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1171743 No.1171743 [Reply] [Original]

>You didn't buy TSLA

>> No.1171745
File: 155 KB, 666x292, elon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in elon we trust

>> No.1171746

Pity you only own 4 shares anon.

>> No.1171751

> 8% growth
Hardly meme worthy, I could point out dozens that did double digits overnight.

>> No.1172045

The difference is that we knew it was gonna grow

>> No.1172067
File: 514 KB, 500x477, QhaN3IT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I bought TSLA

>tfw I didnt sell it first thing this morning

>> No.1172077

i bought it when it dipped to 150's. Bought about 50 shares. To the moon BRO ski

>> No.1172078

I hope the cars do well sales-wise. They are quite nice looking.

>> No.1172677

ive never bought a stock but every crypto ive ever bought has made way more that 17%

>> No.1172690

yeah fuck 7% , SEC SafeExchangeCoin gave me 6000% profit & Rising!!! 5 sats to 300 sats!! Stocks are so 2014!!!

>> No.1172695

meant fuck 17%

>> No.1172700

utilities are sky high.

Doesnt that mean that Tesla cars are not affordable when petrol is so cheap?

The fact the model 3 is marketed as affordable raises even more concerns for me.

>> No.1172706

It doesn't matter how Tesla trades over the short term.

There is so much expectation already factored in to its price it's ridiculous.

Adding 7% to an already overpriced stock is just more pressure on the bubble before it bursts.

Truth is if you invest in Telsa today and hold for the long term you may never see a good return on your cash. The company has got so much to do before proving its worth its share price.

People seem to think of Tesla as the Apple of the car world.

I see Tesla more as the Nokia of the car world.

They could do very good over the next 10 years then get swamped once the market gets flooded by the major car companies.

Last year Tesla only sold as many electric vehicles in the USA as BMW. Don't think they're the only ones that will be on the market.

Whilst the world makes its transition to more efficient electric cars, the major car companies will be raking in cash from selling their internal-combustion engine cars. Tesla is relying only on its EV cars and will be fighting the other companies as they battle for market share.

Tesla has done an amazing job at marketing so far, but so did Nokia. I used to own a Nokia 3310 now I own a Samsung.

>> No.1172731

Never invest in hyped "early adaptor" companies, you're going to get cucked by the fierce competition later.

>> No.1172778

True that

>> No.1172801

>next 10 years
>not long term

the apple of the computer world used to be the tesla of the computer world, overpriced and impractical. i don't get the speculation either way but maybe i'm just not retarded enough. your sentiment relies on history excluding any small, innovative business from ever having sustained success. whether or not that's true, Tesla would still be important in the early transition, which probably takes a little longer than the adoption of better cell phones.

the stock itself is what the market wants it to be. and theres nothing stopping you from shorting it if you believe it isn't worth what it is.

>> No.1172844

> not long term

I think you're missing the point. Tesla the company and the Tesla share price are two different things.

Over the next 10 years Tesla the company might make a dent in to its already perceived share price, but at current levels the market is assuming Tesla is going to out sell Volkswagen.

i.e. most of the value in Teslas share price is just pure hope and wishful thinking. How much 'more' hope and wishful thinking can ramp the share price before the actual company has caught up and can pay its investors a real return on their initial investment? (Day-traders not included)

If you bought Tesla in 2012 - Well done

I very much doubt any smart money that bought in 2012 is still holding the stock now. They would have sold and bought the next big thing or plowed the gains in to already established companies that payout real cash.

Tesla is carrying a value that is far in to the unknown future and still has to prove itself. Either way, if you buy stock today, you're in for a long wait before you see a return on you're investment, the price is well ahead of itself.

> theres nothing stopping you shorting it.

I never short stock, I'm an investor not a trader/speculator. I've done very well over the last 10 years buying knowns and avoiding unknowns. Shorting is gambling, I always want my money working not sitting there just waiting for something to happen. Its also why I stay away from commodities. Although in the past i've made money from trading commodities, I prefer far more passive investments were I just sit and wait for the dividend cheques to hit my account.

