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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 27 KB, 500x500, silent shh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11729811 No.11729811 [Reply] [Original]

coming from the guy who shilled qnt, tomo, eve
i am coming here to propose the next 10x
>bank connections
>2m marketcap
>literally at the floor ready to break out
>90 eth wall being eaten as we speak
>main net launched
>announcements coming this thursday
>masternodes coming soon

SNTR do not miss out

>> No.11729863

Fuck you Omegacuck you did no research and do not deserve to take credit at all for this gem.
Kindly fuck off and never mention SNTR ever again on this board.


>> No.11729866
File: 1.32 MB, 1920x3514, proof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im giving you guys everything you need to know
>listing on okex soon
>coin burn soon

if you miss out on this you never deserve to make it in crypto im giving you this on a silver platter

>> No.11729874

didnt know there was already a thread on this.
this is confirmed going to fucking explode thank kek

>> No.11729877

shut the fuck up and go kill yourself, at least credit the proper tripfag instead of appropriating

>> No.11729881

Oh wow your shitcoin is so good that you want to spread that love to everyone right? You want everybody to be rich right? If I were you I would accumulate this wonderful gem in silence. But no you don't because you are such a good hearted person!

>> No.11729887
File: 6 KB, 239x211, disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting mixed signals here.
It feels kinda good to get endorsed buy one of the /biz/ OG LARPs, but it feels kinda bad to get your content taken without credit

>> No.11729893

piss off you cuck .... stay away from this

>> No.11729895

nigger you literally posted an imahe that was in the other thread

>> No.11729903

You're an absolute cunt, omegacuck.
Fucking give credit to the one who put the pictures together and did all this research and then KYS.

>> No.11729912

>didn't know there was already a thread on this
>posts image from this thread

are you a fucking idiot or something

>> No.11729919

omegacuck steals all the work from his fellow anons ... what a fucking backstabber ... you piece of shit are a disgrace for all anons

>> No.11729929

promise i didnt steal i got this through their telegram. been silently accumulating 500 eth worth for over a week

>> No.11729937


then pay respect to the content maker

>> No.11729944

it was posted on telegram far before it was posted on 4chan sorry you arent up to date on moon missions peasant

>> No.11729945


Then tear down that last sell wall and let us moon already you cunt, and stop fucking taking credit for other peoples autism.

Give credit to Kodama right now and apologize you massive cuck.

>> No.11729959


waiting for my qnt to sell then eating it to 0

>> No.11729975


Just market sell your QNT already faggot, that shit is going to crash on news event soon anyway, and you owe it to the anon that did all the autism research on SNTR that you took credit for.

Redeem yourself, cucklord.

>> No.11730106

Where do I buy? I wanna buy about 1% total supply

>> No.11730243

Available on IDEX.

>> No.11730411

This shit is prepping for a moon

>> No.11730477

russian scamcoin

>> No.11730480

we will make it, anon
Just give cred to Kodama for it, not the fucking copycat larp ass faggot omegacuck.

>> No.11730517

last time i bought anything that's been shilled on here was in late 2017, but fuck it, this actually looks good so i'll break my rule of only coming here to spread memes. lemme eat that hotbit sell wall when my funds arrive

>> No.11730565

I keep hearing listing on okex soon since august lol fuck off with your scam

>> No.11730603

That's OKEX being cunts, not SNTR.

SNTR won the vote, and then OKEX just stopped responding to the team.
OKEX are cunts.

>> No.11730610

Fud has arrived

>> No.11730787

its literally breaking out as we speak

>> No.11730841

hotbit wall eaten!!!

>> No.11730860

I broke that wall. I hope that wasn't your sell order.

>> No.11730901

you removed the final layer of resistance before the moon you will forever be remembered

>> No.11730915

rekt hahahahahaha

>> No.11730945

Is this the same Omega that thinks QNT will drop to 0.008 ETH by November 20th?

>> No.11730961

plz no bully

>> No.11731078

yes your point? its literally mooning right now

>> No.11731107

yes, but it wasn't your call

>> No.11731149

Wtf you talking about? On hotbit? Its been literally the same price for the past 2 hours

>> No.11731152

Not your pump to take credit for, faggot.
Give credit to Keldama you gigantic cuck.

