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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 27 KB, 252x343, 1518554052798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11721682 No.11721682 [Reply] [Original]

Ask someone with over 2 million LINK anything

for those of you wondering how i feel
>Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds.

>> No.11721694

what are you going to do with your gains

>> No.11721697

Who do you think is going to foot the $2 billion bill for your bags?

>> No.11721698

Will we have an easier way to deploy a node?

>> No.11721710

What’s your endgame?

>> No.11721715

at what price will you dump your bags on us?

>> No.11721724

This could have been me. I could have bought 2 million LINK at the bottom and I didn't do it. It hurts. Congrats, OP, for playing it right.

>> No.11721730

How long have you been larping for?

>> No.11721731

probably buy a church and make a pepe with a giant cube
the trillion dollar worth of companies that want to get on the blockchain bandwagon and their incompetent developers used to writing "npm install" which will be the same way of writing smart contract with chainlink "chainlink create myapiservice.com POST"
yes, its going to be point and click with docker very soon
$1000 EOY

>> No.11721740

I have a meager 150 link, but I have 296,- ready to buy more. Should I do it or wait until the price drops a bit again?

>> No.11721758

I feel so insignificant only having procured 3500 LINK. Any uplifting words to share with a Linklet?

>> No.11721759

LINK is 100x bigger project than 0x which is at 400mil market cap while link is under 200mil, buying now or tomorrow makes no difference past the singularity

>> No.11721775

Well fuck me I'm convinced, see you at the >singularity

>> No.11721797

You're like ants to him

>> No.11721840

>probably buy a church and make a pepe with a giant cube
reality is gonna get that weird

>> No.11721870

Not buying your bags idiot fuck off

>> No.11721882

You won't be able to afford to EOY.

>> No.11721933
File: 36 KB, 400x500, 1525145297135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will you produce the movie and the "Precious memeries" -book?

>> No.11721946 [DELETED] 

Anon, for the love of God, if you are serious please send me 4500 Link. I'm on the verge of mental breakdown. I'm extremely lonely and hopeless. I have I can't afford to make my stack grow to 10k. 4500 Link would make me eternally grateful and I will promise to be a better person each day and make the world a little bit better. You would change a persons life. I promise. Thank you and God bless.


>> No.11721955
File: 4 KB, 318x159, (FACEBOOK POST DETECTOR BOT).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MODS!!!!!!!! THERE IS A DIRTY BEGGAR HERE!!!!!!!!!! MODS!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.11721977

Linkies are not beggars, we are the master race. You are disgracing your people.

Harden up marine, stop being a fucking faggot

>> No.11721981

Hope something terrible happens to you.

>> No.11721990


git gud

>> No.11722004

I thought we were going to start the 7777777 club? OP get with the fucking program you can just make your chapter of the club the legit headquarters by virtue of the money you can put into it...but don't change shit up. Just hold any religious services in the ballroom.

>> No.11722006

>slaps your face
have some self respect son. get to work so you can truly enjoy your wealth

>> No.11722012

You don't need to hope for anything. My life is already in complete disarray. I'm ill, lonely and depressed.

As you can see in my wallet history I'm one of the early guys, but I'm very poor and can't afford 10k. I have never sold a SINGLE Link in my life (My wallet history proves it). 4500 more would be a blessing.

>> No.11722028

Ban him. Ban him now.

>> No.11722045
File: 427 KB, 927x941, 1523851652547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have about 45 link but 45k from $10 is not bad

>> No.11722055

Draw a link cube on your forehead and post a pic, ill do it.
Me and Bizonnaci himself are in frequent talks on twitter

>> No.11722083

Post your portfolio

>> No.11722082


Anon 45 x 10 is not $45000 :(

>> No.11722087

>Anonymous (ID: i7k32uj9) 11/13/18(Tue)08:23:27 No.11722045▶>>11722082
>File: 1523851652547.png (427 KB, 927x941)
>I have about 45 link but 45k from $10 is not bad

oH you mean 45 x 1000

>> No.11722099

20k XMR 2mil LINK

>> No.11722103


>> No.11722246

shit youre basically me x10

>> No.11722276

Checked and correct

>> No.11722290

>Draw a link cube on your forehead and post a pic, ill do it.
I have a picture ready, just tell me how to upload it from my phone without doxxing myself and I'm good to go.

>> No.11722304

He spent $10 which got him 45 link. The 45k is how much they will be worth when $1000 per link.
You are a dizball

>> No.11722339

4chan wipes exif data anon, you're safe

>> No.11722500
File: 233 KB, 750x309, 1236CA41-CCEF-422E-91D9-CFADD9CC97B4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go anon. I hope it’s what you wanted.

>> No.11722624

Are you still there anon? I got banned on the other IP. I did what you asked for.

>> No.11722640


link will be fighting ripple for 3rd place within 9 months.

cap this.

>> No.11722803
File: 816 KB, 528x555, 1525482364671.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I only have 13.5k LINK
I don't really care. I could've had a lot more if I sold in january and rebought down the line but I held all the way instead as it dumped back to 15c because I believed in it. 13.5k is plenty enough for me. enough for a comfy modest life without being a slave.

>> No.11722845
File: 85 KB, 900x460, 78D940DE-0DDB-4171-8742-2952002FA802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened anon? I thought we had a deal...


>> No.11722867
File: 383 KB, 1920x1080, 1524954028969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11722873

What do you think of skycoin?

>> No.11722890

not one post itt asking for the wallet address
fucking pajeets and fuck off op you lying faggot

>> No.11722935
File: 25 KB, 704x528, 1516372303461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's a literal Pajeet

>> No.11723021

Post wallet address or btfo faggot. No one cares what you think you pedophile.

>> No.11723028

Don't you think 1 million is enough? You could be putting 250k into other projects and making gains sooner

>> No.11723127

>admitting to a ban evasion right after u get banned
some kids just never learn. cya in a month