>> No.1172874

Typ0: your*

>> No.1172903

Right now, you would be an idiot not to short stock.

>> No.1172913
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You're intelligent I could never write that out ... Feels bad man :/

>> No.1172914

People aren't investing in the company they're investing in the man.
After making SpaceX a success and making Tesla a "success" people see this guy as someone who can't lose, it' s his "destiny" to just win at everything he does .

>> No.1172916

Not really, theres no reason why the Tesla stock price wouldn't just stay within its current trading range until something comes along and knocks it off or 'well' in to the future the company catches up with its imaginary valuation. Even shorting it, you maybe in for a long wait.

I'd sell at any point now, if I owned and had made money on Tesla.

Theres a lot of cheap stock about at the moment, Low Oil price is depressing everything.

Why speculate when theres free money to be had buying good income producing companies?

Then again this is /biz/ where people ask questions like:

> Q: i've just inherited $100 from my aunt, how long before I never has to work again?

/biz/ thinking....

> A: bitcoin

>> No.1172931

I get that, Elon is an incredible visionary and a very very intelligent man. I'm a fan of Tesla cars they look great.

That said, I'm a personal investor that wants to be financially self-sufficient well before my retirement age. Tesla-stock is not a smart buy at current levels. The share price has multiple caveats weaved in to it.

If you're just a massive fan of the Brand and want to support Elon on his brilliant vision of the future like the way people buy in to crowd funding ideas, then by all means buy Tesla stock, its one avenue to support the Man and the Brand.

However, if you're buying or holding Tesla stock because you want to become filthy rich in the not too distant future; then you're looking at a far different picture of the future than I am.

>> No.1172937

I'm not a total noob in investment and study it actively but I really would be fucking grateful to get to talk to someone who has clear experience. The reality and studying are always such different concepts.
Is there any chance to get your skype or email or something, mang?
I can beta orbit you or something if you want in exchange.

>> No.1172938

that post you admire so much was in my opinion is unnecessary.

The first guy pointed out the potential of tesla as a company. Which is retarded seeing how hyped it is.

This person has just argued for hype, meaning he considers the general public and its opinions as legitimate.

>> No.1172952


Check this!

>> No.1172955

What, he said the opposite.
There's hype and buying into hype which is good if you jump in before the hype and sell on the hype. The market can stay crazy longer than you can stay sane, but going out of your way to put yourself to the risk of being a crowdfund for Elon Musks latest ELON MUSK INNOVATION is not a very sustainable way to work as an investor. What if Elon Musk dies racing, or commits suicide due to getting cucked once again by his ex-ex-wife or one day there will pop-out a company with a more charismatic man on top and it becomes all the hype?

Tesla is so overpriced the risk of hopping in is greater than the gains, the stock is overpriced in the multiples.
If Elon Musk dies, there's no Tesla. That is a fact, TESLA = ELON MUSK.

Now Tesla stock price is different from Tesla stock. Tesla is a good company with great ideas, Tesla stock is good stock when it comes to it being a part of the ownership of a company. As for it being at a good price and a good idea when it comes to making actual money?
A farfetched dream where you're getting less bang for your buck than hiring Lindsey Lohan to suck your dick for 20 gran. I am sure you can find on The Strip alone much more talented and less crackwhored ladies for about 20 bucks. If you're willing to spend 20 gran so your dick can be sucked by Lindsey Lohan because of the name Lindsey Lohan, that's great. It IS Lindsey Lohan and she's no ordinary cokewhore, but she's still an overpriced cokewhore. If you want to support Lindsey's cokehabits out of altruistic instinct that is very nice of you. It's not just something very economically viable if you're trying to make money.

>> No.1172963
File: 204 KB, 800x670, 0606 - QtybiHx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I didn't sell it at the opening bell yesterday and bought it again once it was low as shit

>> No.1172965

I don't think I 'argued for hype', whatever that even means.