>> No.11731161

hot eth wall has been eaten check idex.
hotbit has no resistance left so it wont see price movement till people get impatient

>> No.11731286

Buy on Hotbit or Index?

>> No.11731300

hotbit would have been good when the sell wall was there. but looks like idex is your only choice now

>> No.11731361

Try to dump sntr I fucking dare you

>> No.11731570

nobody would dare this is the next 100x

>> No.11731977

I owe you man

>> No.11731995

I have 108mil of this shit. Ive been shilling for months. finally some traction

>> No.11732004

Your shilling must have been trash

>> No.11732014

It was top notch. Im trying to buy some more but cuckbase wont let me trade for another 3 days. dump you stupid faggots.

>> No.11732022

Hey Omegamaker, just a heads up, I think you forgot to change IP before samefagging!

>> No.11732041

QRL has an already working PQ notarisation.. https://twitter.com/QRLedger/status/1017405742175809543

>> No.11732046


>> No.11732051

Yea I did forgot to switch to my other 5 accounts

>> No.11732056

There is no coin burn you lying pajeets

>> No.11732060

oh great so your saying SNTR will 8x to match this coins marketcap who has no bank connections or partnerships.

>> No.11732071

there will be during the swap. All swapped tokens will be removed from circulation.

>> No.11732092

>muh bank connections
>muh partnerships
I'm saying your fucking shitcoin has nothing new to offer.

>> No.11732098

They are creating a legal eco system you dense fuck. This isnt their only project

>> No.11732134

Proof this is a scam shitcoin and Omega is self shilling to dump on you pajeets. Case closed.

>> No.11732143

>legal eco system
>bank connections
The cornerstones of every bonafide pajeet shitcoin.

>> No.11732155

get left behind then you stupid faggots

>> No.11732159

thats what people said about qnt when i was shilling it. "omegamakers personal pnd coin"

>> No.11732187


You are welcome to read my thread where I outline why this is not a scam and why is this likely to make you miney.

>> No.11732188
File: 17 KB, 398x262, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

83 billion supply, kek

>> No.11732204

bytecoin made it to .015 with more than double the circulating supply. And that shit was a boneafide scam.

>> No.11732258
File: 64 KB, 644x530, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>coin burn soon
No coin burn confirmed by admin
The only thing confirmed, is that Omega is dumping you pajeets

>> No.11732267

i wonder what will happen when normies get ahold and start gloating about the millions of coins they have on twitter

>> No.11732279

you do realize normies dont understand marketcap and will believe this coin will end up reaching 20k like bitcoin

>> No.11732350
File: 395 KB, 860x860, omega-egg-maker-5-lbs-front-copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you think this scam shill will survive long enough till normies return in 2020 you are as retarded as the pic.

>> No.11732352

>normies are using idex

>> No.11732382

So to summarise, we now know:

> Lying about muh bank connections
> Lying about muh token burn
> OP caught sellfagging posts

Hope you pajeets are not so retarded to fall for this scam shill

>> No.11732426

well this coin won the vote for the highest volume exchange in cryptocurrency once its listed there (most likely next week) binance will pick this up and there you go

>> No.11732436

Scams can moon too, sometimes the hardest. How have you not learned that yet after all this time in crypto?

>> No.11732452

>Scams can moon too, sometimes the hardest.

The absolute state of biz these days.

>> No.11732458

to summarize
>bank connections real
>token burn not a token burn in theory but all unswapped coins will be removed
>masternodes confirmed
>okex exchange listing imminent
>even this thursday with big announcements

>> No.11732517

Seriously, is that all the green arrows you got?

