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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 158 KB, 1000x1000, LamboLink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11723796 No.11723796 [Reply] [Original]


Have you guys ever thought of the tax implications of selling your LINK once it goes to $1000 EOY??!??!

Some of you will probably owe millions in taxes LMFAO!!!!!!!!!


>> No.11723811

I'm gonna move to Monaco faggot

>> No.11723813

sounds like you got burned because you aren't patient enough to know how to trade.

>> No.11723820

Look at this brainlet, point and laugh at him. Most of us linkies have held over a year and not swing trading scum

>> No.11723821
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>> No.11723827


You sound like the guy who doesn't want to win the lottery because he's afraid of paying taxes out of his winnings. Brainlet.

>> No.11723840

Good point. It's better to sell and not have to pay millions and live the rest of my life poor than it is to wait and sell later and have to pay millions in taxes but still have millions left to live comfortably. Market sold my entire stack.

>> No.11723854

I've already held over a year so my tax rate goes to 15%. I can live with 85% of 20 million .

See ya later faggot

>> No.11723863
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>some of you will owe millions in taxe's

thats the most bullish news ever. i will gladly pay my tax's if i have several million dollars.

the absolute state of nolinkers

>> No.11723878

So where is a good country for a Burger like myself to move to in order to cash out and avoid crypto taxes? I hear Singapore is nice..

>> No.11723887


>> No.11723897

It is a hot sweaty armpit full of gooks. If you're into that kind of thing - great

>> No.11723899

Why would anyone sell link? You can stake for passive income the world has to use.

Only a brainlet would sell and not use their passive income to pay off debts and accumulate more Link.

>> No.11723906
File: 78 KB, 798x960, 1539052811328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reverse FUD(shill)
fucking retards, make me want to sell 2k position
gets it
bitmex hq in mexico

>> No.11723907

I have 12LINK....am....am I going to prison?

>> No.11723912


Fuck that means I'll only have 10 mil??? Confirmed link is a shit scam coin

>> No.11723916

You'll have to renounce your citizenship before withdrawing. So once you hit Monaco, go to US embassy, ask for the paperwork, and make sure you have the $5000 it costs to renounce your citizenship. No foreign bank will touch you if you're American.

>> No.11723921

That's what I hear, but I feel like it will have a more stable future than many other places today.

>> No.11723923

The most bullish FUD I have ever seen.

>> No.11723942

>ditch your (((American))) citizenship
>without first securing some other citizenship

Have fun being a stateless person.

>> No.11723961

Take your millions and go to Singapore, or the Bahamas.

>> No.11724254



>> No.11724554

>be stateless person
>try flying internationally

Yeah no. You need to secure citizenship anywhere else and then free yourself of (((American))) citizenship. It will literally be nearly impossible to get citizenship as a stateless person since you have no access to money or international travel.

>> No.11724593


The tax revenues from all the LINK profit taking will pay off the US national debt. Trump gets re-elected with 80% of the popular vote. Degeneracy gets banned by a new constitutional amendment.

We are the new Illuminati

>> No.11724617

This. Good luck ever getting American citizenship back easily if you fuck up.

>> No.11724665

>Degeneracy gets banned by a new constitutional amendment.

This holy fuck I can't wait. We're gonna ban all the degenerate filth.

>make shitty degenerate institutions like marriage illegal to BTFO all the roasties trying to entrap us men
>make it illegal to belong to foreign influence religions that Christianty which is part of the desert trilogy
>un American ideaology's like fascism and nazism and communism completely banned and libertarian death squads roam the streets killing all alt righters and SJW's alike
>every night on a national broadcast to the nation we promote wholesome imaginary like the bodies of our beautiful white American women to promote pride in being American, pride in being white. to promote good body image standards and to shame the fatties into thinning down
>all the most attractive white women will become nude models for the nation wide propaganda efforts to promote the new American body
>all other women will do their best to procreate the white race by having massive orgies all day long as we all have mega fuck fests and inseminate every woman we can find, no worries of cuckoldery because we are all mein huwhite brudders anyways
>non white women become slaves and we the masters

Imagine it lads.

>> No.11724971

Ok you got me I bought link

>> No.11724980

Dude. Darico.io has a debit card and exchange.

>> No.11725051

> he plans on selling his money generating asset to hand over money to the goys
just never sell anon dont you get it? you just hold the stinkies and live off the passive while compounding your crypto wealth

>> No.11725060

this anon. OP found out he owe a lot of taxes because he swingtrades and now hes trying to FUD the exact thing he was using to swingtrade.

>> No.11725077

I held for over year. Short term capital gains. Also paying 2 million out of my 10 million won’t be so bad.

>> No.11725088

*long term

>> No.11725159

checked and checked. I held for over a year as well and I will only be paying 0% because of my wagie income.

>> No.11725571

I will not pay any taxes at all cus I'm not a burger.

>> No.11725596


We gonna be rich as fuck even after paying taxes bro lololo LINK $1000 EOY is literally FUD!

>> No.11725603

does it still count as a year if you buy more after that year mark? It’s just a year from your initial buy-in right?

>> No.11725618
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>> No.11725764

this has to be bait. nobody can be this stupid.