> I pointed out to the OP that a 7% rise in day to day fluctuations is meaningless in an already overvalued company from a financial perspective.
> I objected to your call to short the stock as I'm risk averse and actively encourage people not to trade/gamble on unknowns. Yes the company is overvalued but that doesn't mean it will crash, it may mean it will languish in its overvalued state for an unknown time. You can buy an undervalued stock and collect dividend while waiting for it to rise, you can't collect dividends from a stock you're shorting. Dead money!
> I gave respect, were respect was due. I'm not anti Tesla, I'm anti throwing money away.

The original OP insinuated, why didn't you buy Tesla?... look its up 7%

The running theme of my posts has been.

> Don't believe the hype
> Make sound investments on knowns
> Avoid speculation
> Tesla's intrinsic value has a long way to go before it catches up with its perceived value. Its on a Price to Book of 28 FFS.

If you wanted to support Tesla because you believe in the Brand, a far better way to support them would be to simply buy their products.

>> No.1172972

>The market can stay crazy longer than you can stay sane

Great phrase.

>> No.1172975

Senpai, can I have your email or skype?

>> No.1172979

Sorry Anon, I like to remain Anon.

>> No.1172981
File: 208 KB, 964x771, farmer pepe for senpai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay it's cool, well, you can have my favourite pepe because you seem knowledgeable. Cherish it.

>> No.1173001

i just took your pepe and permanently ruined it with grafitii
now your favourite pepe is worthless trash

>> No.1173007
File: 729 KB, 964x771, 1459609598491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1173008

I like this super rare pepe. Its cool.

>> No.1173015

You also gotta factor all the bad press musk is getting

Divorce, Space X rockets explodan etc has seen him have a bad 6 months up to now

>> No.1173034

You just raised the value of my pepe, now it's even more rare. Thank you for it.

>> No.1173038

its 3.40 % right meow

>> No.1173614

>tfw bought it at the last peak @ $238.38
Almost broke even after that roller-coaster. FML

I'll probably exit the position soon.

>> No.1173617

I don't buy shit I don't like. General rule of thumb. Congrats on the gains though boys.

>> No.1173625

Hold it.

Tesla is going places.

>> No.1173627

Tesla is the spearhead in electrical technology advancement. Even if their cars get swamped, there is a very large chance that all other electric cars will be using their tech.

>> No.1173630
File: 10 KB, 225x225, oy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TFW I could have bought shit tons of shares in Sun microsystems in early 2003 when they were about 10 cents a share

>> No.1173659

You mean the patents tesla is allowing competitors to use for free?

>> No.1173673

I still don't get why Apple never bought out Tesla.

They're literally the same company style and philosophically, and Apple is trying to make a fucking electric car from scratch. And they need Musk to lead the company into the future now that Jobs is dead, and have a shitload of cash just sitting around.

I just can't understand why they didn't make the purchase, it seems like a match made in heaven and Apple's resources could really push Tesla over the top if they aren't there already.

>> No.1173687

>using iOS on the touchscreen

I just cringed at the thought of it. And no, Apple is nothing like Tesla. Apple is a bunch of faggot who have been doing the same shit for 8 years. Literally changed nothing.

Tesla is innovating and they are very interested in creating an autonomous car. I see a GOOGL and TSLA partnership for the self driving car very soon.


>> No.1173689


I do not use Apple products and am not a fan of the company but I think they would be a lot more suited for each other than a Google partnership.

Don't know why Apple would try and become a car company and not just buy Tesla. Seems like a huge fucking waste of money.

>> No.1173691

Google + Tesla = the future

>> No.1173696

Well the reason I don't see it happening mostly is because I don't think Google needs Tesla really and they'd both be better served going their own ways.

Apple needed Tesla.

>> No.1175183
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i wouldn't want to buy one let alone have them on the roads alongside me

>> No.1175190

I probably cut them off or brake check them.