You choose Silent Scammery over Quant Network which has the following:

> Multiple Fortune 500 and FTSE100 companies partnerships/clients under NDA
> Lloyds Bank confirmed client
> Working with Mastercard on blockchain service
> Partnered with Chinese Government Ministry of Commerce
> Partnered with Indian Government of Andra Pradesh
> Partnered with Armenian Government Ministry of Technology
> Partnered with University College London
> Partnered with Hamburg University Germany
> Partnered with Cognizant & DXC
> Partnered with Accord Project
> Partnered with AI Nexus
> Partnered with Alchemmy
> Integrating Overledger with Zapier
> Held talks with USA Dept of Homeland Security
> Held talks with Samsung
> Held talks with Fujitsu
> Held talks with Global Japanese bank
> Held talks with FTSE 100 company who wanted to acquire Quant Network
> Held talks with 2nd largest Venture Capitalist firm who wanted to invest
> Held talks with UK tax office HMRC
> Held talks with largest logitisics company in the UK - Royal Mail?
> Announcement with large US bank coming soon
> Huobi/Bitfinex coming soon
> Building Enterprise Blockchain solution to compete with Hyperledger
> Building upstream Power Exchange, allowing for P2P Power networks (like Powerledger) to cross-exchange with other P2P Power networks
> Possibly building Decentralised Exchange (DEX) or Digital Bank
> SDK already released which connects Ethereum, Bitcoin, Ripple, Hyperledger, IOTA and JP Morgan’s Quorum blockchains. Stellar and Corda on the todo list. Possibly Bitcoin Cash and Litecoin next.
>CEO worked in Downing St, HM Treasury, Cabinet Office and Ministry of Justice. Holds role at US Federal Reserve
> CEO founder of TC ISO 307 (46 countries and organisations are working on developing global Blockchain ISO Standard)
> Cofounder is blockchain advisor to European Union and United Nations

>> No.11732535

wtf you are on, they are not competitors

>> No.11732543

listen mate i shilled quant when it was at 2m also. quant has already had its pump its time to move on its that simple. there are more projects to profit from on a greater scale.
And SNTR has a finished product you fucking goof qnt is vaporware trash

>> No.11732584

You still have QNT and you know its head and shoulders above this, otherwise you wouldnt have been fudding it the other day to bring the price down.

>> No.11732710

>still have qnt
pick one

>> No.11732847

*Fudding to bring the price down to accumulate more.

>> No.11732951

well i can assure you none of that is happening

>> No.11733018

>I can assure you

All of my fucking keks.
Kys, faggot.
You larp about your holdings and steal credit for others hard worked research.
You are dirt.

>> No.11733082
File: 133 KB, 2400x294, Screen Shot 2018-10-10 at 3.12.46 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you wouldnt be so salty if you listened

>> No.11733102

It was only 2 days ago you were fudding, how much crack have you been smoking to have forgotten already?


>> No.11733173

yea i dumped due to sell the news. not my fault your still stuck bag holding go cry somewhere else

>> No.11733205

>steal credit for others hard worked research
it's obvious that u are the kodama fag samefagging everytime you say this. fucking cringe

>> No.11733211
File: 155 KB, 1622x1050, Never even hit your target.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, it never even hit your target of .0027

>> No.11733231


Lololololol retard hahahahah.
I'm just watching the website and the use cases couldn't be less stupid. Hahahah.

Record private phone calls and upload them to the internet. Wtf. Upload videos of car accidents. Lol this is a joke.

Kys faggot.

>> No.11733257
File: 166 KB, 1744x880, dumping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like SNTR is running out of steam. Buy orders drying up, sell orders increasing. Oh dear. Must shill harder, Omega.

>> No.11733259
File: 186 KB, 1492x1012, Screen Shot 2018-11-13 at 4.15.51 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek using coin marketcap instead of idex.
actually it hit exactly .0027 try to fud more

>> No.11733279

couple hours in and you claim losing steam. damn reminds me of those qnt people who claimed it was going sub .004 again

>> No.11733305

This already pumped.

This is like when people shill IPSX. It's dead, anon. Please don't scam people. Thanks.

>> No.11733317

closest competitor is 8x this coins marketcap. and thats without the bank connections and other projects. and without masternode staking

>> No.11733331

hur dur dead project
biggest banking crypto conference in 2 days

>> No.11733452

Closest compeitors to quant are 5x or more.Please try and keep your logic the same for everything or you lose all credibility, but you habe none anyway.

