dream is over basically. It sucks but that’s life. The fools won’t cut their losses and will go down with the ship.

>> No.11730528

"bull hammer"
You are delusional. Truly delusional. First of all, meme terms like that are meaningless. Second, you are assuming there is any foundation for that growth to happen. No one is investing. This isn't fairy magic, the numbers don't just follow chart patterns for no reason. What a fucking retard. There have to be actual reasons for asset prices to increase.

This is the fundamental fallacy of this entire board: assuming the numbers have to go up, just because it exists. No. There has to be real-world foundation increasing the value of the asset.

>> No.11730556

OP needs to cut back on the onions. You can feel the onions in every post

>> No.11730562
File: 86 KB, 993x1442, Screen Shot 2018-11-13 at 12.15.14 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bitcoin, the flagship of cryptocurrency, has been dying and stagnant for months

You know I had to do it to 'em.

>> No.11730623

How do I unsubscribe to this blog?

>> No.11730660

>I'm up 20x in the last month

>> No.11730721

>This is the fundamental fallacy of this entire board: assuming the numbers have to go up

but aren't you just assuming the numbers will go down or do nothing?

>There has to be real-world foundation increasing the value of the asset.

oddly enough, there's been a lot of real-world foundation increasing this year

>> No.11730872

>Circle (institutional money) bought Poloniex for hundreds of millions
>Robin Hood got hundreds of millions in funding for a crypto app
Yes no one is investing in the crypto space in 2018 guys, move along

>> No.11730900

now with sources


>> No.11730910

ah yes yet another "I'm new and have no idea what the fuck I'm talking about by the way bitcoin is shit guys" thread

>> No.11730980
File: 11 KB, 229x221, 1540927191166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can interpret data !!!!!
Data says:

>market cycle=it's over
>buy low=bad investment
>you cant gain money only lose all

I know all this because i can interpret data yet i have no idea how to short bloody thing

LMFAO at your life fag

>> No.11731114

Nice dreams faggot!

>> No.11731310

>implying TRX, EOS, ADA, and XLM aren’t actual investments and superior to BTC both as a payment method, and usefulness.

Found the maximallist lashing out.

>> No.11732050

>Faggots arguing about which shitcoin is better.
What a sad fucking existence

>> No.11732091


Stages of denial

>> No.11732116

This is where you start DCAing in for the bullrun of 2021-2022. You've been warned.

>> No.11732205

Denial of what? Your alt-reality where there is a second crypto bubble? You would need to discover life in other planets and sell them your bags. Crypto went mainstream and everyone who might have bought the tulips, already did. The whales unloaded and are playing the hardcore believers like yourself to get medium term gains in a manipulated market.

Enjoy the existence you have chosen.