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11727356 No.11727356 [Reply] [Original]

I sold my BCHSV at a profit. wrong move? should I have hodled?

>> No.11727366

good idea to take profit. it just seems too good to be true, that you would be able to 3x your money in 3days with SV winning the hash war. something is not right

>> No.11727374
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yes. they will be worth a lot in a couple of year because there won't be any other crypto left

if you sold for USD at a profit you are at least better off than those that hold on to the ABC version of BCH. those will disappear completely but your fiat will remain.

>> No.11727377

CSW said its illegal trading. he scared me.

>> No.11727382

I wish to buy back the winner after the fork. if I can only afford 7 out of 21, it's all good for me.

>> No.11727384
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people are underestimating what is about to happen. this is not a normal fork, it's not just an airdrop like so many times before. this has never happened before in the 10 years crypto have existed.

>> No.11727389

please, explain better, what is gonna happen?

>> No.11727425
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too late now, it'll begin shortly. enjoy your gains, have a nice dinner and watch the show.

>> No.11727432

well, I bought back 10 BCHSV-
i'll enjoy the show for sure>

anyway, ABC is pumping hard

>> No.11727542
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i don't think you'll regret that decision. just remember that it'll probably take years. i expect the price to crash hard in the meantime depending on how unusable crypto becomes

>> No.11727566

Buy BCH on an exchange. put on your ledger. It will be unlocked once the winner is known. No risk IMO. Or put on Bittrex.

>> No.11727585

whats up with binance? arent they supporting the fork?

>> No.11727791
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they are freezing bitcoin cash until they know which chain will be the winner.

as i said before this is NOT your regular "airdrop" fork! one chain will most likely die and if you only have BCH on that chain you will lose ALL your money.

some exchanges are pretending that BCH is splitting into two different coins because they make money from it when people trade. but that is not the reality of it.

there's three possible outcomes:
1. one chain dies and BCH remains.
2. one chain forks off with replay protection and creates a new crypto. the chain without replay protection keep the BCH ticker.
3. SV doesn't care about replay protection and just follow the ABC chain by mimicking the replay protection to make sure that it dies. then it proceeds to grow until it can eventually start killing off BTC.

official binance statement:

>> No.11727834
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also i would not keep any BCH on an exchange during the hash war. don't trust the exchange to handle the situation properly. if they fuck up and split coins you will lose all your money because they lose all their money.

there are three BCH kinds of during the hash war:
1. BCH that only exists on the ABC chain.
2. BCH that only exists on the SV chain.
3. BCH that only exists on both chains. This is "true BCH" that is guaranteed to remain after the hash war regardless of which side wins.

proper exchanges will list all three versions of BCH and they will make sure to not accidentally split their coins.

>> No.11727886
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>he sold?

>> No.11727922

Binance is safu

>> No.11728637
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Seems like Jihan Wu will be more of a background character from now on.

>> No.11728755


>after a long ass time you'll be back to where you got dumped on


>> No.11729017

who doesnt buy at least 1 sv is not ok

>> No.11729043

lol he's trolling you, this has happened almost an infinite number of times in the last 10 years lmao

>> No.11729091

Sell all for BTC and eth and you'll not o ly be safe, you'll also make gains quicker. The fork pantomime is a smokescreen while the big players exit to buy BTC before the incoming enormous pump.

>> No.11729164
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>> No.11729167


>> No.11729179
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double digit shitcoin


>> No.11729181


never, ever, repent a profit

it angers the gods