>> No.11733480
File: 121 KB, 567x544, 1542042965378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Posts on anonymous message board.
>Gets upset about not getting credit.

Next time you want credit for something put your name on it Lil Spartacus. This is /biz/ not /ic/ or reddit. You want paps on the back for your pretty graph, the business world isn't cut out for you.

>> No.11733507

Gentle reminder that Omega is a piece of shit scammer

>> No.11733529
File: 225 KB, 1024x1280, IMG_20181112_154133_745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im all in

>> No.11733588

Lmao all of you are so unbelieveably delusional. This coin is going to skyrocket pretty soon here. The last pump brought it up to 60 gwei off a listing on idex... Imagine how much higher it can go when the circulating supply decreases and it gets listed on, lets say, okex or any other large exchanges.

>> No.11733617

Well well, look which exchange is involved with this shitcoin. None other than Coopex. Scam confirmed:


>> No.11733670

So we are supposed to buy sntr because it has an event coming with big announcements, yet you said sell qnt before the event that has big announcements?you get worse and worse.

>> No.11733680

Shh just accumulate and laugh at then later. This is literally going to moon when it gets listed on okex aka the highest volume exchange in all of crypto. Not to mention when masternodes get released and supply gets cut by an extreme fraction. They will wish for not being a believer

>> No.11733697

Ok so you’ll buy a coin that went x15 before an announcement. Or will you buy a coin that is literally at its lowest point ever prior to an announcement.
Quant=no working product
STNR= working product biggest exchange listing vote won with listing imminent (likely to announce listing date), supply cut, and masternode implementation soon. Also 1/12th quants marketcap do the math mate

>> No.11733731

>at its lowest point ever prior to an announcement.
Its not an announcement, its just another shitty blockchain conference full of Slavs. There are fucking loads of blockchain conferences across the world.

And we all know you have been caught replying to your comments under different ID's. We are are not as retarded as you, Omega.

>> No.11733817

They said they will be announcing special things so you’re wrong again

>> No.11733829

Omegamaker outed himself as john smith in this thread.

>> No.11734018

i am not john smith whatever makes you feel better

>> No.11734225

You dumb fucks look at the participants of the conference

>> No.11734237

47 eth buy wall on hotbit looks like somebody got the hint. This shit is going to explode

>> No.11734316

Buy walls are bearish. It’s probably Omegas wall pushing up the bid price so you buy his bags

>> No.11734334

Oh wait, you are Omega kek

>> No.11734338

sure buy walls that arent in the forefron. this isnt price manipulation this is actually somebody trying to buy in. keep fudding tho youll be left behind every min you wait

>> No.11734346

Just use your omega account, no need to swap between.Your language and writing style gives you away.

>> No.11734477

whatever poorfag. learn to take opportunities cuck

>> No.11734911

listings on korean exchange confirmed

>> No.11735307

why the fuck do you need a blockchain for this shit, who would ever use this?

>> No.11735396
File: 608 KB, 1348x1098, 838FE970-CD71-465F-8628-F51216DCED1F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want a taste of all the bagholders who are going to dump on you, the telegram has nearly 90000 people, this is how enthuastic they were around 10 minutes ago.See pic.

>> No.11735428

fuddster keep at it your only making people buy

>> No.11735752
File: 58 KB, 1750x242, Screen Shot 2018-11-13 at 8.22.58 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

update on the pump
25% gain

>> No.11735758
File: 15 KB, 420x420, 1908241132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SNTR is the next LINK

>> No.11735770

its like buying link sub 1 cent

>> No.11736164

Buy wall is still there not one sntr was sold to it. WE ARENT FUCKING SELLING

>> No.11736381

I can't wait until this coin starts going.

>> No.11736517

Nov 15

>> No.11736632

singularity November 15th

>> No.11737077


>> No.11737505

checked. 10x incoming.

>> No.11737634

im gonna call shill on this one, youve been dancing around IP's bud

>> No.11737737

ok your loss

>> No.11737941

Reminder: This is an utter shitcoin that has been out forever and has still only managed to be 2 million marketcap. You are being shilled by about 2 people using multiple IPs to generate hype for what is just another normal everyday blockchain conference.